🚨BREAKING: Biden has preemptively pardoned Fauci, Milley, and members of the January 6 Committee.
pic.twitter.com/ECnTfNReWK— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 20, 2025
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
🚨BREAKING: Biden has preemptively pardoned Fauci, Milley, and members of the January 6 Committee.
pic.twitter.com/ECnTfNReWK— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 20, 2025
The pardoning of mass murderers: Is there no atrocity exempt from pardoning? What a sick thing, administered by those who assume false power. Imagine the Fauci debacle in our Common Law Courts?!! Justice would be swift and severe, because almost all the people know the difference between right and wrong, AND… because our Bill of Rights was/is our Supreme Law, where no infringements on our well-being are tolerated. Fk these pardons; just more proof they do whatever the hell they want and get off scot-free.
I watched today’s spectacle, oh so brilliantly scripted/crafted/rehearsed/STAGED!! A lot of black or very dark colors were not only worn but also displayed in the pomp-and-circumstance presentation. Ritual before Righteousness. Dark. What are those colors trying to tell us? Prepare to mourn? Too late; we’re already in mourning for our freedom and our right to thrive. But the “creme de la creme” was The Father of the Vaccine/King of Israel’s speech, given to us by speech-writers channeling the spirit of 1775. None could have written loftier words, grammatically and poetically perfect, all oozing with golden promises, promises not much unlike those The Father/King PROMISED in 2016. Yet the people believed and with tears in their eyes, smiled and cheered. I sensed Patrick Henry (not a perfect man, but who is?) was there. I saw his ghost hovering in anger and near disbelief. He seemed to be saying, “Traitors, TRAITORS!!”
My mind went to the cooks; I know they are preparing an extraordinary banquet for the upper crust to dine on. Will there be any left-overs to share with our AMERICAN NATIONALS huddled under bridges, or in tent cities? Any left-overs for the hurricane or fire victims, or those for whom the cost-of-living has made getting the basics almost impossible? Promises, yes. Follow-through, doubtful. And lastly… today we witnessed ultra luxury, spread out for those in attendance at The Capitol; ultra luxury, while Gazans continue to be dealt death and starvation, no matter what Bibi reports. I reminded myself that we are the people who see truth from lies, goodness from evil. It is we who are THE BEACON ON THE HILL, ever going after and honoring truth. Surely, Patrick would expect no less.
Well said
wtf was Melania wearing ? yeah funeral ..the death of our Republic or something ? what do they know that haven’t hit us in the face yet?
also how do you pre-emptively pardon someone that hasn’t even been charged as of yet , as if that’s not an admitting guilt .. Null N Void pardons by a President that was deemed unfit to hold office for another term ,let alone finishing out the one he cheated his way into
what a debacle of a “leadership” (not)
Time for a new 4 year shit show ..hold on to yer socks , they will likely get taxed to pay for all the bullshit they pulled for the past 4+ years or more
Yeah, it’s CRAZY!! The other astounding thing is that Trump is making all his declarations right out in the open. I mean things that dictators and emperors usually do in private, he’s bragging about. It’s so bizarre. It’s as if he’s saying, “Just try and stop me.” How much more will the people of the world take? Asking for an agitator. 🙂