As the EU referendum looms, a great counsel of war is gathering. Henri de Castries, the Chairman of the influential Bilderberg Group, has made his way to the highest hill above Dresden, placed a mighty conch shell to his aristocratic French lips and blown.
Responding to his call, 140 or so of the most powerful pro-European business leaders and politicians will be making their way to the five-star Hotel Taschenbergpalais to discuss the future of their beloved free trade zone.
The annual three-day Bilderberg conference kicks off on Thursday, and you can be sure the mood in Dresden will be a grim one. The heads of Google, Shell, BP and Deutsche Bank will be there, and Brexit will be top of the agenda. The Bilderberg Group has been nurturing the EU to life since the 1950s, and now they see their creation under dire threat.
“A disaster for everyone” is how Henri de Castries, the boss of AXA and a director of HSBC, describes Brexit. But in particular, it is a disaster for his banking and big business colleagues at Bilderberg. Thomas Enders, the CEO of Airbus, who sits on Bilderberg’s steering committee – the group’s governing body – said, in a recent interview with CNBC, that his industry would be “lobbying” against Brexit.
Enders said: “Long-term it would not be positive certainly for the industry. This why the aerospace industry – I think amongst others – will lobby… for a [Remain] vote of the British electorate on the EU.”
For Bilderberg, as for Goldman Sachs, the idea that there might be any kind of push-back against globalisation is a horrific one.
Goldman Sachs has two senior representatives on Bilderberg’s steering committee: James A. Johnson, a board member of the bank, and Robert Zoellick, the chairman of Goldman Sachs’ board of international advisors. We know from Charity Commission accounts that Goldman Sachs, along with BP, is one of the key funders of the group, and we also know that they’ve been pumping “a substantial six-figure sum” into the Remain campaign. And Goldman Sachs doesn’t spend money lightly. The Remain campaign is clearly close to whatever they have instead of a heart.

For Bilderberg, as for Goldman Sachs, the idea that there might be any kind of push-back against globalisation is a horrific one. I suspect we’ll glimpse some frowning faces behind the tinted glass as the limousines start rolling up on Thursday.
An integrated EU, with the City at its centre, is a key building block in a globalised world, and its potential loss is a huge concern for “the high priests of globalisation”, as Will Hutton called the members of Bilderberg. The prospect of Brexit “frightens me”, admit Ken Jacobs, the head of Lazard, and another member of Bilderberg’s inner circle. Not much frightens these people. Only two things: sunlight and Brexit.
Charlie Skelton will be tweeting from Dresden on @deyook.
As much as possible I try to boycott as many multinational products as I can. They, along with the banks and hedge fund owners are responsible for every economic loss and ponzi-bankster fraud scheme done targeting all that earn less than a six figure income….These phony trade agreements set to undermine all individual people’s right to choice, to earn and have control over their income and taxes, believed to be paid for services and programs to protect and enhance, future generation’s health and well-being…..See for full details on content and analysis,– which lifts the veil of secrecy directed to punish and undermine any and all individuals as members of nation-state’s public polity.
More to the point, is this anti-public, anti-taxpayer attack-campaign which was started by the global financial bank/investors in 2007, within all major cities, to gamble and continue to gamble, in derivatives to the tune of 823 trillion dollars of o/s hedge fund owned contracts (as per the IMF who have been trying to plead for deleveraging by the hedge fund owners). A key point must be noted–all hedge fund owners negotiated ‘preferred creditor status’, meaning if any bank fails they are paid 100% with interest first—leaving at total risk all customer and taxpayers monies….as governments too, inserted bank bailout clauses.
This bank bailout template, was tried in Cyprus first, specifically targeting the small asset-holding customers, while making sure to notify the few very rich ones, to safely transfer their assets out.
Later they the EU, etc, turned on the Greek public to carve out and sell desired nation-state assets. This was/is difficult because onus does lie with the German banks lending such extreme amounts, even the IMF is held to make sure lending is limited by the ability of any given country being able to pay said loans back without undue economic harm…
Other country’s people have been economically targeted but through invasions such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and on Israel wish list Iran. These warring aggression (s) are based on simple plunder and a need to control resources for distribution to the 1%.
Its no different than when, countries were re-drawn by the British or US, except now its done by piling up the bodies and queuing millions in displaced peoples fleeing their countries…
Seems humanity is being sold as the cheapest brand of commodity to be……and the broken systems of governments and justice, are front and center as co-conspirators, which explains all the secrecy and subterfuge.