Coward Connecticut Gov. Lamont Runs Away From Angry Parents Who Confront Him Over His School Mask Mandate

En Volve

During a back-to-school meeting at a Connecticut elementary school, a group of angry parents protesting the student mask law addressed Governor Ned Lamont.

After being confronted by parents who were upset that he was supporting the school mask mandates, the conference was cut short, and Lamont was rushed away by security.

RT reports: The heated standoff between the governor and the parents took place outside Highland Elementary School in Cheshire on Wednesday after he emerged from a mask roundtable, which had to be wrapped up early after protesters raised hell over the potential extension of a school mask mandate past September 30.

Footage from the meeting shows protesters chanting, “You are all criminals,” and waving anti-mask signs at the governor.

The protesters were allegedly part of the ‘Unmask Our Kids Connecticut’ campaign organized by the Connecticut Liberty Party, which styles itself as an “active grassroots organization… promoting the American ideals of Liberty, Freedom & Individual Rights” in the state.

On Twitter, the group denounced the roundtable as the “COVID mandate educator celebration” and noted that while they do not necessarily approve of the parents’ conduct towards the governor, “people need to stand up and speak out.” 

“This ends when WE THE PEOPLE end it,” the group said.

En Volve

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