Cops Freak Out Over ‘Shoot A Cop’ Bumper Sticker, News Warns It Could ‘Incite Violence’

Information Liberation – by Chris

A flippant bumper sticker with the words “shoot a cop” scribbled on it has Virginia police in a tizzy.

NBC 12 reports:

NBC12 viewers contacted 12 On Your Side about a bumper sticker that reads “SHOOT A COP.” It’s gotten the attention of the Virginia Fraternal Order of Police. Is it Free Speech or a terroristic threat?

“It’s absolutely very dangerous,” said Kevin Carroll with the Virginia Fraternal Order of Police. “It’s dangerous for the officers.”

The image is making the rounds on social media.

“Officers make mistakes,” said Carroll. “I understand that, but I did not know that it now has become fashionable to hate the police.”

NBC 12 asked a legal analyst whether the bumper sticker was free speech or a “terroristic threat.” Brace yourselves for this shocker: their expert says it’s free speech.

Nonetheless, while they acknowledge it’s free speech, the NBC affiliate still ends their report with an ominous threat that their “legal analyst wants you to know.” They warn the driver and the public that “once this [bumper sticker] incites violence, you could find yourself in a world of trouble.”

Yes, no doubt someone will take one glance at this driver’s bumper sticker and decide to murder a police officer.

It’s free speech, the only thing this driver has to fear is police retaliation, which while they note it’s illegal for police to do so, cops tend not to know the law nor follow it.

NBC12 – WWBT – Richmond, VA News On Your Side

2 thoughts on “Cops Freak Out Over ‘Shoot A Cop’ Bumper Sticker, News Warns It Could ‘Incite Violence’

  1. “Officers make mistakes,” said Carroll. “I understand that, but I did not know that it now has become fashionable to hate the police.”

    No.. it’s not a “mistake” when you blow someone away because “we don’t have time for this”, or when you beat the crap out of a kid and tazer him for skateboarding, or climbing a tree. (I can list endless examples of intentional, unjustifiable police brutality, and I’m sure you can too) It’s not “fashionable to hate the police”. It’s sensible, and justified by their thefts, murders, and general brutality against innocent Americans.

    “Brace yourselves for this shocker: their expert says it’s free speech.”

    That’s only a “shocker” to a stinking commie who thinks the government, or some gang of politically correct LGBT freaks has a right to decide what we’re allowed to say. The Bill of Rights, however, is quite clear on the issue.

    Here’s a “shocker” to the commie bastards: The Bill of Rights is the law of the land, and is NOT diminished in any way by your screaming, crying, or insistence on “political correctness”.

    1. also…. we don’t need anyone’s “expert” to define free speech. It’s perfectly plain and simple, until the Jews start twisting what’s obvious.

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