Cops Repeatedly Taser Man Until He Falls Unconscious and Dies—for “Acting Crazy”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Tulsa, OK — Tulsa police just released an extremely disturbing video showing their officers repeatedly taser an unarmed, shirtless, shoeless man until he fell unconscious and died.

Joshua Harvey, 25, would lose his life after an interaction with Tulsa police and prior to coming across the officers, his only “crime” was acting crazy.  

According to police, they were responding to a call of a mentally ill man in the street who was screaming and taking off his clothes. When officers encountered Harvey, he ran into an office building to get away.

Harvey slammed the door to the office so hard that it shattered and injured him in the process. He was clearly in the midst of a psychological episode and was screaming “What? Okay!” over and over as the police tried to arrest him.

As the body cam shows, after police chase Harvey into the bank, two officers deploy their tasers and begin triggering them repeatedly.

“All right we’re gonna tase him. Let’s tase him,” the officer says as two of them deploy their tasers.

Harvey showed incredible resistance to the tasers only locking up when they were deployed.

“Two officers deployed their Tasers with additional officers there to assist. The Taser knocked the individual down but he quickly got back up,” Tulsa PD said in a statement.

Because he resisted, the officers continued to deploy the tasers. Instead of helping his fellow officers get Harvey under control, one of the officers just kept shocking him. He deployed the taser so many times that it prompted the other officer to tell him to “stop it,” twice.

Highlighting the nature of the stop, one officer, apparently trying to understand why they were tasering Harvey repeatedly, said, “He hasn’t done anything yet, he’s just acting crazy.”

After a three minute struggle, and multiple taser deployments, officers finally got Harvey in handcuffs and then call for EMS. As Harvey begins to lose consciousness, he begs the officers to take the taser prongs out of his body.

“Take the Tasers off. Take ‘em off,” Harvey says. “I’m dying. He’s about to kill me.”

They do not grant him his wish. Fifteen minutes after the first taser strike, Harvey starts groaning and eventually loses consciousness. In the video, police are asking if Harvey is breathing.

“His eyes are in the back of his head,” one officer says.

“There’s no way we got him without the Taser,” an officer says at the scene. “We would have been wrestling him for an hour.”

Harvey would be transported to the hospital and would die three days later.

Harvey’s attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons insists that Harvey never regained consciousness in hospital. “At this point we just want to know exactly what happened between Joshua and the TPD officers, and call on TPD to be forthcoming and transparent during this process,” Solomon-Simmons said.

At the end of the video one officer asked: “How many times did we hit him, like 10 frickin’ times?”

What do you think? Were the officers justified in the repeated use of the taser, or should they have put it down and gotten on top of Harvey? Let us know in the comments below.

Raw footage of the entire incident in the video below.

Free Thought Project

3 thoughts on “Cops Repeatedly Taser Man Until He Falls Unconscious and Dies—for “Acting Crazy”

  1. “His eyes are in the back of his head,” one officer says.”

    You pigs had better grow some in the backs of your heads, scumbag.

    You’re gonna need ’em when the majority of the stupid sheeple in this country figure out the scam.

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