Fox News 

North Korea is threatening to attack American air bases on Guam and the Japanese island of Okinawa in response to a series of military drills involving the U.S. and South Korea.

The U.S. Air Force has been flying B-52 bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, over the Korean Peninsula.   Continue reading “North Korea threatens to attack US air bases in Pacific”

Steve Quayle Alerts


Just received a call from a highly agitated bank manager who stated that within 60 days, banks will be greatly reducing their hours, days of operation, amount of withdrawals and a requirement to fill out “paperwork” if the amount is questioned by bank officials. Unless the form is completed, money will not be disbursed.   Continue reading “Bank Manager Verifies Cash Withdrawal Limits and Reduced Hours coming to US Banks within 60 Days”

So, Diane Frankenstein’s assault weapons ban has been squashed and the lullaby has begun, but I would not recommend falling asleep at this particular moment as the removal of the legislation from the main body of the gun confiscation legislation is not but a ploy.  It has been my opinion that the proposed assault weapons and clip ban have been nothing more than a diversion put forth in the expectation that we 2nd Article supporters will consider it a victory when universal background checks become a reality.

We can make no mistake as to the communists’ intent as they have made that intent clear many times over.  They want the American people disarmed.  But how do they achieve this insurmountable goal?  We must consider the larger picture, which is complete disarmament of the American people via UN dictate.   Continue reading “Universal Background Checks and UN Small Arms Treaty, A Two Prong Sneak Attack”

You're going to need a bigger army of jackbooted thugsExaminer – by Kurt Hofmann

A new WorldNetDaily/Wenzel poll finds that only 20 percent of American gun owners would surrender their firearms if ordered to by the government (although an additional 16 percent claimed to be “unsure”–probably not the sort who would be determined enough to face the consequences of defying such an order). From WorldNetDaily:   Continue reading “Gun ban advocates must decide if they’re willing–and able–to kill 50,000,000+”

PictureScience Daily

Drug companies spent nearly $84 million marketing pharmaceuticals in the District of Columbia in 2011, including an outlay of nearly $19 million for gifts given to physicians, hospitals and other health care providers, according to a report by researchers at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS). The report notes that 12 physicians in the District received gifts (including consulting payments) that totaled more than $100,000 apiece that one year alone.  Continue reading “Pharmaceutical Companies: An $84 Million Marketing Effort in the District of Columbia”

Before It’s News – by Deborah Dupre

After Libyans gathered outside the UN Headquarters in Cairo on Tuesday to denounce NATO and “rebel” war crimes on the anniversary of the beginning of the U.S.-led aerial bombardment campaign, an international rights group on Wednesday urged the American-supported Libyan government to halt “systematic destruction” of a town whose residents backed their leader Moammar Gadhafi.   Continue reading “Warning: NATO War Crimes Against Libyans Graphic Photos”

Jon Rappoport

This article may seem to be about abstract theory, but it isn’t. It’s about how populations are viewed by psychological-operations specialists.

More importantly, it’s about how people are led to accept substitutes for their own highest ideals. The substitutes look like the real thing, but they’re actually very well drawn cartoons.   Continue reading “The disaster of manufacturing consent in the Matrix”

school_milkWND – by Chelsea Schilling

Americans are outraged over a scheme to add artificial sweeteners – including one chemical with purported links to abnormal brain function and weight gain – to flavored milks served to school children.

As WND reported, milk industry heavyweights, including the International Dairy Foods Association and the National Milk Producers Federation, have asked the federal government for permission to include artificial sweeteners such as aspartame in milk products for schools, without alerting parents and children.   Continue reading “Americans Fight Back Against ‘Poisoned’ Milk”

The USS Abraham Lincoln.(Reuters / RickWilking)RT News

The US is taking plans for a possible military operation against Iran “very seriously,” a senior Israeli security official, who is said to be in the know about aspects of the American plan, has told Haaretz daily.

Obama’s administration, as opposed to that of his predecessor, George Bush, has prepared a pinpoint military option in the event that the United States decides to attack in the end,” the unnamed official told the Israeli newspaper.    Continue reading “US plan for Iran ‘pinpoint strike’ ready – report”

AUSTRALIA-BANKING-COMPANY-ANZOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

Government officials in New Zealand are taking a tip from Cyprus and pushing for a similar solution to be implemented in the Kiwi nation, according the Green Party. Dr. Russel Norman, co-leader of the Green Party stated: “Bill English is proposing a Cyprus-style solution for managing bank failure here in New Zealand – a solution that will see small depositors lose some of their savings to fund big bank bailouts.”   Continue reading “Technocrats Turn Their Attention to New Zealand For Cyprus-Style Deposit Tax”

New America Now – by John Kaminski

It used to be that foreign threats were advertised as the main reason to send our young men off to war to defend our country. Amazing though it seems, we used to believe those stories. Many of our fathers and grandfathers died defending that principle.

Now, all that has changed. The threat is no longer some faraway enemy. The main enemy to peace in the world and security at home has become our own government.   Continue reading “Who Will Protect Us From Our Own Government?”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Gregory Mannarino explains the devastating impact of America’s debt based economic model – and what the final outcome of trillion dollar deficits will be.

If you want to understand the economic and monetary policies that brought us to this breaking point, watch every minute of the following video.   Continue reading “It’s Coming: “A Pan-Global Collapse Is Inevitable” *Must Watch Video*”

congressWashington’s Blog

Congress Did Nothing to Rein In One of the Main Causes of the Financial Crisis … and Is About to Let Things Get Even MORE Insane

Out-of-control derivatives were largely responsible for the 2008 financial crisis … and still pose a massive threat to the economy.

Unchecked derivatives are so harmful to the economy that:   Continue reading “Congress Never Fixed the Financial System … And Is About to Make It Even WORSE”

dead prawnsWhat’s On Ningbo

Thousands of dead prawns have washed up on a beach in Chile, sparking an investigation.

Hundreds of dead crabs were also washed ashore in Coronel city, about 530km (330 miles) from the capital, Santiago.

Fishermen suggested the deaths may have been caused by local power stations that use seawater as a cooling agent. The power firms have not commented.   Continue reading “Shrimp wave: Thousands of dead prawns wash up on beach in Chile”

intelligence 265x165 Leading Geneticist: Human Intelligence is Slowly DecliningNatural Society – by Mike Barrett

Would you be surprised to hear that the human race is slowly becoming dumber, and dumber? Despite our advancements over the last tens or even hundreds of years, some ‘experts’ believe that humans are losing cognitive capabilities and becoming more emotionally unstable. One Stanford University researcher and geneticist, Dr. Gerald Crabtree, believes that our intellectual decline as a race has much to do with adverse genetic mutations. But human intelligence is suffering for other reasons as well.  Continue reading “Leading Geneticist: Human Intelligence Is Slowly Declining”