Trump Poised to Chair U.N. Security Council Meeting on Iran

Breitbart – by Simon Kent

President Donald Trump will chair a U.N. Security Council meeting on Iran when the annual gathering of world leaders descends on New York this month.

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said Tuesday the meeting will address Middle East instability and the ongoing violations of international law that continually define the troubled region.  

“He is calling the meeting to address Iran’s violations of international law,” Haley said at a press conference.

“There is a growing concern about Iran,” Haley added, nodding to Tehran’s ballistic missile ambitions, before conceding the agenda is driven by a variety of regional troubles,  “Some are old things, some are new things.”

In May, Mr. Trump announced the US’ withdrawal from the Obama-negotiated Iran nuclear deal and the reinstitution of economic sanctions on Iran. He further warned that if Iran continues to pursue nuclear weapons, “it will have bigger problems than it has ever had before.”

The Hill reports the 73rd session of the U.N. General Assembly opens on Sept. 18 in New York. Mr. Trump is expected at the end of the month during “high-level week,” which begins on Sept. 24, with a meeting on global peace.

Other scheduled meetings will address reducing threats of nuclear weapons and disease prevention.

While making the announcement, Haley accused Iran of supporting terrorism and destabilizing activities in Lebanon, Yemen and Syria. She says Iran’s leader could speak at the council meeting if he chooses to.

Within hours of Haley’s announcement, the Iranian rial fell to its lowest rate on record, with the currency now trading at over 150,000 to the U.S. dollar.

Since Saturday, the start of the Iranian working week, the rial has dropped over a quarter of its value.

On Wednesday, the end of the working week, currency exchange shops in Tehran posted rates of over 150,000 rials to $1.

3 thoughts on “Trump Poised to Chair U.N. Security Council Meeting on Iran

  1. “While making the announcement, Haley accused Iran of supporting terrorism and destabilizing activities in Lebanon, Yemen and Syria.”


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