ATF_Reuters.JPGFox News

Federal ATF agents in cities across the country reportedly used rogue tactics to go after guns on the street — allegedly exploiting the mentally ill, buying up weapons for way more than they’re worth and letting minors smoke pot and drink.

The details were included in an expose by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which reported earlier this year on an embarrassing set of blunders made by the Milwaukee arm of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.    Continue reading “ATF reportedly used rogue tactics in a half-dozen cities”

American Mercenary

Well I finally read the LTC Bateman opinion piece.  You can read the drivel here:

Make no mistake, LTC’s in the US Army do not put down words lightly.  He meant everything he put onto paper, and truly believes he is smarter than 5 US Supreme Court Justices.  So you have to ask what his agenda is, and why he is making it now?   Continue reading “LTC Bateman”

if you like your plan, you can keep your plan 2And they would have you think it was a benevolent group of concerned people.

The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

“You know how I define the economic & social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the crap out of the middle class. Keep em showing up at those jobs.”   Continue reading “The Shocking Truth About Who Wrote Obamacare”

Public Intelligence

Soldier’s Manual and Trainer’s Guide MOS 37F

Public Intelligence

National Incident Management System: Intelligence/Investigations Function Guidance and Field Operations Guide

WebMDThe Last Resistance – by Michael Minkoff

WebMD, the world’s second-most-popular website for health advice, has very quietly secured a government contract in which it agrees to promote Obamacare and educate doctors about it.

Representatives of the website have argued that this does not constitute a conflict of interest, since WebMD would be allowed autonomy to present its own take on medical news and advice, and this particular government contract affects only its private portal for doctors. That is, for now. A contract for educating the public about Obamacare is also under way.   Continue reading “WebMD Quietly Hired to Promote Obamacare”

The New Boston Tea Party – by Diane Sori

While we have all been focused on the disaster known as ObamaCare…diverted to focus on I should say…something very dangerous… something Barack HUSSEIN Obama sanctions… has silently and under the radar been creeping into the fabric of our American society…and its name is sharia law.

Creeping slowly over this year into cities across America, sharia law…a form of soft jihad…is the first step in Obama’s and his muslim buddies goal of turning our beloved America into an islamic caliphate. Here are but three examples:   Continue reading “Creeping sharia creeps along thanks to Barack HUSSEIN Obama”

sorosThe Independent Sentinel – by Sara Noble

Mr. Obama is using the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to execute a radical, far-left ideology.

He is filling up DHS positions with radical open borders attorneys they don’t need.

These revolutionaries, who come from organizations on the radical left, are being entrenched in high-paying lifetime positions. Even if a Republican Administration were able to get into office, they would not be able to get rid of these people.   Continue reading “Obama Is Filling DHS with Amnesty Revolutionaries Backed by Soros”

Why Is Homeland Security Taking Control of Local Police?The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

A key plank of the Obama administration platform seems to be the conversion of the local police into a fifth branch of the U.S. armed forces.

The means of accomplishing this goal is the doling out of millions of dollars from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to police departments and sheriffs’ offices around the country.   Continue reading “Why Is Homeland Security Taking Control of Local Police?”

IcelandLas Vegas Guardian Express – by Rebecca Savastio

Can you imagine participating in a protest outside the White House and forcing the entire U.S. government to resign? Can you imagine a group of randomly chosen private citizens rewriting the U.S. constitution to include measures banning corporate fraud? It seems incomprehensible in the U.S., but Icelanders did just that.  Icelanders forced their entire government to resign after a banking fraud scandal, overthrowing the ruling party and creating a citizen’s group tasked with writing a new constitution that offered a solution to prevent corporate greed from destroying the country.   Continue reading “Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud-No Word From US Media”

** FILE ** A Predator drone flies over Kandahar Air Field in Afghanistan. (Associated press)Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The drone issue is just another topic in which President Barrack Obama has proven himself to be a world-class liar and master of deception. Despite his claims that drone strikes do little damage to civilian populations, in July we discovered that “of the 746 people killed in drone strikes in Pakistan from 2006-2009, an incredible 20% were civilians and 94 (13% of the total) were children.”

I suppose that number just isn’t good enough, because The Pentagon has decided to change the rules of engagement when it comes to drone strikes, now making it easier to target civilians. From The Washington Times:   Continue reading “U.S. Military Changes Drone Rules To Make Targeting Of Civilians Easier”

Coloradoan – by Ivan Moreno

DENVER — A baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony must serve gay couples despite his religious beliefs or face fines, a judge said Friday.

The order from administrative law judge Robert N. Spencer said Masterpiece Cakeshop in suburban Denver discriminated against a couple “because of their sexual orientation by refusing to sell them a wedding cake for their same-sex marriage.”   Continue reading “Judge orders Colorado cake-maker to serve gay couples”


Nelson Mandela was a radical Marxist and a firm advocate of abortion, pornography, homosexuality and legalizing prostitution, according to a prominent Christian missionary who was summoned to the home of the South African president.

Rev. Peter Hammond, founder of Frontline Fellowship and Africa Christian Nation, has worked for nearly 30 years helping persecuted Christians in Africa. As a result of Hammond’s visit with Mandela – in which the missionary laid hands on the president and prayed for him to see abortion for what it really is, the merciless slaughter of innocent human life – Hammond was subjected to a 13-year audit of his organization.   Continue reading “Nelson Mandela was a Radical Marxist”

In Death, as in Life, Truth About Mandela OverlookedThe New American – by Alex Newman

With the widely anticipated passing of South African revolutionary leader Nelson Mandela late Thursday, December 5, presidents and dictators from around the world — as well as everyday people, and especially the press — are in mourning. Lost amid the tsunami of praise and adoration, almost canonization even according to some of his supporters, however, is the truth about the man himself, who was, after all, still just a man.   Continue reading “In Death, as in Life, Truth About Mandela Overlooked”

Fox News – by Shannon Bream

President Obama has repeatedly pledged, “If Congress refuses to act, I’ll do everything in my power to act without them,” and as he makes good on his promise it’s sparking criticism from both the right and left.

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing this week, GOP lawmakers repeatedly expressed frustration with the president’s end-runs around Congress on everything from non-enforcement of immigration laws to massive re-writes of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).     Continue reading “Obama’s end-runs around Congress spark bipartisan criticism”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) fears that the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws could lead to Obama himself failing to enforce election laws, a concern voiced amidst calls by some for Obama to run for a third term in office.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, Gowdy asked Simon Lazarus, senior counsel to the Constitutional Accountability Center, “If the president can fail to enforce immigration laws, can the president likewise fail to enforce election laws?”   Continue reading “Congressman Fears Obama Could Suspend Election Laws”

chick_fil_a.jpgFox News

Chick-fil-A says it’s removing high-fructose corn syrup from its white buns and artificial dyes from its sauces and dressings as part of a push to improve its ingredients.

The fast-food chicken chain says the reformulated buns are being tested in about 200 Georgia locations, while the sauces and dressings will be tested starting early next year. It says it also removed a yellow dye from its chicken soup and that the new recipe should be in all restaurants by the end of this month.   Continue reading “Chick-fil-A removing artificial dye, high fructose corn syrup”

COLB1The Hagmann & Hagmann Report 

“The government that has developed since F.D.R. and his New Deal is Government by the bureaucracy and for the bureaucracy. We the little people have become nothing more than serfs to the State.” —Douglas Vogt

Wednesday, 4 December 2013:  Americans have been victimized by one of the worst and most insidious crimes in American history – a forgery that involves Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro. It is a conspiracy of Marxists and Islamists that has put one of their own in as President of the United States to destroy the country from within and convert our Constitutional Republic into a socialist police state.   Continue reading “Exposing the Obama forgery”

ARS Technica – by Casey Johnston

The company E2V has developed a prototype device that uses a radio-frequency pulse to shut down a car’s engine at range, according to a report from the BBC. While the range of the device is fairly short, it worked on a handful of cars and motorbikes and could also potentially be used on boats.

The product, named the RF Safe-stop, works by sending an RF pulse to a car at up to 50 meters (164 feet) away. The pulse “confuses” the car’s electronic systems, which the BBC said made the “dashboard warning lights and dial [behave] erratically.” The engine then stalls, and the car comes to a stop. How safely and quickly the vehicle would stop depends on the vehicle, and this technique would not work on older vehicles.   Continue reading “New product shuts car engines off with a radio pulse”

Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Yesterday, Breitbart News ran two stories related to the closure of the Doe Run primary lead smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri. Doe Run was the last primary smelter in the United States, which turned galena ore into the purest form of lead. The facility was unable to meet tightening EPA demands, and chose to shut down.

Allen West—a patriot I greatly admire—claimed that the closure amounted to backdoor gun control from the EPA, which certainly feels right considering the rogue nature of the agency and the rogue nature of our current President. Unfortunately, his claim is incorrect.   Continue reading “No, the Doe Run primary smelter closure isn’t going to affect ammo prices, and it isn’t backdoor gun control”