AWFUL. Purple Heart Triple-Amputee Brian Kolfage Undergoes Invasive TSA Groping at Tucson Airport

Gateway Pundit – by Christina Laila

Purple Heart triple-amputee vet Brian Kolfage underwent an invasive TSA pat-down at Tucson International Airport on the morning after the “We Build the Wall” town hall.

A TSA agent groped and searched under Brian Kolfage’s hips, buttocks, groin and his half arm searching for what exactly? In addition to groping Kolfage, agents also swabbed his prosthetic legs and wheelchair for explosives.  

Tucson’s metro core is extremely liberal and for open borders. Hillary Clinton won Tucson in 2016 — Trump won the outlying areas of Tucson.

Radical open borders groups such as La Raza have infected Tucson along with illegal alien invaders yet a triple-amputee veteran who served this country is groped and humiliated.

A concerned bystander caught the groping on video and told The Gateway Pundit that an observer was so disgusted by what the TSA agent was doing to Mr. Kolfage that they had to walk away due to disgust and anger at seeing a war hero subjected to such embarrassment.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Brian Kolfage for comment after he was groped by TSA on Saturday.

Mr. Kolfage told The Gateway Pundit, “It’s unfortunate that every time I travel I get a full search and swabbed for explosives. It’s the times we live in. I understand the security concerns but it’s not TSA’s fault, it’s the policy makers in DC who have no clue what the real world is like; it’s a joke. It’s the same people who think there’s no issue at our border.”

“It’s amazing how our government is so worried about airport security with a triple amputee veteran in a wheelchair but everyday thousands of illegals are coming into our nation unchecked and killing Americans. I guess they turn a blind eye to them like they have to all the angel families,” Kolfage added

Kolfage added, “The policies of TSA are so bad, they have caused a charity to be formed for wounded vets to fly on private planes so we don’t have to deal with the full cavity searches and removing of prosthetics. That’s why I usually fly Veterans Airlift Command”

Brian Kolfage set up a GoFundMe page to build the border wall and it has surpassed $20 million in donations with over 350,000 donors!


Gateway Pundit

One thought on “AWFUL. Purple Heart Triple-Amputee Brian Kolfage Undergoes Invasive TSA Groping at Tucson Airport

  1. Mr. Kolfage told The Gateway Pundit, “It’s unfortunate that every time I travel I get a full search and swabbed for explosives. It’s the times we live in. I understand the security concerns but it’s not TSA’s fault, it’s the policy makers in DC who have no clue what the real world is like; it’s a joke. It’s the same people who think there’s no issue at our border.”

    Still hopelessly devoted to his captors ie.Stockholm syndrome and hands them “the stupid card” as a get out of jail free card.

    They’re not stupid, they’re COMPLICIT, and they know EXACTLY what they’re doing. This is the world THEY have created and it’s working just fine for them, dummy.

    You don’t make it to the top of that s**t heap while getting millions funneled into your personal account by not being a willing participant in treasonous actions.

    And tsa jagoffs are just following orders…just like YOU did, buddy, so suck it easy. I doubt the people you oppressed, murdered and invaded liked it either. That’s why they blew your ass up.

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