Cops Brutally Beat Man then Express ‘Regret’ for NOT Killing Him

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Euclid, OH — Once again, the cops from what is now becoming one of the most infamous departments in the country are in the spotlight. This time, the Euclid police department beat a man so severely that they literally broke his face and he had to be hospitalized. Also, after they arrested him, two officers were caught on the dashcam expressing their disappointment that they didn’t kill him.

Tensions between police and citizens in Euclid, Ohio have come to a head recently after police killed an unarmed 23-year-old man over a marijuana roach and officers were seen on video pulverizing another man over a suspended license, and, as TFTP reported last week, beating the hell out of an innocent man after mistaking his colostomy bag for a weapon.  

The most recent black eye on the department stems from the arrest of Erimius Spencer. Because Officer Michael Amiott and Officer Shane Rivera smelled a plant, they claimed the right to kidnap and cage Spencer in December 2016.

According to the police department who has been caught lying on multiple occasions and beating entirely compliant and innocent individuals, Spencer resisted when they found less than one gram of cannabis in his possession. Naturally, they used the claim of resisting to inflict serious harm on Spencer.

As the officers were taking him into custody, they claimed he tried to grab one of their tasers, so they proceeded to smash his face in so hard that it broke his orbital bone.

Because the two officers that arrested him were off-duty at the time, two on-duty cops showed up to bring him in. Their discussion, which was caught on their dashcam is now the center of yet another investigation into this most brutal and apparently racist department.

“What did he have? I know it’s an off-duty thing but he said he was trying to take his Taser; yeah, that would be a damn shame, I guess, if had to shoot the nigger,” the one officer can be heard saying.

“I find what this officer said absolutely shocking, and disgusting,” Spencer’s attorney, Paul Cristallo said. “To me, it sounds like they are expressing regret that they didn’t shoot him and I think this shows a department-wide problem.”

Spencer was arrested that night on multiple charges trumped up by the cops. He was facing charges of drug abuse, resisting arrest, criminal damaging, and theft, but he had done none of those things.

“The theft charge stemmed from Officer Amiott saying that Erimius tried to steal his Taser,” Cristallo said. “He also charged him with criminal damaging because when they were tasering him numerous times part of a piece of plastic broke on the taser — that was one thing, and apparently Officer Amiott said his sunglasses got broken during what was essentially a beat-down on Erimuis.”

Once the case went to court, all charges except for the drug charge were thrown out.

Spencer has since filed a lawsuit against the department alleging that the officers violated his constitutional rights when they beat him to the point of hospitalization over a gram of a plant.

“Spencer’s possession of what was allegedly less than 1 gram of marijuana was the justification for charging him with drug abuse,” the lawsuit states. “It is noteworthy that Ohio law considers the possession of less than a hundred grams of marijuana to be a minor misdemeanor, not punishable by jail or even arrest, with a maximum fine of $150.00.”

Naturally, the Fraternal Order of Police is standing by its officers claiming that Spencer having the plant “precipitated the force used by the officers.”

“It is extremely frustrating to see the city have to spend resources to defend officers who are lawfully performing their duty and fight to protect the tax dollars contributed by the hard working men and women who live and work here,” the FOP statement reads.

To illustrate the laughable support for these officers, Amiott is the cop who was caught on video savagely beating a compliant man during a routine traffic stop. Amiott doesn’t only reserve his anger and violence for adults either, as TFTP reported in August, he was also caught on body camera footage beating a handcuffed child. 

On his application to be a police officer, Amiott said he wanted to be a cop — not because he wanted to help people — but because he enjoyed the “danger/thrill” of law enforcement.

Sadly, because Ohio apparently has no standards when it comes to hiring cops, a trail of blood and rights violations is left in the wake of this sadistic public servant.

As for the racist cops caught on the dashcam regretting the fact that they didn’t get to “shoot the nigger,” their names have not been released and the department claimed they had no knowledge of the footage.

Free Thought Project

5 thoughts on “Cops Brutally Beat Man then Express ‘Regret’ for NOT Killing Him

  1. Ha-Ha! Take their guns & tasers away from them! See how bad they are then. Man, I’m flat ass sick of reading about brutal cops. Too bad their mother didn’t abort.

  2. A roach…
    A colonoscopy bag.

    This police department has a new policy because of this incident.

    If you have a roach…a bag…etc…

    Then you tell them I’ve been constipated for a couple of weeks.

    They’ll consider it a medical emergency. ..not call the paramedics and proceed to beat the sht out of you.

    Just to save your life.

  3. when does a person that any of these pigs have subjugated their rights , end up actually getting even?

    thats the story I want to read

  4. “To me, it sounds like they are expressing regret that they didn’t shoot him and I think this shows a department-wide problem.”

    We’ll have NO regrets once these f%&kers start getting smoked left & right.


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