Child Tortured By Cops While Handcuffed; Cops Taser 14-Year Old Boy In Face In Pennsylvania To ‘Protect’ Him

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

A 14-year old boy has been tasered in the face by police while handcuffed as shared in this shocking video. The family of 14-year old Joey Williams has turned to social media to get justice for this shocking act of cowardice displayed by these PUNK cops who should obviously be in prison themselves. Contact information is below video; please call these thugs and express your outrage.  

TULLYTOWN, PA — A woman turned to Facebook and social media for help in seeking justice for her son whom she says was severely injured during his violent encounter with the police and then isolated from her for three days.  She says that her son was “brutally tortured” by Bucks County police officers after being arrested, handcuffed, and shocked in the face by a Taser.

The extensive lacerations, bruising, and black eyes were allegedly the result of the teen being tasered — while handcuffed — and falling once to the pavement.  This was done because officersfeared for his safety as he was close to traffic.

Accountability Check
Marissa Sargeant’s Facebook Page

The facebook page for Tullytown, PA PD is here

Borough Administration
500 Main Street
Tullytown, PA 19007
Administrative Offices: 215-945-1560
Fax: 215-945-4522

Rick Adams, Council President –
May Kucher, Council Vice President –
Ed Armstrong, Councilman –
Ed Czyzyk, Councilman –
Mary Ann Gahagan, Councilwoman –
Matt Pirolli, Councilman –
Bryan Servis, Councilman –
Dave Cutchineal, Mayor –
Nancy Conner, Secretary –

Tullytown Police Department
500 Main Street
Tullytown, PA 19007
Phone: (215)-945-3100

Chief of Police: Daniel J. Doyle

16 thoughts on “Child Tortured By Cops While Handcuffed; Cops Taser 14-Year Old Boy In Face In Pennsylvania To ‘Protect’ Him

  1. Freakin’ scumbags!

    Can’t wait till all the cops look like this. Or worse.

    Minus the still breathing part, of course.

          1. I really, REALLY hate Mondays. That’s when you’re likely to see my most vicious comments.

            Pity the fool who pisses me off on a Monday!

          2. You’re right, Bob Geldof and the Boomtown Rats. 🙂
            Didn’t Elvis Costello do a cover? I could swear I’ve seen video of him doing it.

          3. Entirely possible, Angel, not sure.

            I do know that song was written about the Texas tower shooter, though.

          4. Apparently I was misinformed.

            Hardly surprising though. I’ve always been of the opinion that most of your major nut cases come from one extreme or the other:

            N.Y. or CA.

          5. That was Texas.

            So how the hell did WE end up with the first damn S.W.A.T. team in the country???

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