Last week, journalist Michael Tracey noted an odd about-face by two of the most frequently-cited monitors of hate groups in America, The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.
Nazis Are Actually Fine Now, According to the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 13, 2022
After warning of the threat of Neo-Nazism constantly during the 2016 Trump campaign and during Trump’s term in the White House, both organizations were now silent about American support for Neo-Nazi military units in Ukraine:
If you happened to be alive during the years of 2016 to 2020, you can probably recall the routine issuance of frantic bulletins that “Nazis” were suddenly on the march in the US. Not just that some ludicrous, ragtag group of self-identified Nazis could be occasionally spotted in the wild — which had always been a somewhat regular, albeit freakish occurrence. Rather, the idea was that full-bore ideological “Nazism” had surged as a genuinely formidable political force, and everyone needed to be extremely terrified of this. […]
After having spent such enormous effort warning Americans that their country was being overwhelmed by Nazis, you’d have thought it would be a no-brainer for these groups to spring immediately into action last month and sound the alarms again. Because another “incident” took place that was right up their alley: an honest-to-god pro-Nazi rally. In the middle of New York City. Thanks to footage captured by journalist Elad Eliahu, we know that on April 23 in Downtown Manhattan, a group of rally-goers gathered to chant — with total, uninhibited exuberance — “Azov! Azov! Azov!”
Chants of support for the controversial Azov Battalion break out at a pro Ukraine rally in lower Manhattan
Attendees chant “Azov”
— Elad Eliahu (@elaadeliahu) April 23, 2022
Eliahu told me the rally was organized by a group called “Razom for Ukraine,” which has held regular protest actions in the city since the war began, including to demand a No Fly Zone. But on this occasion, they were focused on rapturous praise for “Azov.”
In case you still need a primer on what “Azov” refers to, you may want to consult The Nation magazine, which has been unique among US left-liberal media over the last several years in still allowing a modicum of countervailing thought. And so The Nation is one of the vanishingly few outlets that continues to plainly describe Azov — i.e., the Battalion of the Ukraine military currently fighting in the war — as an “outright Neo-Nazi group.”
The Buffalo Mass Shooter’s Inconvenient Manifesto
The apparent perpetrator of a twitch-streamed mass shooting in Buffalo, New York that left ten dead, Payton Gendron, published a 180-page manifesto online prior to committing the atrocity. Our friend Emil Kirkegaard uploaded a copy of it.
Latest mass shooter manifesto. Has the usual mix of science, half-science, pseudoscience, and very detailed information about weapons and gear.
— Emil O W Kirkegaard (@KirkegaardEmil) May 14, 2022
The first thing you’ll notice if you click that link is the symbol at the top, the Sonnenrad, or “Black Sun” appropriated by Nazis. Inconveniently for the supporters of the Current Thing, it has also been appropriated by some of the Ukrainian troops the United States is currently supplying with arms.
The suspected Buffalo shooter’s manifesto features the Black Sun symbol used by the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 14, 2022
A note about the claim that New Zealand mass shooter Brenton Tarrant had trained with Azov: I don’t know if that has been confirmed, but it has been suspected:
In the wake of the New Zealand mosque attacks, links have emerged between the shooter, Brenton Tarrant, and a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, white supremacist paramilitary organization called the Azov Battalion. Tarrant’s manifesto alleges that he visited the country during his many travels abroad, and the flak jacket that Tarrant wore during the assault featured a symbol [the Black Sun] commonly used by the Azov Battalion.
The establishment response to Gendron’s manifesto has been to blame Tucker Carlson’s discussion of demographic change, despite the unlikelihood of a teenager getting his opinions from cable news shows…
Control-F "Tucker" gets you zero hits in Peyton Gendron's manifesto; see for yourself:
Unsurprisingly, the 18-year-old apparent perpetrator of the Buffalo mass shooting wasn't a cable news watcher.
Who influenced him, in his own words:
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) May 15, 2022
And the manifesto’s criticism of Fox News…
The killer's manifesto attacks Fox News but feel free to continue exploiting people being murdered for some likes and retweets
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) May 14, 2022
And to call for censorship for those noting that both the Buffalo shooter and the Azov battalion share the same Neo-Nazi “Black Sun” symbol.
Here's the "Senior Investigative Reporter and Spokesperson" at the Southern Poverty Law Center calling for Twitter censorship if you observe that the Buffalo shooter plastered the notorious "Black Sun" symbol — a favorite of the Azov Battalion — at the very top of his manifesto
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 15, 2022
A Waukesha Connection?
An observer notes the Buffalo mass shooter wrote the names of victims of last year’s Waukesha massacre on his rifle.
Buffalo shooter wrote the names of Waukesha victims on his barrel guard.
Virginia Sorenson is pretty clear. #Buffalo #BuffaloNY
— Empowerfy (@empowerfy) May 14, 2022
To end this post on a positive note, let’s briefly turn to another subject.
In Case You Missed It
At the end of my last post, I shared an example of what happens when you get a couple of names right and one horribly wrong in a three-position hedged portfolio. Here’s the punchline, in case you missed it.
When your bitcoin miner $MARA is hedged, and your other two names (the natural gas ETFs $UNG and $BOIL) do well, this is what happens. #Bitcoin
You end up 8.6% while $SPY drops 14.75% over the same 6-month period.
Interactive version of the chart here:
— Portfolio Armor (@PortfolioArmor) May 14, 2022
What a mess. Looks like people really died, but who am I to know, with all the sophisticated deception that’s out there. The one thing that sticks out for me is the grooming that likely took place and who might have done the grooming.
The eclipse did not disappoint in terms of bringing more awfulness to people who are just trying to live free. Precision timing. And 2nd Article again fighting for its life. But it’s a life that nothing can kill or take away, though they want us to think they can. We think for OURSELVES!!
Related: Still coloring within the lines, Gun Owners of America responds:
Hey GOA, we don’t have to beg for what we already have.
goa: the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the nra.
Useless to US, but very useful for those who control them. The lazy, complacent apathetic wannabe “voters” coin bank for those who care enough to do the very least, while funding the enemy and the demise of OUR Bill of Rights.
Also, is this guy saying the cgi video of the New Zealand “shooting” is legit?
That was one of their worst productions to date, but there’s so many to choose from that are pitiful and insulting to anyone with half a brain.
And right on cue, the attack in the First and Second Article begin
And the placing of blame on Tucker. Is Tucker stepping into that costume right now? Grand, says he. I will play the part of the one who is being blamed. I will help infuriate the so-called conservatives.
Actors, thieves, murderers, everywhere. Earth-Hell!! With Heaven standing right beside it. Is it true that we can’t have Heaven until we smash Hell? It is.
I posted a comment on the video post about this same shooting, with a link to Jim Stone regarding the possible ancestry of this “white supremacist” mentally ill 18 year old who supposedly wrote a 180 page “manifesto” (these “manifestos” are another false flag marker): Here is the link, but you have to scroll down to the chart with the name Gendron on it, and his “nationality”….
Who woulda thunk it?
Whether he really killed anyone or not is irrelevant. This has government psyops written all over it! Plain and simple. People are complete dumbasses for thinking otherwise.