China Has a Crazy Number of Ghost Cities

Published on Jan 6, 2016 by China Uncensored

Empty apartments, up for grabs! Just kidding. They’re empty, but even the owners don’t want to live there. There are millions of empty apartments in cities across China. Why? Watch to find out more.

The photo of the empty city street in the intro was taken by photographer Azahar Rashid in Tianjin, China. (Thank you!). Here’s his blog:

5 thoughts on “China Has a Crazy Number of Ghost Cities

  1. It’s called a “no brainer.” The Chinese are better at fraud, well, we’ll see who stoops the lowest in the end.

    We are all born with freewill, too many wrong choices and it gets out of hand, though. I do hope some survive.

  2. I have always suspected these “ghost” cities were actually built for the purpose of relocating those who the zio/globalists want to spare from the genocides they plan against the civilized countries who still yearn for freedom. Said lackeys being moved – even if temporarily – allows the re-population of the devastated areas with the “drones” that have passed the test of living as chattel slaves to said globalist masters. READ the Protocols of Zion and see the plan as stated by the shadow Sanhedrin of the Synagogue of Satan.
    I may be incorrect, but it seems a very likely scenario to me.

    1. They’ve built these cities for millions of “invisible” people. It seems they had the foresight, or, should we say, foreskin of a 15 year old finding out about his tallywhacker.

      All the while, shysters with wheelbarrows full of money running into each other on the way to the Laundromat.

  3. Maybe they are waiting to relocate populations to after the destruction of major population centres post WW3?

  4. Did anyone notice that the narrator is a JEW????…. who is supplying all kinds of American theories for why these cities exist with no mention of Agenda21, or Chinese culture?

    I think Darzak (above), has hit the nail on the head.

    When China’s emperor tells a million people they have to move into those cities, they’ll go. They’re not accustomed to Americans’ ability to choose where they’re going to live.

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