Dad defends Facebook photo of 6-month baby girl holding bolt-action rifle: Outrage or ordinary?

baby-girl-holding-rifle.jpgPennLive – by John Luciew

This father was flummoxed when the Facebook photo of his 6-month-old girl, Genevieve Duffy, holding a bolt-action rife became a target for critics.

A Connecticut gun shop, the Woodbridge Firearms Trading Post, posted the photo to its Facebook page. But someone ended up reporting the image, and soon local TV stations were swarming on the story to the outrage of some viewers.   

The gun shop ended up pulling the photo from its Facebook page at the request of the family.

The local TV report about the photo flap drew all manner of reaction in gun-sensitive Connecticut, which is still dealing with the emotional after-effects of the Sandy Hook school shootings. But through it all the pro-gun dad is defending his actions – and the photo of his little baby girl, Genevieve, and the gun.

“The little one actually latched onto it when I first picked it up to see how heavy it was. It’s actually very light, to test the weight, so I just decided to take the picture,” Christopher Duffy told WTNH of New Haven, which first reported the story.

Indeed, even as an offended Facebook visitor reported the photo and the flap became fodder in local news reports, Duffy wondered what all the fuss was about:

“Other people being upset about it? I don’t force their kids to do anything. I don’t force them to do anything,” he said. “My hand was on it, the bolt was open, it was safety checked. I’m not sure how wide the picture is. She’s clearly in her seat just sitting up, one hand on the scope, one hand on the barrel.”

Perhaps local resident Bryanna Wingate of New Haven summed the opposing view best,telling WTNH this:

“After everything that happened in Connecticut with Sandy Hook and everything that’s going on with the gun laws, why would you have your baby holding a gun…a big gun?” she said.

7 thoughts on “Dad defends Facebook photo of 6-month baby girl holding bolt-action rifle: Outrage or ordinary?

  1. ya know?? some people have too much idle time on their hands, getting upset over this. However facebook is imho moronic. especially if you are telling everyone what your doing all the time.

    1. on another note. He probably should start that little one out on a pellet pistol. easier to conceal. 🙂

  2. Has the anti-gun hysteria gone this far? The six month-old baby has no idea what she’s holding, but it seems there’s always a gang of idiots on hand ready to scream “Sandy Hook” whenever they see a gun, or even a pop-tart strategically bitten to resemble a gun.

    Hasn’t the TV indoctrinated them to succumb to completely irrational fears, that guide them to act on the behalf of others? That’s brainwashing, and the TV does it constantly. How many of your opinions are the result of receiving erroneous information repetitively from the TV?

    Yes, there are a few people who resist brainwashing, and knowing they’re trying to brainwash you is an important defense, but if you’re staring into the tube for several hours per day, it MUST influence you to some degree

    1. I live in a small cabin in the mountains…and my wife loves to watch NCIS, Law & Order…NCIS-Miami…(or whatever 3/4 letter agency) …so I end up having to listen to the blatant propaganda that is emitted from those shows / stories…you can analyze them by the clock….40 minutes to chase the (Muslim) bad guys around….10 minutes to figure out they made the wrong choice for bad guy…and then a shoot-out in the last 4-5 minutes in which all the “real” bad guys (terrorists) have been killed…and all the good guys (who broke every rule in the book to catch the bad guy..which we are supposed to “admire”..) ..then there is always enough time for all the good guys to gather around for a subliminal lesson in right, wrong, good, bad, terror and patriotism…by then I usually want to vomit in my mouth ….but my wife just proclaims….”it’s just entertainment”….sad that she doesn’t see..

      RJ O’Guillory
      Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

      1. Chuck the ‘regular TV’ (saved me a Direct TV bill of way too much to mention monthly) – check out things like Netflix and/or Amazon as each offer TV series & movies from your TV at little charge.

        Watch a few episodes of Fringe and you wont want to go back to ‘TV cop shows’ ever again.

        – enjoy

  3. Well gee…now I understand…

    “Perhaps local resident Bryanna Wingate of New Haven summed the opposing view best,telling WTNH this:

    “After everything that happened in Connecticut with Sandy Hook and everything that’s going on with the gun laws, why would you have your baby holding a gun…a big gun?” she said.”….

    Hey…Bryanna…how about you mind your own effin’ business?…Twit…!

    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  4. “After everything that happened in Connecticut with Sandy Hook and everything that’s going on with the gun laws, why would you have your baby holding a gun…a big gun?”
    So that if some dumb sucker comes into the school waving a gun, she can shoot the sucker dead.
    Next question.

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