China Plans Extermination of US – The Awful Logic

Omega Shock – by John Little

My revelation, yesterday, of China’s plans to exterminate North Americans was probably a shock. It certainly was a shock for me, when I first read about it. In fact, shock doesn’t really begin to describe how I felt.

Unfortunately, there is a terrible logic to these Chinese plans to exterminate the population of North America, and the Chinese have always had a brutally pragmatic way of looking at the world. My own wife – who is Chinese by culture and Taiwanese by birth – was completely unsurprised by Chi Haotian’s article. Chinese history is a tale of massacre, genocide and starvation on a massive scale. General Chi’s words are merely a reflection of that history.  

This is the way China is, and we would do well to remember that.

China Plans Extermination of US – The Awful Logic

The US has a history of miscalculation regarding Communist China. America failed to give vital aid to Chiang Kai-shek in his conflict with Mao Zedong. The US failed to understand China’s determination to keep American forces away from the Yalu River during the  Korean War. In the ’90s and ’00s, America failed to understand China’s ability to take over and eliminate US manufacturing capability. And now, we have made yet another, ultimately fatal, miscalculation.

Would the Chinese people really take the awful step to exterminate the population of North America to give living space to the Chinese?

Well, actually… no.

We aren’t talking about the Chinese people. We’re talking about the Chinese government which is a completely different animal. And, let me be clear that we also aren’t talking about those ‘awful communists’ in Beijing. Communist ideology has nothing to do with this.

What we are talking about is a view of the world that is so brutally pragmatic that it can only be described as that of a psychopath. And, this psychopathic view has characterized generations of Chinese emperors and imperial governments. And, although we describe the Chinese government in Beijing as communist, the same imperial mentality is at work.

Lebensraum – Or, Living Space

The Chinese government knows that China desperately needs more living space, and they need it soon. And, the choice between 300 million Chinese and 300 million Americans is no choice at all.

Remember that this is what drove General Chi’s remarks in his speech/article:

The first issue is living space. This is the biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race. In my last speech, I said that the fight over basic living resources (including land and ocean) is the source of the vast majority of wars in history. This may change in the information age, but not fundamentally. Our per capita resources are much less than those of Germany’s back then. In addition, economic development in the last twenty-plus years had a negative impact, and climates are rapidly changing for the worse. Our resources are in very short supply. The environment is severely polluted, especially that of soil, water, and air. Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race, but even its survival is gravely threatened, to a degree much greater than faced Germany back then.

The Nazi German Model

The Germany that General Chi refers to is Nazi Germany, and he indicates that the leadership of China has chosen Naziism the model for China. And they have vowed to not make the same mistakes that Hitler made.

Does that scare you?

It certainly scares me. But, coupling that model to an utterly pragmatic need for living space and resources… in addition to a psychopathic will to murder 300 million people to get them… well, that should terrify you.

But, let’s continue with General Chi’s analysis of the environmental factors driving China to genocide:

Anybody who has been to Western countries knows that their living space is much better than ours. They have forests alongside the highways, while we hardly have any trees by our streets. Their sky is often blue with white clouds, while our sky is covered with a layer of dark haze. Their tap water is clean enough for drinking, while even our ground water is so polluted that it can’t be drunk without filtering. They have few people in the streets, and two or three people can occupy a small residential building; in contrast, our streets are always crawling with people, and several people have to share one room.

Many years ago, there was a book titled Yellow Catastrophes. It said that, due to our following the American style of consumption, our limited resources would no longer support the population and society would collapse, once our population reaches 1.3 billion. Now our population has already exceeded this limit, and we are now relying on imports to sustain our nation. It’s not that we haven’t paid attention to this issue. The Ministry of Land Resources is specialized in this issue.

China understands population collapse, and they are prepared to do everything they can to avoid another one. The fact that they are following a Nazi German model means that they view this effort as one in which there can only be one winner – and, they are determined not to lose.

The Final Solution

But, let me add one more thing from General Chi:

But the term ‘living space’ (lebensraum) is too closely related to Nazi Germany. The reason we don’t want to discuss this too openly is to avoid the West’s association of us with Nazi Germany, which could in turn reinforce the view that China is a threat. Therefore, in our emphasis on He Xin’s new theory, ‘Human rights are just living rights,’ we only talk about ‘living,’ but not ‘space,’ so as to avoid using the term ‘living space.’ From the perspective of history, the reason that China is faced with the issue of living space is because Western countries have developed ahead of Eastern countries. Western countries established colonies all around the world, therefore giving themselves an advantage on the issue of living space. To solve this problem, we must lead the Chinese people outside of China, so that they could develop outside of China.

If Beijing wishes to lead the Chinese people outside of China, to develop outside of China, they have a problem – there is no living space in the world today that hasn’t been claimed by someone else. This means that someone is going to have to die for China to claim this space, and General Chi has laid his focus squarely upon North America and the extermination of 300 million Americans.

Just as Hitler had his ‘Final Solution‘ and the plan for the murder of the Jewish population, General Chi has his own ‘Final Solution’ for the people of North America. And, it should be clear to the General and the rest of the Chinese government that they have the perfect method for implementing this American Holocaust:

An EMP attack

And, they have the perfect tool for making this attack happen:

North Korea

7 thoughts on “China Plans Extermination of US – The Awful Logic

  1. The writer fails to mention that we are not complete bitches ourselves and we have pretty much taken over, by force, the rest of the world up to this point. He fails to mention the numerous empty cities in China. The fact that their economy is much worse than our if your being realistic about it. A Chinese factory consists of 100s of Chinese workers building everything by hand. Not too many are automated or up to date. Without us nobody is buying anyway. Their money is as fake as ours. Most importantly we found an old copy of the art of war and know all of their tricks! An EMP works both ways you know. Billions of starving people of their own will be enough to worry about. They kind of stick out over here too so they’ll be easy to spot. Better to worry about the enemies within I say.

    1. “He fails to mention the numerous empty cities in China.”

      Exactly what I was thinking when reading this. I have lived in China. There is alot of unoccupied land in the country areas in China. It’s just that the government forces them to move in the cities like Obama is trying to get us to do here in America. It’s Agenda 21.

      “Without us nobody is buying anyway.”

      Another point that I always mention in all of this. If we fail, CHINA fails because if we have no money, they have no consumers. They have no consumers, they can’t sell. They can’t sell, they have no money and they collapse. Everyone fails. Same goes with the EU and China. With no one to buy their products, how will China survive?

  2. We don’t have to worry about China’s Plans to Exterminate the US, we are doing fairly good job of exterminating ourselves with GMOs, Vaccines, Chemtrails, not to forget a police state, corporate and political corruption and on and on. Every great empire has fallen since time begun, now it’s America turn. It appears America is only good for one revolution.

  3. China is already effectively defeating us through our debt. However, if push came to shove, and China used an EMP it would knock-out the power grid, which consequently would lead to rioting that would destroy the infrastructure. Furthermore, if China would attempt an invasion with a Red Dawn scenario, they better pack a big lunch… we are heavily armed and will only relinquish our guns one bullet at a time.

    I would expect China to use a neutron bomb, which would kill the people but leave the infrastructure in place.

    BTW: The USA is also using the Nazi German Model for conquest. The German reconnisance soldiers were able to covertly blend in with the Country’s people they intended to conquer, but it is unlikely that several million Chinese soldiers will be able to covertly blend in very well in the USA.

  4. What?! You mean to tell me that they’re not coming over here to make love and brush our little hairsees? Dammit. We’ve been so good to them, haven’t we? Haven’t we done integration and smacked down anybody who says or does anything racist. Haven’t we imprisoned our own white people in favor of “togetherness.” And, this is how they repay us?

    Of course, it’s all our fault and WE must try harder with kindness, love, and our never-ending financial support via worthless stuffed toys and cheap kitchenware. Well, that’s according to our soft, silly political dough boys in the White House who dance with the big “boys” like the Castro family by raping and molesting American children and carry back tales of how brave they were to their ignorant wives and children.

    The truth is that the Commies see them all as the cowardly clowns that they are and have been patiently waiting for their day to come. And, it will. Soon. Did you see John Boehner crying like a bitch? Wasn’t that sooooo sweet. Gives you that comfy, cozy feeling of love, doesn’t it?

    The truth is being exposed, somewhat, (Adam Walsh, who?) as they all do their cute little mini barks at Eric Holder in utter confusion wondering why he doesn’t follow the rules and hoping like hell they look manly and tough via useless speech to the American public who are finally wising up.

    Pathetic how that thumb-sucking Goehmer threw in his “I am the 300 Mexican’s hero” the other day when the wisest of us know that what he is truly saying is, “Pweez, pweez, don’t kill me cartel people. I am your pweety little fwend and I can be your slimy bitch.” And, ignorant women say that this is the *cough, cough, choke, choke* MAN that they would follow.

    Just go ahead and blame the American prisoner/terrorists and not the politicians who have no qualms about leaving men and women on the battle field in favor of their downy, feather laden beds and their bulging bank accounts.

    Hey, which way did our military go?!

    I worked for Pablo Escobar and the Castros and I can tell you we are sooooo screwed, folks! So screwed!

  5. Interesting. In 1412 or something like that (according to a video I saw…NatGeo or whatever made it, but anyway), a Chinese fleet of boats landed on the west coast of North America…in any case almost 100 years before Colombus supposedly discovered America (which BTW was actually discovered by Lief Ericson and the Vikings around 1000 AD, in the area around Labrador and Newfoundland today). Then close to the time Colombus landed on Hispaniola and the Bahamas a huge plague broke out among most of the Native tribes here in the US (don’t know about Canada or Mexico) which killed many millions of natives here, sorta like the North American version of the Black Death in Europe in the 14th century.

    So that if China did in fact discover North America, it could be that they themselves, wittingly or unwittingly, brought this plague to Native Americans. And it could be that they know this and would like to do it again.

    There are folks out there who want the Russians and Chinese to teach America a lesson so to speak. If any of these folks are Americans, they need to step back, consider the consequences, and cut the crap. NOW!

  6. “The Germany that General Chi refers to is Nazi Germany, and he indicates that the leadership of China has chosen Naziism the model for China.”

    Since that was ultimately a failure, I’m surprised they didn’t choose the Bolsheviks as their model.

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