May 15, 2022 • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says the Biden administration is working to ramp up production of baby formula, and stressed that a major plant needs to get back up and running safely.
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
Re: “The government doesn’t make baby formula.”
Go ahead, congratulate yourself on what a grand job you’re doing for the people. Oh how quickly you let the corrupt system off the hook. Gotta keep the false power-structure in place, no matter what. Gotta make sure it is seen in the proper light. All this, while people starve!!!!!!!!!
Oh, you can feel him lusting after gun-control.
And he’s so happy about imports supplying our needs.
And she says gas average is now $445.00 a gallon. He doesn’t correct her. Good actors always assure the show goes on.