** FILE ** The supersecret National Security Agency, based at Fort Meade, Md., has declassified some details about its history. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by Shaun Waterman

The National Security Agency’s collection of phone data from all of Verizon’s U.S. customers is just the “tip of the iceberg,” says a former NSA official who estimates the agency has data on as many as 20 trillion phone calls and emails by U.S. citizens.

William Binney, an award-winning mathematician and noted NSA whistleblower, says the collection dates back to when the super-secret agency began domestic surveillance after the Sept. 11 attacks.    Continue reading “Whistleblower’s NSA warning: ‘Just the tip of the iceberg’”

Public Awareness Network – by lesmoore

Codex Alimentarius exemplifies the type of pressure brought to bear upon weaker nations by the United Nations. The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “food book”) is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to food production and food safety. Its texts are developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body that was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).   Continue reading “Codex Alimentarius – The Planned Depopulation Project”

Libertarian Republican

Liberal media blaming guns, mental issues, avoiding discussion of foreign ties, immigration status

From Fox43, “Santa Monica gunman had past mental issues, police sources say”:    Continue reading “Santa Monica shooter’s mother “away on vacation” in the Middle East”

Kingston Community News – by MARYLIN OLDS

The Hanford Nuclear Reservation, along the Columbia River in Benton County, was built in our own back yard in 1943 to produce plutonium as part of the top-secret Manhattan Project.

It continued operation during America’s campaign to build the biggest nuclear weapons arsenal in the Cold War, as well as producing nuclear energy. The last reactor stopped operating in 1987. Hanford was added to the Superfund list for long-term hazardous cleanup in 1989.   Continue reading “Time is of the essence at Hanford site | As It Turns Out”

Mr. Conservative – by Bookworm

While Washington may be ignoring you (at least, when it’s not spying on you), your voice can still be heard, at least at the state level. Although Nevada’s Republican governor Brian Sandoval had already announced that he intended to veto the Nevada legislature’s “universal background check” bill, thousands of citizens called the governor’s office to make sure that he kept his word.   Continue reading “Nevada Governor Will Veto Firearm Background Check Bill After Receiving Thousands of Calls From Gun Owners”


Mr. Conservative – by Kristin Tate

Christine Padilla, a California lawyer, was only sentenced to 48 hours in jail after she hit and killed a nanny pushing a toddler in a stroller, while driving in San Diego.

The 35-year-old attorney was sentenced to 48 hours of jail time, probation, and 180 days of electronic surveillance.

Last month, Padilla pled guilty to vehicular manslaughter and two traffic infractions. She was driving a Toyota 4Runner, and told police she was extremely deprived of sleep when the crash happened on February 1.   Continue reading “Woman Who Killed Nanny And Injured Toddler Only Sentenced To 48 Hours Of Jail Time”

Vine of Life News – by Gaby Dunn

Is this Craigslist weed dealer the DEA, a scammer, or just an idiot?

Is this guy really selling marijuana over the Internet? Or is it an elaborate Craigslist sting by the Drug Enforcement Agency? Like the original poster on Reddit’s weed community r/trees, I too was in disbelief that a man would advertise a mail order weed business via the Internet. The ad reads “Medical Marijuana Shipped ($250)” and goes on to describe a business that is “smooth, fast, and always discreet,” using search-engine optimization tags like kush, pot, dope, bong, hash, 420, loud, dope, buds, and rolling, all to increase visibility and accessibility on Craigslist.   Continue reading “Kush, pot, dope, bong, hash, buds, and rolling”

colocapitol12.jpgFox News

GREELEY, COLO. –  Officials in eight northern Colorado counties united in opposition to the state’s new gun control laws and oil and gas regulations are reportedly considering forming a 51st U.S. state called North Colorado.

The Denver Post reports that a proposal to separate Weld, Morgan, Logan, Sedgwick, Phillips, Washington, Yuma and Kit Carson counties from the rest of the state was hatched at a meeting of county commissioners last week.   Continue reading “Colorado Counties Mull Forming New State, North Colorado”

nsa whistleblowerThe Guardian – by Ewen MacAskill

Source for the Guardian’s NSA files on why he carried out the biggest intelligence leak in a generation – and what comes next.

Edward Snowden was interviewed over several days in Hong Kong by Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill.

Q: Why did you decide to become a whistleblower?

A: “The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything. With this capability, the vast majority of human communications are automatically ingested without targeting. If I wanted to see your emails or your wife’s phone, all I have to do is use intercepts. I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit cards.   Continue reading “NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I do not expect to see home again’”

Edward Snowden NsaHuffington Post – by Rebecca Shapiro

The Guardian published the identity of the whistleblower on Sunday responsible for providing the paper with top-secret documents that revealed the National Security Agency’s secret surveillance programs. The paper wrote that it was revealing Edward Snowden’s identity at his request:   Continue reading “Edward Snowden NSA: Guardian Reveals Identity Of Whistleblower Behind NSA Revelations”

abc glenn greenwald this week jt 130609 wblog Guardian Reporter Glenn Greenwald Blasts Calls for Leak ProsecutionsYahoo News – by Imtiyaz Delawala | ABC News

Glenn Greenwald, the reporter for The Guardian who broke stories last week on the National Security Agency’s phone and internet surveillance programs, blasted calls for the prosecution of his sources for leaking classified information, saying they “deserve our praise and gratitude and not imprisonment and prosecution.”   Continue reading “Guardian Reporter Glenn Greenwald Blasts Calls for Leak Prosecutions”

Source-Awakening-ImmersionZen Gardner – by Julian Rose

The Western World is on the brink. That means the whole World is. An energy like no other is coursing through the veins of those who have opened their hearts and minds and is producing an energy ‘return’ that is steadily undermining even the best laid plans of the scheming gobal elite. It is happening because the Masonic manipulators’ energy output is an inverted and distorted form of the energy output of those who are awake and awakening. As long as a large majority of people act according to the inverted energy plan the elite cabal gets its way – but once a critical mass cuts into the true expression of Universal energy – the inverted one gets into the slip stream of its own turbulence – and its fear based energy weapons start jamming.   Continue reading “World On The Brink”

A copy of the Constitution is pictured. | AP PhotoPolitico – by PHILIP EWING

The National Security Agency pushed for the government to “rethink” the Fourth Amendment when it argued in a classified memo that it needed new authorities and capabilities for the information age.

The 2001 memo, later declassified and posted online by George Washington University’s National Security Archive, makes a case to the incoming George W. Bush administration that the NSA needs new authorities and technology to adapt to the Internet era.   Continue reading “NSA memo pushed to ‘rethink’ 4th Amendment”

What Really Happened – by Michael Rivero

Obama insists that secret surveillance helps prevent terrorist attacks. Boston proved this claim is false.

Indeed, I have to wonder, with all the phone calls and internet traffic being monitored since 2006, why aren’t American drug lords being arrested?   Continue reading “The Multi-Billion Dollar Total Surveillance System Doesn’t Seem to be Working”

Union Leader

We must say we admire the chutzpah of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He presides over a city that has copious gunplay despite supposedly tough gun control, yet he presumes to tell New Hampshire and the rest of the country how to deal with guns.

That is, he does this when he isn’t telling the citizens of Gotham how big a soda cup they can purchase.   Continue reading “Bloomberg’s chutzpah: Awesome, but NH isn’t buying it”

Common Dreams – by Lauren McCauley & Jon Queally

Responding to the revelations detailing the US government’s massive surveillance programs in recent days, President Obama on Friday said the two programs—one which allows the collection of virtually all phone records produced in the United States and the other which allows the National Security Agency to search through the private digital data of the world’s most popular internet systems—are merely a “modest encroachment” on personal privacies.   Continue reading “Obama Deems Massive Domestic Spying Program ‘Modest Encroachment’”

Truth Dig – by Alexander Reed Kelly

The 179,000 jobs created in May and boasted about by the Obama administration are no more than “the usual lowly paid non-exportable domestic service jobs—the jobs of a third world country,” former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts writes.

According to Roberts’ number crunching, here’s how the bulk of those jobs break down: retail, 27,700; wholesale trade, 7,900; ambulatory health care services, 15,300; servers and bartenders, 38,100; local government, 13,000; amusement, gambling and recreation, 12,500; temporary help, 25,600; business support services, 4,300; services to buildings and residences, 6,400; accounting and bookkeeping, 3,100; architecture and engineering, 4,900; computer systems and related, 6,000; management and technical consulting, 3,200.   Continue reading “‘Another Phony Jobs Report From a Government That Lies About Everything’”

CNN – by Stan Wilson, Michael Martinez and AnneClaire Stapleton

Santa Monica, California (CNN) — The suspect in a shooting spree that left four people dead in Santa Monica has been identified as John Zawahri, sources told CNN.

Authorities say he killed his father, Samir “Sam” Zawahri, and brother, Chris Zawahri, in a Santa Monica house before carjacking a woman and firing at a public bus on Friday.   Continue reading “Santa Monica shooting suspect ID’d; father, brother among victims”