Boy Scouts Of America Accept First Transgender In Reversal Of 100 Year Old Policy

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Joe Maldonado (9 years old) who was born a girl, but “identifies” as a boy has been accepted as a “Boy Scout“. In these last days the confusion is rampant. 20 years ago people would have said this issue of “gender identity” would never have existed, but it does today and it involves our children. Today, no matter what sex you are born as you can “identify” as another even as a child.

The head of the Boy Scouts in the video below makes a new disturbing policy. I would remind him of Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” There is a huge dividing line being drawn right now and I am going to ask which side do you stand on? If you are a Christian man or woman of God and you continue to support the Boy Scouts of America you are failing your Father and supporting sin. There are plenty of other programs to get involved with, helping promote sin is not acceptable to God. Do not be a back slider, do not make excuses for yourself to justify staying in the scouts. There is no justification, period. God is against this, He is against perversion.

In a moment of historic significance, Joe Maldonado put on a Cub Scout uniform on Tuesday night as he became a member of Pack 20 in Essex County while his mother held back tears — one week after the Boy Scouts of America changed its national policy to allow transgender children to be scouts.Scouting’s decision to change its longtime policy came about a month after The Record reported that Joe had been thrown out of a Cub Scout pack in Secaucus last year because he was born a girl. The decision was at least in part a response to the national debate generated by that story.“This is fun; I’m so proud,” Joe, 9, said during the meeting. He said that the best part of the night was that “I am accepted, and I’m actually in Boy Scouts.”

Source: Secaucus transgender boy returns to Scouting

World Events and the Bible

2 thoughts on “Boy Scouts Of America Accept First Transgender In Reversal Of 100 Year Old Policy

  1. “This is fun; I’m so proud,” Joe, 9, said during the meeting. He said that the best part of the night was that “I am accepted, and I’m actually in Boy Scouts.”

    Wait till those REAL boys do what comes naturally to boys, and you get knocked up.

    We’ll see how fun you think it is then.

  2. Why are our oldest institutions caving to the demands of these mentally unhinged people? So-called “transgenders” make up .01% of the population and now everyone else has to accept these diseased fools as normal? Did I wake up in some kind of alternative universe?

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