Comments on the bankster “suicides”

Published on Feb 12, 2014 by Joseph Farrell

Joseph Comments on the bankster “suicides” and the “suicide” by nail gun of a financial men involved in the TITLE end of mortages…

Here’s the articles Joseph is commenting on:…………

3 thoughts on “Comments on the bankster “suicides”

  1. Thank you, Enbe, for posting this very informative information. Since I
    am relatively new at “waking up”, I was not familiar with The Nefarium.
    Could you please tell me the address of his website. I would like to
    visit it often.

    1. 1611, I don’t subscribe to his blog but only catch one of his youtube videos (his channel is Joseph Farrell) from time to time. I haven’t listened to them (I probably should), but there is a short list of informative interviews with him at And his website is That should keep you busy for a while. 😉

      If you find something you think would be worthwhile for the FTT folks, would you post it here?

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