7 thoughts on “Cops Park In Red Zone So They Can Stuff Their Face

  1. I’m surprised the cops didn’t yell at him for recording them.

    So the parking attendant did nothing. Once again, two sets of laws. One for you and one for them.

  2. I can hear their excuse now, “Well, we need to park in the red zone in case we get an emergency call and have to leave quickly”. 🙄

  3. I almost took a meter maid job back in the 1990’S when I was a Democrat ” voted for Perrot”. I’m glad I didn’t take it, I can live with myself.

  4. The parking maid knows the police do not know how to park a vehicle. Like they say you can’t park one you can’t drive one. So it is ok when we run over a child in one. And that makes our streets much safer if they are in the donut shop and off the road. Non parked but nondriving. So a great public safty improvment here.

  5. dont bother the lil fu^ks..let them sit there and eat the GMO laden crap food and get fat and lazy, at least they arnt out making false arrests or beating up a 95 year old on their porch, or yet killing your dog

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