Border Agent: ‘Morale Is at an All-Time Low Right Now’

National Review – by Andrew Johnson

Teenage criminals and gang members from Central America have been using “a loophole” to stay in the country, border agent Chris Cabrera revealed. Under current policy, unaccompanied minors are allowed to stay in the country if they have family in the United States and say they have none in their home country, regardless of their background.

“Even if he is a confirmed gang member, a confirmed criminal, even by self-admission, we for some reason don’t send them back to their home country — we release them into our country,” Cabrera said.

Minors usually end up staying in the U.S. “nine times out of ten,” he added.

As a result, Cabrera said “morale is at an all-time low right now” because agents are“not allowed to do the job that they were hired to do.”

Cabrera was reacting to a recent video of a Border Patrol agent lamenting that citizenship now seems to be irrelevant consideration at U.S. border crossings.

One thought on “Border Agent: ‘Morale Is at an All-Time Low Right Now’

  1. “As a result, Cabrera said “morale is at an all-time low right now” because agents are“not allowed to do the job that they were hired to do.”

    You mean the job you were TOLD you were hired to do.

    Get a clue.

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