Video Rebel’s Blog

Why would you give a vaccine to someone who already has an antibody? They have already been exposed and have developed an immunoglobulin response to a past infection. Why not use the people who have developed immunity to help protect vulnerable populations? Why aren’t we using Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamin D 3 and Type 1 Interferons. Lockdowns are criminal extortions. People are harmed because they cannot work and pay their bills. It will be very difficult to detox from a covid vaccine you were forced to take just to get back to work. You are only protecting 0.1 to 0.3% of the population who would be at risk from the coronavirus? Our herd immunity is almost already here. Continue reading “Dr Mikovits: Vaccine Could Kill Tens of Millions in America”

Video Rebel’s Blog

“We have to pass the bill to, well, find out what is in the bill” Nancy Pelosi 2009

“If Congress isn’t going to convene until the bill is ready to vote on… who the hell is writing the bill?” Tom Massie 2020

Catherine Austin Fitts said in 1995 the decision was made to pull the plug on America. Wall Street Bankers since then have stolen $50 trillion from American taxpayers. The level of corruption was high when Israel was able with the assistance of the CIA (Cocaine Importing Agency), the FBI and the Secret Service to kill President Kennedy. Continue reading “Destroying America 1963 To 2021.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the Bankers and the elite people control the world. Aaron Russo

Catherine Austin Fitts, who had been Undersecretary of HUD (Housing and Urban Development) under Jack Kemp in the Bush I administration, has noticed that in both Kenosha, Wisconsin and in Minneapolis, Minnesota that the rioters are burning down and burning out small businesses so that an Opportunity Zone can replace the entire area with federally funded development money. She sees the riots as a Deep State Op which probably has mercenary military contractors involved. Continue reading “Catherine Austin Fitts: The Deep State Chaos Op”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The main obstacle to a stable and just world is the United States of America.

George Soros

What did Kamala Harris do to earn the nomination for vice-president? She declined as California Attorney General to prosecute One West Bank in 2013 for abusing tens of thousands of minority borrowers who had been conned into subprime mortgage backed security loans. Steve Mnuchin was running One West in behalf of his more prominent business partners, George Soros and Warren Buffett. Continue reading “Kamala Harris. Destroyer of Worlds”

Video Rebel’s Blog

We are now entering a period when survival is questionable. My regular readers know that I have predicted that the next Big Thing in America apart from the 2020 elections will be Nationwide Food Riots which could be followed by the systematic destruction of American cities. There is an alternative to starvation and violence. We could learn to garden. I have written a series of articles on gardening at my new blog- Grand Solar Minimum Gardening. Continue reading “Surviving The Next Five Years”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Nothing can be done to bring Israel to justice as long as the Jewish Lobby controls the Corporate Media, both political parties, the Foundations and Academia.

We are currently being frightened into accepting a dubious vaccine that comes with digital certificates which will function like an electronic version of the Mark of the Beast. We will not be allowed to work, to travel, to assemble, to buy or sell without the permission of Bill Gates and the National Security Agency. Continue reading “Israel Did 911 And Israel Killed JFK”

Video Rebel’s Blog

For the benefit of those who were educated in California public schools, a 60% pay cut means that your $20 an hour after taxes job will soon be paying $8 an hour.

Who is the Boss? David Rothkopf was the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. Continue reading “Bosses: Give Americans A Permanent 60% Pay Cut.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

David Rothkopf was the CEO of Kissinger Associates. He wrote Superclass in which he said the world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. Imagine their thoughts of disgust at 2020. Biden stopped that crazy man Bernie Sanders but Biden is clearly not up to the task. Joe can no longer read from a teleprompter for even just a minute without his mind wandering. His campaign days are over. So what’s next for Mr Globalist?

Let me emphasize that the decisions to be made will be made by the 30 Families and not by you and me until the Dollar Dies and we survive long enough to take over whatever remains of their government.  Continue reading “What To Do? Replace Biden? Kill Trump?”

Video Rebel’s Blog

My friend Mark posted a Bitchute version of ShadowGate before all of the YouTube versions can be taken down. The Views counter seems to be stuck since yesterday for those videos. The two Emergency Room doctors talking about coronavirus had 5.5 million views before their video was struck down. And the Frontline Doctors press conference was taken down after 17 million views. Continue reading “Millie Weaver’s ShadowGate And Civil War II”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Harris has been a staunch supporter of the drug war. As San Francisco D.A. she opposed a measure to legalize marijuana. As district attorney, Harris oversaw 1,900 convictions for pot offenses. She admitted to smoking pot at college. (1)

Trump criticized Kamala Harris over her harsh treatment of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh at his hearings. However, Kamala Harris said last year that she believed the accusations of several women who claimed Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden sexually assaulted them. (2) Continue reading “Kamala Harris: An Annotated Guide”

Video Rebel’s Blog

It is called the Bill of Rights not of privileges. We now have restrictions on breathing. If we subtract out New York and New Jersey covid deaths, we have a low rate of death. Most are dying from other diseases and are dying with the disease and not from the disease.

Arthritis is joint inflammation. Osteoarthritis is not inflammation. Continue reading “Reversing Arthritis in a Time of Crisis”

Video Rebel’s Blog

On June 6th the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) sued the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and HHS (Health and Human Services) to remove restrictions on the use of Hydroxychloroquine which combined with the natural anti-viral zinc has cured patients when they first show symptoms.

Pharmacists still are being pressured to refuse to fill prescriptions for HCQ.  Continue reading “HHS Sitting On 150 Million Doses of HCQ”

The government felt they had to be doing something so they took artillery pieces from old warships. They fired 80 pound warheads. Half of the 60,000 Britons who died during the Blitz were killed by British artillery. 20,000 to 30,000 shells were fired every night. It is estimated that only 1 in 20,000 shells hit an airplane. The rest came down either as shrapnel or as intact warheads. Continue reading “British Shelled their Own Cities During World War II”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Craig Roberts was a Marine Corps sniper. When he first saw the window from which Lee Harvey Oswald was supposed to have shot President Kennedy, he knew immediately that everything he had been told about the assassination was a lie. He called his friend, Carlos Hathcock, who had the highest bounty set by the Viet Cong of any American sniper in Vietnam. When told that Roberts had determined Oswald could never have shot the President from that spot in the schoolbook depository, Hathcock not only agreed but said his team of sniper instructors at Quantico had tried more than once to replicate the kill shot. But not even best Marine Corps snipers could make the shot. Craig Roberts wrote a book,  Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza. Continue reading “President Kennedy’s Assassination: Reporter Killed”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The self-anointed leaders of the world have decided that world population reduction down to half a billion to a billion people is on the agenda. Problem is that this means 7 billion or so people will have to die. Some of those commoners might decide to rebel rather than die to make life better for billionaires. Continue reading “Bill Gates Smirked. Will People Die?”

Video Rebel’s Blog

We are headed to a Civil War. The triggering event will be starvation in America. I expect Nationwide Food Riots. In the 1930s 3 million Americans starved to death. In 1910 agents of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Warburgs created a Banking System that allowed Bankers to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. This transfers wealth from us to them. The Bankers were not satisfied with that. Dr Mark Skidmore told us that $21 trillion had gone “Missing” from DOD and HUD between 1998 and 2015. In an updated interview he said that the Treasury Department has been printing up trillions in Treasury bonds and selling them off the books. That means our national debt is considerably more than the $26 trillion officially on the books.
Continue reading “The Second Civil War”