Deadly virus leaked from US laboratory in Donbass – DPR Army and Intelligence

DNI News

More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized in a short period of time because of new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines. Donetsk People’s Republic intelligence has reported that Californian Flu is leaked from the same place where research of this virus has been carried out. The laboratory is located near the city of Kharkov and its base for US military experts. Information from threatening epidemic is announced by Vice-Commander of Donetsk Army, Eduard Basurin.

Leak of deadly virus in Ukrainian side was published first time on 12.1.2016:

“According to the medical personnel of the AFU units (Ukrainian troops) there were recorded mass diseases among the Ukrainian military personnel in the field. Physicians recorded the unknown virus as a result of which the infected get the high fever which cannot be subdues by any medicines, and in two days there comes the fatal outcome. Thus far from the virus there have died more than twenty servicemen, what is carefully shielded by the commandment of the AFU from the publicity”, said Basurin in daily MoD situation report.

Outbreak of deadly virus continues and Friday 22.1.2016 Vice-Commander told new information from epidemic:

“We keep registering new facts of growing the epidemics of acute respiratory infections among the Ukrainian military. Just since the beginning of this week more than 200 Ukrainian military have been taken to civil and military hospitals of Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. It is important to repeat that the DPR intelligence previously reported the research being carried out in a private laboratory in the locality Shelkostantsiya, 30 km away from the city of Kharkov, and involving US military experts. According to our information, it is there where the deadly Californian flu strain leaked from,” Basurin said.

DONi News Agency

According to DPR MoD Situation Reports:


7 thoughts on “Deadly virus leaked from US laboratory in Donbass – DPR Army and Intelligence

  1. Sprung a leak, huh? Ummmmmmmmmmmm! Oopsie daisy! What a crock! Welcome to the Californian Flu! This was no “accident”. It was an experiment to measure mortality rates. A “no cure” virus. How perfect.

    It makes a guy wonder what they’ll unleash upon us.

    1. Or what they have already , and won’t be telling us
      I’m sure a lot of today’s deaths by medical diagnosis are not telling the truth

  2. yep.. everyone still thinks that the war against the elite will be a shooting war.. it will be biological. because if we know they do not have enough people then they sure know it..

    but this is just about like the influenza of 1918, and the world is a lot more densely populated than it was then when it killed millions… they gathered samples of it and changed it.. i remember an article a while back where they bragged about changing the 2009 virus where nobody on the planet had any type of immunity whatsoever. they took and intentionally created a new virus that would bypass the immune system.

    if this be the same virus, and as fast as it is supposed to be spreading, if nobody has any immunity at all, it could be a 80-90% or more kill virus..

    i had a flu of some type in 2009, it worked about this fast. i started symptoms that morning and by the end of the day i could not breath.. the next day i blew out a lung trying to get the crud out of my lungs.. i stayed in ICU for a week.. i almost died. the doctors were actually panicking when they examined me and wondered how i was even still walking..

    1. Yes Mauser 98K, I do remember when they reconstituted the World’s most deadly virus. Of course, with genetic manipulation, they can crank out some nasty $hit anytime they please. How many Ebola vials are you willing to pay for? That’s what get’s things done, money, not governments, they’re tools.

  3. Whew….barely caught this article typo.

    Deadly Virus Leaked from U.S. Laboratory in “dumbass”
    -DPR Army and Intelligence.

    They might want to check that one.

  4. Viruses generally have no “cure”.
    They infect you, run their course and may or may not kill you. They usually don’t.
    Treatment is supportive for the symptoms caused, like high fevers or secondary bacterial pneumonias.
    And like the primary viral pneumonia and pulmonary failure of Mauser 98K.
    This was the major cause of death from the 1918 flu.
    Today, there are medications, chest tubes and ventilators to treat severe symptoms but only a limited number exist at each hospital.
    Not enough to treat a major epidemic.

    I’m with Mauser 98K. I believe biological warfare will be the primary method of bringing modern civilization under elite control and for depopulation.
    Radiological is too messy and hazardous. Kinetic is also very damaging, costly and unpredictable.
    Biowarfare has plausible deniability.

    During my training, we were taught that smallpox was the perfect bioweapon. Why? Because it killed a third, sickened a third and did little to the other third. This allowed easy subjugation when 2/3s were sick, dead or dying. But left 1/3 able to clean up the mess and be used as slaves.

    Sick thinking , I know, but it’s out there and has been for a long, long time.

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