Daily AR15 Target

Gay_flag.svgThe LGBT community or GLBT community, commonly referred to as the gay community, is a loosely defined grouping of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and LGBT-supportive people, organizations, and subcultures, united by a common culture and social movements. These communities generally celebrate pride, diversity, individuality, and sexuality. LGBT activists and sociologists see LGBT community-building as a counterbalance to heterosexism, homophobia, biphobia,transphobia, sexualism, and conformist pressures that exist in the larger society.   

300px-Stag2wi_The AR-15 is a military assault rifle built to kill many people, quickly. It is sold legally to citizens of the U.S., sometimes after perfunctory background checks, and other times without background checks (the “gun show loophole”). The AR-15 was used to murder 20 first graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT; to murder 49 innocent people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL; and to kill many others in the mass killings that are virtually unique to the U.S. due to the easy availability of the AR-15 and other military-grade weapons to anyone.   Wikipedia

6 thoughts on “Daily AR15 Target

  1. Wow, beside homophobic like you got nothing going on in your own bedroom to keep your mind from what goes on in others, a tad disgraceful and disrespecting towards a god, you trust to punish behavior not condoned by him. If you are Xian, who allowed you to sit on that throne and make judgement. Isnt that in the end what the devil did? (Not that I believe that any f that bs.)

    The piece quoted for the AR-15 is rife with mistakes and disinfo. But then again. where to stop believing, eh?

    “The AR-15 is a military assault rifle built to kill many people, quickly. It is sold legally to citizens of the U.S., sometimes after perfunctory background checks, and other times without background checks (the “gun show loophole”). The AR-15 was used to murder 20 first graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT; to murder 49 innocent people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL; and to kill many others in the mass killings that are virtually unique to the U.S. due to the easy availability of the AR-15 and other military-grade weapons to anyone.”

    “The AR-15 is a military assault rifle built to kill many people”
    No it ain’t. It is the civilian crippled version of the M-16. If the M-16 was the black powder gun of the revolution, then the AR-15 would be a black powder gun to be used with wooden bullets.

    See if you are storming a defended position (An Assault.), you want as much fire on that position as possible to have the defenders (Who Defend.) cover their heads even while they are dug in. Hence automatic, spray and pray fire on such position.. Now the defenders on the other hand are in full cover, and only have to point and squeeze off one bullet to take a runner down. They are not running without cover towards the defended position…

    And no, the M16, is more to wound then to kill. A wounded soldier is de- motivating by screams and other behavior to other soldiers besides that he needs direct care taking away combat personal. A dead soldier, is just wormfood waiting to be buried by the follow up following the frontline soldiers..

    1. Sometimes articles are put forth to show the disinformation and lies and to allow our people to slam those lies. That is the case here.
      As for judging the queers, they were not conducting themselves in private, but attempting to force their perversions into the public square. They have presented themselves as aggressive militant communists accosting our people in our streets.
      What, do you think this whole thing is going to be settled with a game of twiddlewinks and a recitation of the Barney Song? These f#@king freaks are trying to force themselves into the bathrooms with our wives, daughters, and granddaughters. Besides their perversions, they openly advocate for communism.
      Now, I want to be clear, you are defending them, right?

  2. Who wrote this piece of drivel. The AR-15 is NOT a military assault rifle! It is a single action rifle. The M-15 is a military assault rifle not readily available to the public. And mass shootings are not confined to the US.

    1. This is Wikipedia. It is presented as the enemy propaganda that will be implemented through this false flag. I would hope our people could see that without being told.
      By the way, welcome back Brother Koyote! And thank you for your work and contributions to the cause of liberty.

  3. WELCOME BACK, KOYOTE!!!!! Glad you’re feeling better, and now we know who to aim at.

    I’m ignoring the Homo-cide in Orlando, because it’s just another false-flag, and we won’t know all the details for a few days.

    Now…. this comment is going to require some etymological explanation:
    The root “Homo” means “same”, as in homosexual, or homogenized milk, if it’s taken from Greek.
    If it comes from Latin, it means “man”, or any bi-pedal primate, as in “homocide”. (a.k.a. “murder”)

    My hyphenated use of “Homo-cide” switches the root from the Latin to the Greek, because I thought doing so was a clever pun that fits this event.

  4. You should know by now that Wikipedia is a propaganda website and if your crotch is your religion then the AR15 should be your judge. Most of these people in the LGBT community also have pedefile tendencies to join with their communist belief. Take my advise, this is coming to a war. Any weapon from the AR15 to the 50 caliber barret would do a fine job passing judgement on the wicked.

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