Cop With Smoking Gun Brags ‘Awesome’ After Blasting Pet Dog

Activist Post – by Amanda Warren

A benevolent pit bull named Cali has died after officer Brice Woolly of Ardmore Police Department in Oklahoma blasted her in the neck with a shotgun on March 19.

On that day, Cali escaped the backyard fence and a neighbor called animal control to retrieve the dog. Unfortunately, officer Woolly arrived first.  

You might be aghast when you hear what Woolly said when he bragged and laughed about shooting a dog that was just standing there, and then bragged again about another shooting. Then there is his murderous past and what he told the animal control officer to do next….

When officers arrived, someone told them that animal control was on the way. According to a witness, Officer Brice Woolley said, “I’m not waiting for animal control.” He went to his car, got his shotgun, did the deed and then bragged to animal control about how “awesome” it looked when the collar flew off her neck. Specifically, “did you see her collar fly off when I shot her? That was awesome” as he laughed. He went on to brag about a dog he shot two days earlier with a pistol.

When animal control arrived (who work for the department), Woolly is quoted as saying,  “We will just write up the report as she was attacking you and other neighbors and blah blah blah.” Meaning “blah blah blah” as in business as usual.

Unlike a lot of dogs who are left to bleed out while the officer finishes talking and ticketing someone for a loose dog, Cali died immediately. To make matters worse, the animal control officer who was being bragged to and apparently went along with falsifying the report, walks up to an already dead Cali and shoots her again near the rib cage.

But Cali didn’t attack, according to witnesses. She certainly didn’t pose a threat to the officer who had time to walk to his car, obtain his shotgun, walk back and shoot her directly in the neck, presumably at close range. When Cali’s owner, Sarah, arrived holding her 6-month-old infant, the officer said: “She’s dead. I just shot her.” After finding out, Sarah broke down and cried and walked back into her house.

Without looking at witness evidence, the department simply told Sarah the officers were in their right when they shot her dog after she went to the office to complain.

Officer Brice Woolly has shot and killed a person while working at a previous Oklahoma department in Tishomingo. The city had to reach a settlement and let Woolly go. You can see footage and description here. It was someone who took too long to stop and then ran. Woolly was caught lying about the account when the testimony did not match the timing and footage of the dashcam. Somehow, he made it to Ardmore department even after failing psychological exams, and has killed at least two dogs.

Warning: Graphic images appear below

I am posting these pictures because the owner has posted them publicly to raise awareness of officers gratuitously shooting innocent dogs.

Not many of us see the brutal reality of pet owners having to deal with their dead friends in the yard or on the neighborhood street after an officer casually walks away from the gore. The shotgun wound appears to be very close range.




Sarah writes:

If an officer can do this and get away with it, what else Is going on!? Something has to be done not only for Cali but for the many other dogs that are shot even in their very own yards for absolutely no reason! This isn’t right and something has to be done! Share and invite as many people as you can to get this out. This needs to be exposed along with many other incidences! Cali did not deserve this!!

Other similar disturbing instances (aside from the hundreds and hundreds of pets who get shot by police each year – over 400 one year in Chicago alone. And Milwaukee) include the following: 1) Police are using live injured animals for target practice. For real. If you don’t know about this yet – you need to. Please drop everything and go here.

And 2) a cop shot a mildly injured deer in front of a child when the family tried to take it to a rescue center. He threatened them with force and arrest for even suggesting that they could help. As you can see from that story, the same exact police tactics are being simultaneously deployed both in the U.S. and Canada – it didn’t just happen, and it’s not due to “lack of training.” It is meant to cause trauma and shutdown, especially when there is no threat from the dog to the officer. To date, no on-duty officers have been killed by dogs.

This unnecessary and unequivocally psychopathic behavior is important to know about for awareness and safety. Think twice before calling 9/11 when it comes to pets! Talk to your neighbor first. As it happens, the neighbor called animal control which is a part of their police department – how could anyone have known that this would happen to Cali?

The family is not letting this killing go unheard. To be sure, their petition isn’t typical – it goes to both Ardmore Police Department and Oklahoma’s Governor.

Facebook page: Justice for Cali

Ardmore Police Department:

20 thoughts on “Cop With Smoking Gun Brags ‘Awesome’ After Blasting Pet Dog

  1. Just remember that a cop is no different that a pig and in my books a dog is a few levels up from a pig.

    Yea a cop can still have that happen to them too and I could brag about it just like this scumbag cop does about shootin` so called animal they call a dog because to me a cop is a pig and a pig is less than a dog!!!

    Yea you cops, just remember that most people consider their pets as much of a family member as a person so just remember that all you cops

    1. Hey Diggerdan that’s kind of insulting to (real) pigs. :-). Pigs are gooood.
      Think bacon mmmm….delicious 🙂
      Just pulling your chain a little there 🙂
      Don’t get mad at me I know what you are saying Bro. 🙂

        1. I’d be tempted to call them a**holes, but then again a real a**hole is a usefull thing to have. They (cops) are certainly not usefull. 🙂

  2. I hope “officer” Brice Woolly drops the f*** dead! Hell has a special place for worthless scumbags like him. He is truly a dripping from Satan’s left testicle.

    1. Yes Sunfire, ya know what is even wose is that if this pig has any kids He probobly had to be a rapist to procreate and then if he was sucessful procreating he will bring up his spawn kids to be just like he is. 🙁

  3. Bruce Woolly is a coward of the worst kind. He has a badge and gun, without which, would pee in his pants if trouble found him. Come to my house, little woolly, and shoot one of my animals. I only have cats, but you must be afraid of them too. I have three cats. Bet your scared ass goes to the next world before you get to the second one. I will be the one laughing.

  4. Bruce “The Cull” Woolly needs a shotgun blast to the neck…and one in the ribs for good measure.

    1. I signed it waste of time or not because if it was my 150lb German Rot I would want people signing. I’m tired of seeing this.

      1. Agreed. Hubby and I signed for the same reason. (If it had happened to us, there would be a dead cop and Hubby would be in jail)

  5. Seriously, one of these times someone is going to watch their beloved pet get killed and then they are going to go grab their rifle.

    1. It shoukd not be ” one of these times” Han Solo. These “pets” are still a member of the family. Just think, that dog would most likely kill or die trying to protect a family so the same though/actions should also be for the dog or family pet IMOHO.
      I am still looking for the SOB that killed my rot and they best in their own best interest better hope that I do not find out who killed/murdered my best buddy.
      This is killing/murdering a family member.

  6. With a hole like that, he was close enough to get bitten. Not one word that she went after him. And as for the animal control officer shooting her, too; that’s just sick.

  7. This Woolly animal needs to be put down in the same fashion as he did to poor Cali. He’s a sick monster.

  8. People, this is what a coward looks like, acts like , and lives like
    How long are we the people going to stand for this before retribution comes?
    All I want is a realistic answer

  9. This POS won’t be so self-congratulatory once the targets begin shooting back. Most likely be hiding in the darkest hole he can find.

    Under his mommy’s dress.

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