Common Dreams – by Jon Queally

Community activists in Washington, DC on Tuesday took the opportunity of a morning Q&A breakfast with the nation’s premiere ‘deficit scolds‘—former Republican senator from Wyoming Alan Simpson and establishment Democrat Erskine Bowles—to declare that the pair’s recommended policies unfairly punish the sick, the elderly and working people in the name of a ‘deficit reduction’ plan backed by the nation’s wealthiest beneficiaries and corporate elite. Continue reading “‘Some Cuts Don’t Heal!’ Simpson-Bowles Face Protest for Attack on Medicare, Social Security”

J&T Distributing

Effective Immediately!! Due to the recent changes in 2nd Amendment laws that are pending or currently enforced by states across the country, the J&T Family of Companies which includes J&T Distributing, DoubleStar Corp., Ace Limited, and the DoubleStar Training Academy has been forced to reassess our policies regarding government and law enforcement sales. Effective immediately, the J&T Family of Companies will be joining other manufacturers and distributors by ceasing sales of regulated items in states that have altered the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. Continue reading “J&T Distributing Takes a Stand on the 2nd Amendment”

How One 75-Year-Old Soybean Farmer Could Deal A Blow To Monsanto’s Empire TodayThink Progress – by Aveva Shen

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a 75-year-old soybean farmer’s appeal against biotech giant Monsanto, in a case that could permanently reshape the genetically modified (GM) crop industry. Victor “Hugh” Bowman has been battling the corporation since 2007, when Monsanto sued him for violating their patent protection by purchasing second-generation GM seeds from a grain elevator. An appeals court ruled in favor of Monsanto, and despite the Obama administration’s urging to let the decision stand, the nine justices will hear Bowman make his case today. Continue reading “How One 75-Year-Old Soybean Farmer Could Deal A Blow To Monsanto’s Empire Today”

obama dronesSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The Department of Homeland Security recently advanced a plan to deploy “public safety” drones in the skies over America, an action Congress authorized last year and called for the deployment of 30,000 drone surveillance vehicles by 2020.

While DHS head Janet Napolitano says the primary mission for domestic drones is for situational awareness in “large public safety [matters] or disasters”, President Obama may have a different idea for how best to implement this next generation of frightening surveillance technology. Continue reading “Obama Moves To Authorize Domestic Drone Strikes: “The Rules Outside Of The United States Are Going To Be Different Than The Rules Inside Of The United States””

GOLD-FIXING/Blacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

The U.S. Treasury just released a new report claiming to have performed an audit of U.S. gold held by the Federal Reserve. To be blunt, the report is a complete joke. The report says that the Treasury’s Office of Inspector General performed an audit of the U.S. Treasury’s schedule of U.S. gold reserves held by the Federal Reserve. In other words the report states that they performed an audit of a paper trail and not the actual gold itself. What good is this so-called audit if all they did was check some numbers listed on a schedule? There is little doubt that this report is part of a deliberate disinformation campaign to mislead people into believing that a real audit of U.S. gold reserves was performed. Continue reading “Treasury’s Audit of the Federal Reserve’s Gold Is Pure Propaganda”

Public Intelligence

You may engage the following individuals based on their conduct:

• Persons who are committing hostile acts against Coalition forces (CF).
• Persons who are exhibiting hostile intent towards CF.

These persons may be engaged subject to the following instructions:

Positive identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next higher commander for decision. Continue reading “U.S. Army Traffic Control Point Operations Smart Card”

	Part of the building of 'Unit 61398', a secretive Chinese military unit, is seen in the outskirts of Shanghai February 19, 2013. The unit is believed to be behind a series of hacking attacks, a U.S. computer security company said, prompting a strong denial by China and accusations that it was in fact the victim of U.S. hacking. NY Daily News – by Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) — Cyberattacks that stole massive amounts of information from military contractors, energy companies and other key industries in the U.S. and elsewhere have been traced to the doorstep of a Chinese military unit, a U.S. security firm alleged Tuesday. China dismissed the report as “groundless.”

China has frequently been accused of hacking, but the report by Virginia-based Mandiant Corp. contains some of the most extensive and detailed accusations to date linking its military to a wave of cyberspying against U.S. and other foreign companies and government agencies. Continue reading “China’s military behind hacking attacks in U.S.: security firm”

4 dead in California shooting spreeBefore It’s News – by Alton Parrish

A murderous shooting spree through Orange County left four people dead early Tuesday, including the shooter, and three people injured before the man stopped and shot himself to death, Tustin police said.

There were multiple crime scenes in Tustin, in Santa Ana and unincorporated Orange County, said Tustin Lt. Paul Garaven. There are also potentially many more victims who were shot at but not hit while driving on area freeways, according to public radio station KPCC. Continue reading “Four Dead In SoCal Shooting Spree, Morning Rampage And Carjacking Ends In Suicide”

toy gunJon Rappoport

In the latest episode of Ban Fake Guns, we have a boy suspended from school in Florence, Arizona, for carrying, yes, a picture of a gun on his computer. Screen saver. This is surely a sign of complete mental breakdown by school officials. And yet one more reason to home school. Continue reading “What’s behind the punishment for fake guns in schools?”

Survive the Coming Collapse – by Survival Diva

It’s Survival Diva again with some food for thought about societal collapse; what to expect and who to look out for. It’s an important part of the puzzle when you’re one of the few prepared to survive the coming onslaught. Some guesstimate preppers make up only 5% of the populace, but it’s my belief it’s closer to 3% at best, and more likely to be 1-2%. Many give lip service to prepping and claim to be prepared when the truth is they’re still in the “thinking” stage.  Continue reading “Five Types Of Looters You Must Prepare For”

police stateThe Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

A new bill proposed by the legislature in Olympia, Washington would require lawful gun owners to submit to a yearly home inspection. According to Senate bill 5737, introduced by three Olympia Democrats:

“In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall … safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.” Continue reading “Washington Bill Requires Yearly Inspections Of Gun Owners’ Homes”

A North Korean flag on a tower flutters in the wind at a North Korean village near the truce village of Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas in this picture taken just south of the border, in Paju, north of Seoul, February 15, 2013. REUTERS/Lee Jae-WonReuters – by Tom Miles

North Korea threatened South Korea with “final destruction” during a debate at the United Nations Conference on Disarmament on Tuesday, saying it could take further steps after a nuclear test last week.

“As the saying goes, a new-born puppy knows no fear of a tiger. South Korea’s erratic behavior would only herald its final destruction,” North Korean diplomat Jon Yong Ryong told the meeting. Continue reading “North Korea threatens South with “final destruction””

The first Revolutionary War was triggered by a government attempt at gun control. It appears the second Revolutionary War may be triggered the same way.Bob Owens

Colorado is poised to be the next domino to fall in the prelude to the Second American Revolution. The Colorado House passed four gun control bills yesterday, and only the Colorado Senate can stop them from reaching Governor Hickenlooper’s desk. As freedom-hating statists have the edge in that chamber, they have the advantage there are well. Three Democrats will have to vote with the Senate Republicans to block these bills, and at the moment that seems unlikely. Continue reading “Chambering the next “shot heard ’round the world.””

Tsdblack7Warrior Talk News – by Gabe Saurez

We received the tragic news that the state of Colorado had gone over to the dark side and embraced the ways of Mordor. For an entire day we have been reading debates and rhetoric. Our good friends at MagPul are fighting and will leave the state if they need to. We congratulate them on their choice and we will continue to support them via the sales and endorsement of their products.

Nonetheless, The Suarez Group wanted to…needed to do, something to show solidarity with those stuck behind the lines in Colorado. Although we do not have the resources of larger companies, we want to do something notable. Continue reading “Behind The Lines In Colorado”

Missouri Gun BillHuffington Post – by John Celock

A Republican state legislator in Missouri has proposed legislation that would make it a felony for lawmakers to introduce legislation to restrict Second Amendment rights in the state.

Legislation introduced Monday by state Rep. Mike Leara (R-St. Louis) would make state legislators guilty of a Class D felony if they introduce legislation “that further restricts an individual’s right to bear arms.”Leara said that the bill is needed because he sees a growing number of his colleagues looking to take away gun rights from the state’s residents. Continue reading “Missouri Bill Would Make It A Felony For Lawmakers To Propose Gun Control Legislation”

The Apple logo hangs in a glass enclosure above the 5th Ave Apple Store in New York, September 20, 2012. REUTERS/Lucas JacksonReuters – by Jim Finkle and Joseph Menn

Apple Inc was recently attacked by hackers who infected Macintosh computers of some employees, the company said Tuesday in an unprecedented disclosure describing the widest known cyber attacks targeting Apple computers used by corporations.

Unknown hackers infected the computers of some Apple workers when they visited a website for software developers that had been infected with malicious software. The malware had been designed to attack Mac computers. Continue reading “Apple Computers Were Hacked By Same Hackers Who Targeted Facebook”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

A provider of “realistic” shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies has created a line of “non-traditional threat” targets that include pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds and elderly American gun owners. Continue reading “DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners”

News Max

An increasing number of lawmakers in both parties appear willing to compromise on high-capacity magazines, the one component of gun control legislation that seems palatable to Republicans who view a full ban on assault weapons as politically toxic.

The New York Times reports that there appears to be some willingness on both sides to limit the type of magazines that can hold 15 and 30 rounds that have been used in mass shootings like those in Newtown, Conn.; Tucson, Ariz.; and Aurora, Colo.  Continue reading “GOP, Dems Inch Toward Compromise on Magazine Limits”

Common Dreams – by George Kimbrell and Debbie Barker

On Tuesday, attorneys for the largest agrochemical corporation in the world, Monsanto, will present arguments before the Supreme Court asserting the company’s rights to the generations of seeds that naturally reproduce from its genetically modified strains. Bowman vs. Monsanto Co. will be decided based on the court’s interpretation of a complex web of seed A farmer holds Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soybean seeds. (Photo: Dan Gill / AP)and plant patent law, but the case also reflects something much more basic: Should anyone, or any corporation, control a product of life? Continue reading “Monsanto, the Court and the Seeds of Dissent”