BATR – by James Hall

There is not a single American alive that has a recollection of a time without a Federal Income Tax. Yet, the country existed and prospered greatly before the constitution was perverted to fleece the pockets of Americans. As with most deceptive schemes to defraud, the sales pitch seldom resembles the reality of the final outcome. The fact that the excessive growth, reach and scope of the District of Criminals government has developed into an oppressive empire during this time, is no accident.   Continue reading “Another Record Collection from Federal Taxes”


Lest we forget, this country was forged out of a concerted desire to free the shackles of the British Empire, so that colonies could chart their own course for individual state governments. If only people understood this historic fact. Since so few are familiar with the actual cornerstones of the America Revolution and the latest generations know even less, the indoctrination from government schools has stripped out the quest for knowledge of what made America different. Consider a virtual reality time travel back two hundred and forty-one years to the start of the most important revolution of all times.   Continue reading “Time Travel Back to Shot Heard ‘Round the World”


You live in a society of malcontents ruled by a system of authoritarians. The conflict between unrealistic expectations and the raw force used to compel compliance is growing more intense. Only the walking dead are happy. Any thinking and intelligent person knows that the political hierarchy has lost its legitimacy. The result of the Curse of Multiculturalism has created a mentality malaise that chewed up our institutions, denigrated our social values and produced a progressive asylum of sick and disturbed free loaders. All the while the entrenched political class sucks the life blood from the average citizen, while lining their own pockets with public funds.   Continue reading “A Country of Nihilist Oligarchs”

BATR – by James Hall

For all those sun baked brains that see salvation in renewable nirvana, the imminent demise of SunEdison is the latest case that creative green economics is the path to insolvency. After studying the tangled web of cross collateralization and rehypothecation of debt, the WSJ announcement is inevitable, SunEdison Said to Be Preparing to File for Bankruptcy. “Solar-energy company SunEdison Inc. plans to file for bankruptcy protection in coming weeks, a dramatic about-face for a company whose market value stood at nearly $10 billion in July.”  Continue reading “SunEdison Green Power Bankruptcy Inevitability”

BATR – by James Hall

Establishment economists are the first vindicators that having a weak currency is essential to foster international trade. The utter absurdity that a nation can prosper when their coin of the realm buys less is inherently illogical. Yet, for the globalists, maintaining the myth that promoting exports in a system that is designed around transporting our domestic manufacturing capacity overseas is intellectually incongruent. So what is the essential argument for having a strong currency?   Continue reading “What Currency Has the Highest Purchasing Power?”


A ship of fools setting sail on a collision course can only result in the sinking of the election process. Civil disobedience is a valid tactic to confront abusive power. However, to intentionally disrupt the Free Speech dialogue of a Presidential campaign misses the legitimacy of opposing truth to power. Donald Trump is not a public official and has no civic authority to demonstrate against. Yet, the brainless minions that make up the ranks of twisted lunacy are in the service of a Soros funded and nihilist agitator system, intent upon destroying America.   Continue reading “Planned Soros Sponsored Disruptions of Elections”


There is immense confusion about the nature of the State. There is even more bewilderment about what constitutes a patriot. Any discussion in the civic realm begins with a cultural viewpoint. An attitude toward the proper role of the individual’s relationship with government based upon one’s value system and interpretation of civil order is natural. One man’s patriot is another man’s traitor. Where do you stand on the sentiments behind the penning of the below ideas? Quiz yourself and see if you can figure out the name of the author.   Continue reading “Number ONE Enemy of the State”

BATR – by James Hall

The UK media is out in force to scare Brits from voting to leave the European Union. Thursday June 23: Date of the in/out referendum is set for the vote. Just the notion that an actual plebiscite will take place on such an important issue, is encouraging. Proponents of exiting the EU are natural allies in the struggle to promote national populism. The long and distinguished history of England has an opportunity to show the world that the voice of the people can register a resounding repudiation against the technocrats of an unelected European Union.  Continue reading “Brexit Defiance of the EU”

BATR – by James Hall

No better example on how the actually world operates can be found than the Corporatist argument that all the opposition to TPP is just wrong. Really ??? Understand that the record of trade agreements have been greatly beneficial to Transnational Corporations. So it is natural that enterprises that seek to crush competition, favor the term FREE, when in reality the practice of conducting commerce on highly structured agreements, eliminates upstarts and squeeze out weak rivals. TPP has finally taken off the mask for all to see.

Still, the sway of the corporatocracy influence is so powerful that establishment economists, main stream business media, and election money dependent politicians are beating the drums in spite of the growing public opposition to the disastrous consequences in TPP.   Continue reading “Corporatists Mobilize to Prevent TPP Opposition”


In the previous essay, The CIA’s Presidents, the influence of the intelligence community in directing and controlling the office of the presidency is presented. But before the clandestine spooks developed their sway on policy and intrigue, the absolute power behind the throne, crowned their lineage selection with the full mashaḥ anointing from the Bankster tribe. The masses are not part of this universe. Their role is to bow down to the chief executive that has been picked for them to obey. The actual person is less important than keeping the line of authority in the family.   Continue reading “Presidents are selected by Blood and Banksters”


Any discussion on liberty presupposes an understanding of human nature. Today, the utter confusion and distorted mindset of humankind, relegates animal instincts, as the premier motivation for salacious existence. The criteria for a cordial civilization have long been “consigned to the dustbins of history“. Standards for civil and moral conduct are debased by a global disintegration to achieve the ‘good’ for the hunt of acting ‘nice’. Polite and pleasant facades are no substitute for truth and meaning. Yet, the heights of evil transactions seem to be hailed routinely, as the only achievement that power hungry sociopaths aspire to impose on the rest of the planet. Never-ending conflict is inherent in the human condition, while the state of liberty is unusual and resides within the character of the ethical spirit.   Continue reading “Human Liberty Is Doomed”

BATR – by James Hall

Economists and professional investors follow the Baltic Dry Index because it is a leading indicator on the forecast for international trade. A week ago this gauge hit an all time low. Since then a small upturn has moved the index upward slightly. Hellenic Shipping News observes in Baltic Dry Index climbs to 349, up 7.

“Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.”   Continue reading “International Trade Sinks with the Baltic Dry Index”


With all the turmoil and uncertainty coming from this election cycle, one constant is already known. U.S. Foreign Policy is well under the control of the international interventionists. The career globalists on the American payroll continue to push for more and greater engagements. Step back and consider the premise. Seldom is there an international involvement that is not eagerly embraced, funded and expanded. Based upon this premise, the record of continued failures is better understood. The systemic decline of a once great nation has developed into a pathetic deterioration of an imperial empire.   Continue reading “No Change in Foreign Policy from 2016 Standard-bearers”

BATR – by James Hall

What exactly is a public utility? If you listen to the government officials in New York State, a foreign company is just dandy and will qualify from the Public Service Commission as a provider of electricity. While this may be old news, the continued adverse fallout from foreign ownership can no longer be flittered away. The latest approval of rate increases goes as an example of how the entire political favoritism system operates. The Buffalo N.Y. News reports, You’re likely to see higher electric bills soon.   Continue reading “Foreign Ownership Translates into Higher Electric Bills”


Americans are most forgiving of their former Presidents. When they leave office, most people forget about all the shenanigans and sweet heart arrangements. On the surface, Obama looks like a relative novice when compared to the Bushes and Clintons. Hey, give him a little slack. He is just ready to get started. By any evaluation, the net worth of the Obama’s is mere chump change from the rarified air of the Trump Towers. Making money at the end of the office term is understandable. Few folks would expect Obama to be the next Jimmy Carter, when he has to pay for his own golf vacations.   Continue reading “How much did Barack Obama rip-off while President?”

BATR – by James Hall

No matter what you think about political campaigns, most would certainly agree that they are very expensive. The networks and cable broadcasters have reaped huge profits from the carnival cycle of campaigning entertainment. Civility is simply not good for business. Enlightened discourse is boring and the high moral plane is only good for losers. Much like watching the carnage from a war zone or street riots in the hood, the TV cameras focus on the most controversial confrontations and ignore calls of cooperation. Politics is just too good of a blood sport to allow a modifying influence to temper down the mudslinging.    Continue reading “Media Moguls Cash in on another Election”


Whatever you think or believe about the Catholic Church, the latest dust up between the current Pontiff and Donald Trump may seem trite, but actually reveals a fundamental difference in the meaning of being a Christian. When Pope Francis Suggests Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian’, such a troubling account reported in the New York Times, should alarm believers and non-believers alike. An integral part of this issue must acknowledge a startling distinction on the basei of law and how it relates to the concept of a Christian Church.   Continue reading “Catholic Church based upon Roman vs Anglo Saxon Law”

BATR- by James Hall

The test run proved that negative interest rates can push savers into minus territory. Public outrage, while registered is not heard by the central bankers. The reasoning that commercial banks will start making loans because of the cost of sitting on deposits is pure fantasy thinking. As the article, Low Interest Rates Impoverish Savers shows,

“How long will people accept this thief? The options to parking cash in hand with a FDIC insured institution seems worth an examination. However, few alternatives for working class savers exist. Surely, this occurrence is intentional because the real objective of the “New Normal” is to bankrupt Middle America. What other conclusion makes sense?”   Continue reading “U.S. Banks Ready for Negative Interest Rates?”


What can be said about a culture that continues to watch, much less listen to the drivel that masquerades as professional journalism? Anyone who is exposed to the continuous assault on common sense and intellectual integrity must resent the insults to the intelligence of the average voter. An electorate tunes into this charade of managed and filtered questions out of habit and certainly not from a motivation of discovering solutions. The bottom line is that the entire process of Presidential election coverage is designed to keep people in the dark.   Continue reading “Mainstream Media Establishment Gatekeepers at the Presidential Debates”

BATR – by James Hall

Flying in those friendly skies has never been better for the corporate airlines. As for the cattle that is herded into the pens, the exhilaration and excitement has long faded into storm clouds. No doubt that in a competitive economy, enterprises must make a profit to survive, much less prosper. The airline industry does not have the same romance of a Yankee Clipper flight to China, but the amenities of sacking out in style certainly improves the hardship of travel. So what about the economics of the air passenger sector? A CNN reports says it all Airlines saved $11 billion on fuel. You saved 8 bucks.   Continue reading “Fly the Friendly Skies on Cheap Fuel”