Guns America – by S.H. Blannelberry
Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. Fool me a third time? WTF?
In one month, Curtis Jamal Deal was arrested three times on a gun or drug-related charge. Three times!
The troubled 18-year-old was in court after the third arrest and received the following instruction with respect to his curfew from Judge Nicole Taylor, who opted to release Deal instead of keeping him in police custody before his trial.
“You’re not going out at night, you’re not going to get food, you’re not going to meet your girlfriend. You’re in your house,” Taylor told him at bail review hearing, according to The Baltimore Sun.
“I’m giving you an opportunity to go to school and not be in jail pending this trial,” she added. “The curfew is 1 p.m., 7 days a week.”
The following day, Deal was shot and killed by Detective David Kincaid Jr., during a foot chase in which Deal turned around and pointed a firearm at the detective. Kincaid shot Deal four times, striking him in the abdomen, hip, and finger.
Police Commissioner Kevin Davis applauded Kincaid for his actions, noting that the shooting was indeed justified. He also criticized Judge Taylor’s decision to release Deal, saying that the department “could very well be planning a police funeral right now.”
When one reads the charges stacked against Deal, it’s mind-blowing that Judge Taylor put him back out onto the streets.
On Jan. 4 Deal was charged with four handgun counts. On Jan. 30. he was arrested after allegedly tossing a bag of heroin under a car before being caught by police. Not long after, he was arrested a third time on nine new gun and drug counts after police raided several abandoned homes thought to be part of a drug operation in which Deal was allegedly a main player.

Curtis Jamal Deal, 18. (Photo: Baltimore Sun)
In court, while he was before Judge Taylor, Assistant State Attorney David Chiu argued that Deal was a real threat to society.
“He’s an active participant in a large-scale sale of drugs,” said Chiu. “This isn’t someone who just happened to be there.”
Chiu noted how the 18-year-old posted $100,000 bail following his first arrest.
“Given the connection of violence and drugs and guns and the enormous amount of drugs that were being sold here, while he’s out on bail for guns, the state thinks he poses a continuing and extreme risk to public safety,” Chiu said.
Despite all the obvious red flags associated with Deal, Judge Taylor released Deal on an unsecured $250,000 bond (meaning no money was required) provided that he made good on his curfew and attended school.
“It shows dysfunction, I believe, in our criminal justice system,” said Mayor Catherine Pugh. “People who have those many gun charges probably should not be on our streets.”
People who have those many gun charges probably should not be on our streets.
Duh, ya think?!!!
“People who have those many gun charges probably should not be on our streets.”
yep they would normally be working for our criminal government with that many offences , not out loose on the streets shooting back at cops