Bloomberg Committed To Using Fortune To Fight NYPD IG, Stop-And-Frisk Bills

Mayor Bloomberg (file/credit: Edward Reed via Flickr)CBS New York

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is standing firm on his position to do all he can to try to stop two measures aimed at impacting the NYPD from taking effect.

Aides and advisors said the billionaire lame-duck mayor intends to use some of his fortune to influence the outcome of a vote to override his coming veto of measures to install an NYPD inspector general and to modify the controversial stop-and-frisk program.  

As WCBS 880′s Rich Lamb reported, the mayor affirmed he’ll support people who are on the same page with him.

“The bottom line is I make no bones about it, I’m telling you I’m going to support those candidates,” said Bloomberg. “Some of these things are life and death issues, like these two horrendous bills in the City Council and they’re going to put our police officers at risk and they’re going to put the public at risk and I’ve got an obligation to tell people that.”

City Public Advocate and mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio blasted the mayor’s stand.

“He is just as intent as ever on using his wealth to determine the outcome. It’s almost like he can’t let go, like he doesn’t understand it’s over. It’s time for the people to make decisions in this town again, not billionaires,” said de Blasio. “And even though he’s on the way out the door and even though people fundamentally disagree with his position on stop-and-frisk all over this city, he’s going to try once again to turn the tables on the democratic process.”

De Blasio’s remark seemed to be directed at Bloomberg’s move to extend term limits to allow himself to run for a third term in office.

One thought on “Bloomberg Committed To Using Fortune To Fight NYPD IG, Stop-And-Frisk Bills

  1. “The bottom line is I make no bones about it, I’m telling you I’m going to support those candidates,” said Bloomberg. “Some of these things are life and death issues……….”

    Naturally, he’s talking about his life or death……………

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