BSO Deputies Fatally Shoot Pompano Beach Man Who Was Eating Chicken Wings

Boward Palm Beach New Times – by Antonia Noori Farzan

Two deputies from the Broward Sheriff’s Office shot and killed a man in Pompano Beach at around 10 o’ clock  Friday night.

Deputies were responding to a call about a domestic disturbance. When they arrived, they were directed to the back yard, where the man (whose name has not yet been released) was holding a knife. Both deputies opened fire. Pompano Beach Fire Rescue later confirmed the man was dead on the scene.   

Gregory Frazier, 56, was shot by BSO deputies on Friday night in Pompano Beach.Neighbors who were present at the time of the shooting say the man was shot in the back six times. BSO has not yet confirmed that.

The incident is currently under investigation, and both deputies have been placed on administrative leave.

UPDATE: Friends and family confirmed the victim  was Gregory Frazier, age 56, who lived at the Pompano Beach home where the shooting took place. His sister, Deborah, had called 911 because he had been arguing with her daughter.  He had a knife in his hand—the small, Swiss Army-style pocket knife that he always carried, she told dispatchers.

When officers arrived, the argument was over, and Frazier was sitting outside in his backyard eating chicken wings and fries. Quartaze Woodard, Frazier’s nephew, who was at the scene, says three deputies showed up and told Frazier to get down on the ground. Frazier responded, “Leave me alone.” The deputies repeated the order. Again, Frazier asked them to leave him alone. After that, Woodard says, the officers shot him. Then, after handcuffing him, and removing the handcuffs once they realized he was non-responsive, they attempted to perform CPR. It was too late.

“I never would have called the cops if I’d known this was going to happen,” Deborah Frazier says. “They just came in and started shooting right away.”

The scene where Gregory Frazier was shot while eating fries and chicken wings in his backyard.

The scene where Gregory Frazier was shot while eating fries and chicken wings in his backyard.
Antonia Farzan

Pastor Miguel Rosa, who lives next door, was holding a meeting with several of his parishioners when he heard what he initially thought were fireworks. At least five shots were fired, he believes.

“It’s too much,” says Sarahca Peterson, a friend of the Frazier family and a community activist. “There has to be change. They need to face criminal charges. If I kill someone, I’m going to jail. They shouldn’t be out there on the streets.”

15 thoughts on “BSO Deputies Fatally Shoot Pompano Beach Man Who Was Eating Chicken Wings

  1. “told Frazier to get down on the ground.”

    Why be treated as an animal, that has to lie down in the dirt on command when nothing threatening is happening? What happened to the respect they demand for themselves?

    And all they have to base this on is ONE call from a citizen about an domestic disturbance that could or could not be bad.

  2. So if a cop sees anything that can be used as a weapon murdering is normal operating procedure? Even a short knife held by a man sitting a distance away from a cop and facing away from a cop showing no aggression? Is it time to begin to act the same when we see a cop that has so behaved? After all they do carry weapons and are by far the most active in murders of any group, right? So much so that they refuse to even tell us how many innocents they murder, right? So why are we not hunting these killers exactly as they do to us? Anyone think these 5 watts are ever going to behave as men rather than cowardly thugs? We all know the only way to safeguard ones home is to be armed and prepared to use those arms against ALL intruders and it is ONLY this reality that causes ANY rational behavior from a thug, right? Since these cops are thugs what kind of men sit back and allow this to continue? It is time to take out the garbage especially those training the garbage. If a murderer is allowed to walk free what does that cause? Everyone involved in the investigation that does not find cause for arrest and conviction for murder are accomplishes.

    1. So the only way that works is if people know where they live, show up uninvited to catch them by surprise and mow them down. That is the way gang wars have always been fought. This is absolutely a gang war. Our gang, Citizens, and their gang, elitist enforcers. People have just been programmed to believe we, Americans, are individuals without any community, without a gang. If they keep us thinking like that we won’t band together and take our turf back.

      1. “Our gang, Citizens, and their gang, elitist enforcers. People have just been programmed…”

        Oops! Looks like a bit of your own programming is showing.

        ‘Citizens’ is merely another word for mind-controlled, so-called ‘government’ slaves.

        Kindly refrain from including the rest of us Trenchers in that category.

  3. You DO have the right to defend yourself from the police or anyone else……hasn’t anybody watch cops on tv?…They violate rights all the time…..but most people are too dumb or too scared(for good reason)to stand up for themselves.

  4. I’ve been trying to figure out what you have to do here to be murdered by pigs. People drive on sidewalks, cut cops off, almost run people over on curbs…apparently 2 things will get you shot…driving around an autistic patient and eating chicken wings.I’ll be sure to do neither. Funny, both times the victim is black. 99% of cops here are Hispanic. We all know the relationship between Hispanic and blacks. Good thing I look Hispanic.

  5. Too many Americans, of all color, rely on cops to deal with problems on private property. I do not! I take care of my own business and there is no need for 9-1-1.

  6. “I never would have called the cops if I’d known this was going to happen,” Deborah Frazier says. “They just came in and started shooting right away.”

    Another brain-washed idiot gets the ultimate wake-up call!

    1. Yep…hit the nail on the head.
      Another brainwashed youth thinking government will save them.

      On the bright side….
      Like a death row inmate before being executed.
      He was able to enjoy his last favorite meal.

    1. Right?

      As if a knife was any real danger to THREE pigs armed with guns. Sounds like that was the stupid b#tch’s intent.

  7. “… three deputies showed up and told Frazier to get down on the ground. Frazier responded, “Leave me alone.” The deputies repeated the order. Again, Frazier asked them to leave him alone. After that, Woodard says, the officers shot him.”

    Had that been my neighbor, and I witnessed that BLATANT MURDER, there would have been FOUR bodies for the clean-up crew (more pigs) to deal with.


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