Now that the Iowa Caucus is in the record books, contrary to Trump’s demand for a redo, the respected party brokers are eager to weed out the hanger-on’s. Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul and Martin O’Malley are gone. The GOP Party, started in 1854, is circling the wagons behind their establishment pick, Marco Rubio and the Democratic National Committee, founded in 1848, will do everything necessary to see that Hillary Clinton gets her chance to steal their selection. All of this chicanery is being practiced by two private political power hungry organizations. Proprietary rules and internal arbitration is the hallmark of party control and discipline, which ensures that the final outcome goes as the money interests deem.   Continue reading “Primaries and Caucuses Take a Backseat to Party Insiders”

BATR, May 29, 2011

The 20th Century was the most destructive era in history. Deaths from all the wars and the genocides estimated at 160 million may seem small if the planet descends into the approaching holocaust. Globalization is the catchword of the ruling class. Sovereign nations are obsolete to the corporatists. Militarization for suppressing conflicts is the mission, since warfare among nations are passé. The old alliances based upon ethnic composition or ideology has vanished. Only dissenters against the New World Order pose a threat to the Novo Ordo Seclorum.   Continue reading “NOVO ORDO SECLORUM – NeoCon Hell on Earth”

BATR – by James Hall

When Corporatocracy published the article, Corporate Inversion Relocation almost two years ago, little attention or coverage in the financial press could be found on the tax avoidance practice of inversion. Now that Hillary Clinton denounced the $16 billion (€14.7 billion) merger of Johnson Controls and Tyco International, the subject is coming to the forefront. A fine account of this controversy is published in the European press, Follow the Money. A wealth of financial data and charts are available in this translated version from the column.   Continue reading “Inversion to Ireland is the Shamrock for Corporatists”


When looking back from the perspective of the 1800’s America, the experience in the 20th and certainly the 21th centuries, has been a consistent and total repudiation of the underpinnings of civil liberties. With the widespread rejection of natural law, the secular humanism of the worldly culture has replaced the time tested and well-grounded principles that are the basis of Western Civilization. The sacredness of the individual has withered to the winds and drifts of arbitrary circumstance. Relative significance has replaced timeless permanence. Civil Liberties are not temporary or discretionary. Society cannot exist as an educated and respectful union among variegated parts, when the sanctity of personhood is not respected and protected.   Continue reading “Why Civil Liberties are No Longer Defended?”

BATR – by James Hall

The joy of driving was once an important part of the American Dream. Take to the open roads meant freedom and adventure. The utilitarian objective of moving from one place to another just does not seem to possess the same romance. As with all reminiscences of the past, the lingering memories like to keep the good times close and block out the troubles when possible. This same trait can be applied to the distinctly national love affair with the auto. But as with all things, times move on and many in the tech community believe that the next advancement in land travel will come from an AI revolution.   Continue reading “Driverless Vehicles Powered by Artificial Intelligence”


Any unmasking of the shadow forces that pull the strings that often determine events requires a time frame context. Historical study can go back to antiquity for classic examples of surreptitious intrigue, but in an age of distorted and diachronic mind control, the creation of the CIA by President Truman was our modern day and literal water shed monument. Coming out of the Office of Strategic Services, the brainchild of Wild Bill Donovan developed into the playpen of Allen Dulles. The OSS origins on their face are clandestine by nature. Spooks and spies might be a trendy name for a board game, but when the pieces on the squares are pushed in direction of liquidation and oblivion, the uninitiated are truly the uneducated, for not grasping their significance. Being one of those pieces requires the responsibility of every citizen to wake up out of their lethargy.   Continue reading “The CIA’s Presidents”


As-salamu alaykum (the peace be upon you (plural) and Shalom (peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility) may have different nuances but both express a similar intent of goodwill. In reality, not much benevolent friendship exists in the eternal cauldron of Semitic hatred. Genetic and blood feuds have proliferated throughout history, but the foremost difference in this ongoing struggle is that the prospects of initiating a nuclear holocaust are reaching a meltdown radiation level. Human comprehension of the actual devastation from a nuclear strike, much less an all out exchange of warheads cannot be understood by playing a video game or watching a media presentation.   Continue reading “Middle East a Cauldron of Horror”

BATR – by James Hall

When the international financial press presents their standard explanation for the panic decline in the Chinese stock market, most want to tamp down the acute apprehension that the long awaited global depression is now at hand. Well, the International Business Times in their account on the China Stock Markets, makes a very insightful appraisal.

“Some analysts say the acceptance of the Chinese yuan into the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights basket of reserve currencies late last year may have strengthened China’s determination to allow the exchange rate to be set by the market — as it seeks to make the currency fully convertible within the coming years.”   Continue reading “The Chinese Market Crash”


Ladies and Gentlemen; the Imperial Storm Troopers are ready to neutralize the threat from the American people against the Colonial Empire. Obama has declared war to the cheers of the progressive imbeciles, who are the most avid abettor of the Totalitarian Collectivist society. You may not get a visit from ATF, DHS or FBI any day soon, but you can be sure your society is being SWAT by the government domestic terrorists carrying out the wishes of a tyrannical regime. The political class and the underlings that implement their illegitimate dictates want to disarm the public out of fear the peasants may storm the castle. Guns and bullets are only instruments of protection. The crucial war on populist independence is waged against the minds, hearts and souls of thinking and fearless Americans.   Continue reading “Disarm Americans Ensure Full-blown Submission”

BATR – by James  Hall

Economists, stock pickers and financial analysts are eager to play the forecast game. Clients of these erudite soothsayers would like you to believe that their study of trends and markets are founded on empirical maxims. What they carefully avoid admitting is that predicting the political climate is even more important than knowing the direction that monitory central banking will follow. 2016 promises to be a pivotal year. Depend upon the overactive drive of a lame duck President to complete his task of ruining the economy before he leaves office.   Continue reading “Future of Corporatism in 2016”


The theatrics from a presidential campaign cycle is some of the best entertainment that a political junkie can hope for. Imagining that the electoral process has even a remote connection that reflects the will of the people is one of the idiocies that Americans delude themselves with in order to rationalize that the country is ruled under democratic elections. At the outset, elections are actually a selection ratification provided by the party hacks and media gatekeepers that serve their supra-elite masters.   Continue reading “2016 Presidential Unreality Show”

BATR – by James Hall

What does a CEO do when the economy is in a persistent down turn and your business cannot expand or grow? Jump at the time tested strategy of acquisition to gain market share seems to be the response in 2015. Yet a merger is no sure thing. Anyone remember AOL’s deal to buy Time Warner. How did that turn out? Just how much additional efficiency can be squeezed out of any company? In the era of part time contract workers and low wages, all the fat has been long gone. As for research and development in new technology or products, how will such innovation be marketed in an economy infatuated with the promise of Amazon Prime drone deliveries?   Continue reading “Business Mergers Soar in 2015”

BATR – by William B. “Nostradamus, Jr.” Kaliher

Producing this year’s soon-to-be amazingly accurate predictions was a virtual miracle. I, Nostradamus Jr., spent the month of August and the following two fortnights drunk as a coot on Carolina shine with Lucille (oh those deliciously dangerous curves) at Big Earl’s House of Porn & Bait Shop.  Round about late September,  I wandered out to the edge of the woods, and being about nineteen sheets to mild hurricane winds, thought it a good idea to wrassal a bigfoot name Norm I’d met years earlier while tormenting an alligator near Hell Hole swamp. Well, I was so whooped up and worn out by the time I pinned Norm in a two-out-of -three match, I wasn’t certain I could keep drinking. I forgot all about my duty to make predictions and walked with Norm as far as the Appalachians to hibernate with some black bears while I recovered.  I finished off three triple-X jugs of hootch and tucked myself in between them fat, snoozing bears.   Continue reading ““Nostradamus, Jr.” Kaliher’s Annual Top 101 Predictions for 2016”

BATR – by James Hall

If you want to know how the “so called” Free Trade exponents think about exports, just analyze the impact and actual beneficiaries of the US House passes bill to lift 40-year ban on oil exports.

“The crude export restrictions were introduced in the US in 1975 in the middle of the energy crisis. They followed OPEC’s oil embargo of the US and other countries backing Israel during the Arab–Israeli war of 1973. In the face of embargo-related high oil prices, Washington eased the limits on oil imports and ordered an export ban.”   Continue reading “Congress Eliminates Export Oil Ban”

BATR – by James Hall

Government funding of companies provides a steady stream of support for tech developing innovations. One vehicle for facilitating this relationship can be found in an entity called, In-Q-Tel. IQT describes their function as: “In-Q-Tel is the independent, not-for-profit organization created to bridge the gap between the technology needs of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and emerging commercial innovation. We invest in venture-backed startups developing technologies that provide ready-soon innovation (within 36 months) vital to the IC mission. These technology startups are traditionally outside the reach of the IC; in fact, more than 70 percent of our portfolio companies have never before done business with the government.”   Continue reading “CIA Funding of Tech Companies”


Any discussion on the Federal Reserve inevitably will revert into the role of Jewish Bankers in the failures of the central bank. Resistance from the current Jackals of Jekyll Island prevents a Federal Reserve audit. The identity politics that absorb the banking elites usually revolves on money. However, when the financial establishment unites to shield the Fed to protect the likes of Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen, one needs to ask why are Jewish Banksters put in charge of the central bank? Identity politics of the tribe comes to the rescue. The mere notion of asking such a question requires a slap down and charges of hatred.   Continue reading “Jewish Banksters Identity Politics”

BATR – by James Hall

Espionage is about gathering information. When foreign interests conduct such operations it is usually called spying. When corporations seek to acquire trade secrets from a competitor, it often becomes a case for legal litigation. In business terms, just what is the best way to view stealing secrets? Investopedia defines ‘Economic Espionage’ accordingly.

“The unlawful targeting and theft of a nation’s critical economic intelligence. Economic espionage may include the clandestine acquisition or outright theft of invaluable proprietary information in a number of areas including technology, finance and government policy. Economic espionage differs from corporate or industrial espionage in a number of ways – it is likely to be state-sponsored, have motives other than profit or gain (such as closing a technology gap) and be much larger in scale and scope. Recognizing the threat from such activity, the U.S. signed the Economic Espionage Act into law in October 1996.”   Continue reading “Corporatist Economic Espionage”


How come the really bad guys never get assassinated? In the past this question would not have the same relevance, but since the New World Order engulfed the planet, individual crowned heads have been relegated to ceremonial functions. For Americans the triple play of JFK, MLK and RFK, 1963 -1968 years proved to be a watershed. A compelling argument that the NWO put into motion the final stage of their master plan, after these shootings, add additional credence.   Continue reading “Political Assassination – Terror or Plots”

BATR, July 11, 2010

The Disunited States of America is no longer a country of national union. From the inception of the U.S. Constitution, factions continually vied for power. Yet there was a blueprint of basic precepts generally accepted as the law of the land. The appearance of legitimacy was shattered a century and half ago, that foretold the “War of Northern Aggression”. The American Revolution permanently betrayed is but a memory of past glories. The rule of law now relegated to an exhibit in a wax museum.   Continue reading “A Banana Republic Ripe for a Coup d’état”

BATR – by James Hall

With the approach of the much ballyhooed Paris Climate Summit, the world is being conditioned to accept the spread of the renewable energy gospel. As shams go this one is a doozy. Absent from the filtered media coverage is the actual record of failure and fraud that produces more bankruptcies than usable energy. Hold onto your socks, the waste of public money is about to accelerate. All these projects will enrich the few, while soaking the multitude. Aye, global warming is such a blessing . . .   Continue reading “Renewable Green Energy Bankruptcies”