British intelligence made up the lie that the Germans were “gassing the Jews.”
The Zionist jews found the lie useful after the war and ran with it to support creating Israel. Then they used their media power to reinforce this lie for decades.
— Uncommon Sense (@Uncommonsince76) January 14, 2025
Wow, 1988!! That’s 37 years ago. And ain’t that document a veritable smoking gun? He highlights the nugget in yellow to make sure it’s easily seen, readable. Never heard of this written record before; completely new to me, so therefore astounding, astounding to see it in print. How much more proof do we need?!! And yet, it fell/falls on deaf ears. That is to say, MOSTLY deaf ears. Thank God many have excellent hearing. And seems it was intentionally hidden/suppressed. Smoking guns are most dangerous to those who shoot them off; they turn destruction directly back at them. So they flee running; they cower and hide.
Man oh man!! Wars, fires, out of control inflation. Liars, cheats, thieves, pedos, and pedo-protectors. Killers, mass-killers, rapists and grand-deceivers. All here surrounding us. But it is WE who have the numbers. Will we ever surround them?!!
Thanks Admin, for finding and posting this. I see it as the hottest item of the year, and much like building 7, a classic, undeniable smoking gun. But what will the people do with this? I hope no one says, “nothing.” Even passing it around is something. Yeah, I know we have to punch harder, yet, as ever, something is better than nothing. I keep trying to believe in us, in myself. What kind of breakthrough will allow us to break through?!! Is anyone really embracing the sacred adage ever screaming, “Give me liberty or give me death?”
Agreed. Excellent find. I’ve never seen or heard of this, either. I’m spreading the word.
so, another ..”weapons of Mass destruction” bullshit ..
Eradicate all politicians and we could live a life we all deserve..
The veil is being peeled away. Truth is coming out. Here is another valuable work for the people living on the land mass called Canada. We are finally beginning to learn the truth about how we have been free of British rule since December 11, 1931! We just never did anything about it! Everything since that day has been a fraud! A beautifully crafted documentary, “Canada, the Illusion.”