Confederate statue toppled in North Carolina during protest

Fox News

A crowd of protesters in Durham, N.C., tied a cord to a Confederate statue and toppled it to the ground Monday night to loud cheers, a symbolic response to the violence at the rally of white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va.  

A man used a ladder to attach the cord to the statue — which officers had coated with cooking spray to make it tougher to climb, WRAL reported.

“No KKK! No fascists! USA!” many protesters chanted as the statue came down.

The monument, dedicated in 1924, showed a Confederate soldier with “The Confederate States of America” engraved on the front, WNCN added.

The protesters kicked and spat on the toppled statue before carrying it from the old Durham County Courthouse to a police station, according to reports.

Investigators said 20-year-old James Fields Jr. drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters on Saturday in Charlottesville. One woman was killed and some 19 other people were hurt.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

8 thoughts on “Confederate statue toppled in North Carolina during protest

  1. Looks like the Craigslist ad from Charlotte (posted here on FTTWR on 8/14/17) has really worked!! Paid enthusiastic crowds…I don’t see any colored folks in that crowd wanting to tear the thing down. So either: 1. These white kids are all brainwashed by MTV and their communist professors, or 2: They’re just trying to make a little extra “money” by yelling, screaming and hanging out for a few hours…maybe even get some more followers on their Twitter accounts, or likes on their Facebook page!!

  2. And no one was charged in any fashion with even misdemeanor vandalism. Bet if we pulled down those Georgia guide-stones we would be thrown under the jail.

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