Video Rebel’s Blog

David Rothkopf was the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The Thirty Families are the New World Order. The NWO wants to replace the sovereign decision making authority of more than 100 nations with their Absolute Power. One World government would remove the facade of democracy. Continue reading “The Boss Wants You Dead”

Video Rebel’s Blog

There are perks for being able to lie to TV audiences with a straight face. Matt Lauer was making $25 million a year just to co-host NBC’s morning program. He had perks. He demanded a button be placed on his desk so that he could electronically lock Gentile women inside his office. But that was before The MeToo# Movement.

You wonder why the Media pays so much money? More on that later.  Continue reading “Whopping Tales Of The Mainstream”

Video Rebel’s Blog

One of the most important things we can do is to make this 5 minute video from Robert F Kennedy Jr go viral. The Covid-19 vaccine could quite literally kill and/or maim hundreds of millions of people. What follows is taken from his video.

We have been trying to make a vaccine for a coronavirus for decades without success. The first outbreak of SARS was of natural origin. It jumped from a bat to human beings somewhere around 2002. The second two were made in a lab, escaped and infected human beings.  Continue reading “The Covid-19 Vaccine Is Far More Dangerous Than Imagined”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Catherine Austin Fitts was managing partner at Dillon Read Investment Bank. She became Housing Commissioner in 1989 in the Bush administration. She was run out of Washington DC because she suffered from excessive honesty and integrity. After George W Bush was elected, she decided to meet clandestinely with a man who also managed large multi-hundred billion dollar funds. They were both thinking bad thoughts about Wall Street. On September 10, 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had announced that $2.3 trillion had gone “Missing” from the DOD.  Bankers had also stolen tens of trillions from our pensions. They had no intention of making restitution so the great middle class would just have starve to death when they retired. Their conclusion was genocide had to be the exit strategy for the Powers That Be. Continue reading “Genocide Not Good For You And Me”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The Powers That Be have released a Bioweapon to kill us. They want to quarantine the healthy until we are willing to accept a dangerous vaccine so we can go back to work. A vaccine that will likely use RNA to reprogram our genetic code so we are no longer exactly human. And we are to be given Digital Certificates so we can be tracked by the National Security Agency and any interested party in Big Pharma and the Billionaires Boys’ Club so they can take away our livelihood and even close our bank accounts. And Moderna the favored company to produce this miracle vaccine has never made a successful one before. But they were funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Bill Gates. Continue reading “The Only Path To Victory Is Survival”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Bloomberg asked economists to guess what the world would look like after the Coronavirus and the Coming Depression have wreaked havoc upon us. The Powers That Be are determined to keep us in lockdown until the very last small business is closed and its workers discover that government can’t afford to give them more benefits because we hit the Hyperinflation Wall. That is when a 10% increase in spending leads to a 20% increase in prices. That is to say showering another trillion dollars on billionaires and illegal aliens will raise our prices or more importantly cut our purchasing power 20%.  Continue reading “Reset 2021: Bioweapons, Money, Food Shortages And Nationalism”

Video Rebel’s Blog

There are 3 known retroviruses in humans. One is collectively known as HTLV (Human T- cell leukemia virus , types 1 thru 6). The second is more well known, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus.) It harms your immune system by destroying the white blood cells that fight infection. This puts you at risk for serious infections and certain cancers. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is the final stage of infection with HIV. Continue reading “Human Retrovirus Triggered By GMO, Pesticides, Glyphosate”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Rob Kirby said that the Overlords knew last year that they would need to print exponentially more money in 2020 so they decided to use Covid as a cover. They had already blown through the $21 trillion they had stolen from US taxpayers. (This is the Missing $21 trillion that had been revealed by Dr Mark Skidmore.) That was gone together with the trillions the CIA had in their Blacks Ops slush fund selling illegal drugs and weapons. They needed tens of trillions more. The US National Debt increased by $1,217,911,509,254.17 in April. Not even the wildest Keynesian would have agreed to that a year ago. But now Covid covers all even Helicopter Money dropped by the trillions.  Continue reading “Lessons Learned From the Plandemic”

Video Rebel’s Blog

This video from Peter Zeihan is BS. The Bushes I and II, the Clintons and Obama all had history working for the CIA before being allowed to run for President. Trump did not. Trump had obtained a Greenlight from the US military to run for President. America’s Navy is not invulnerable. Iran has Mach 14 missiles. America only dreams of fast missiles. Russia has an S-500 defense systems and is working on the S-600. Dr Mark Skidmore showed from US government website sources that from 1998 to 2015 that $21 trillion had gone missing from their spending at 2 federal agencies HUD and DOD. You never read about those differences between the Russian and American militaries in the Corporate Media. Continue reading “My Response to Peter Zeihan.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Dr Dan Erickson is an Emergency Room doctor in California and has some sobering things to say about the current pandemic.

Californians have a 0.03% chance of dying from covid-19. 96% of the people in California recover with no significant symptoms. Continue reading “Dr Erickson: Californians Have A 0.03% Chance of Dying From Covid-19”

Video Rebel’s Blog

In the 1980s Dr Judy Mikovits was working with Dr Frank Rauscetti at the National Cancer Institute.  She isolated HIV from blood and saliva confirming Dr. Luc Montagnier’s earlier isolation and description of HIV as a possible causative agent of AIDS. Dr Fauci called and demanded a copy of Dr Rauscetti’s unpublished paper. She refused because it is unethical for anyone but the author to distribute an unpublished scientific paper. Fauci got a copy from Rauscetti and had his protege Bob Gallo write a paper claiming discovery of the HIV virus.  Continue reading “Dr Mikovits: Fauci Is Greatest Fraud of the Past 40 Years.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

On April 19, 1995 there was an explosion in front of the Alfred P Murrah building that killed 168 people including 19 children in the daycare center.  The seismic record indicated two bombs and not one. It was said that there were 4 barrels of ammonium nitrate in a fertilizer bomb. That grew to 5,000 pounds and then to 7,000 pounds to explain the bomb damage. The original helicopter news coverage said the bomb results showed the building being blown from the inside. And there was bomb debris blown past the Ryder truck that Timothy McVeigh was said to have used to deliver the bomb. Later that day as federal officials took over, the local news said the videos showed the building being blown from the outside. Continue reading “Oklahoma City Bombing 25 Years Later”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The other day Syrian Girl, who by now probably long finished her PhD in chemistry in Australia, posted the video below summing up what we know about the history of the coronavirus. We know it but the Corporate Media does not. They skipped over the fact that this virus has Crisper cutting marks where the HIV virus was spliced into it.  Continue reading “Bill Gates 1997 Prediction: 2020 Extinction By Lung Attacking Virus.”

JFK Jr before his death published George magazine. He had intended to publish an article on the the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin based on the works of Barry Chamish. He was also a candidate for the NY Senate seat that Hillary Clinton wanted. But, in any event, in his magazine he wrote an article in which Bill Gates predicted the future in which an over populated planet choked to extinction by a lung attacking virus.  Continue reading “24 years ago Bill Gates predicted a lung attacking virus.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

I will include a clip below from an ER doctor in New York City who admits we are treating people incorrectly on ventilators in the late stages of the coronavirus . He says America will in a matter of weeks have more than 100,000 patients on ventilators and that they will die unless we learn something new.  Continue reading “Curing That Bioweapon (Covid-19)”

Video Rebel’s Blog

I blame the Corporate Media, Google and YouTube for all coronavirus deaths in America after today. I have been following a cure for the corona virus for several weeks. Dr Zelenko of Monroe NY posted a video saying he had cured 350 patients of the corona virus with zero deaths, hospitalizations and intubations. His protocol was hydroxychoroquine (an old malaria drug used in Asia to treat SARS), zinc (a natural anti-viral) and azithromycin, an anti-bacterial. He was written up in one Jewish newspaper, the Forward. The Daily Beast and Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post did make snide comments about the doctor being a conspiracy theorist. Apart from that there has been no mention of the man in the media. Continue reading “I Accuse: Corporate Media Is Promoting A Plague”