BREAKING: 🇮🇱🇱🇧 Hezbollah is now massively bombing the city of Safed in northern Israel. Israeli media reports that the Iron Dome is no longer operational.

3 thoughts on “BREAKING: 🇮🇱🇱🇧 Hezbollah is now massively bombing the city of Safed in northern Israel. Israeli media reports that the Iron Dome is no longer operational.

  1. for what anything is worth.. I saw a video basically calling the iron dome a hoax. they always only show “rockets” going up but never hitting or intercepting anything.. I swear, I hope they get turned to glass!! and I don’t care who does it! if they can’t whoop Hezbollah without us then they certainly ain’t ready for Iran!

    1. “If they can’t whoop Hezbollah without us then they certainly ain’t ready for Iran!”

      Damn right, brother!

      And while the Israelis always complain that they “have the Right to defend themselves” that in no way means other countries like us are obligated to help them.

      Also, since they provoked and started this genocide from day one over 50 years ago, and slaughtered our people on the USS Liberty, then I’d say their “Right to defend themselves has been null and void for a LONG time”.

      They started this mess. They can clean it up! They get what they deserve.

      1. Yes sirs, Mike and NC. The whole world is sick of Israel and its cruel soul. Let the uprising come soon. Am I saying that too much? Guess I have to say it again: Let the uprising come soon. Or better yet, HELP the uprising come soon.


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