A Florida police officer fired over his use of shooting targets with an image resembling slain teenager Trayvon Martin is defending himself on YouTube, saying the target was intended as a “no shoot” training aid for an instructional session.
I asked my former Marine son Daniel if the Marine Corps taught him to shoot uphill. He has in fact shot at ranges with elevations before, but mostly there was little formal instruction, even for designated marksmen like he was (other than things like Kentucky Windage type adjustments). I suppose that Scout Snipers go through some sort of training on shooting up or down elevations, but most Marines do not. I have also talked with our reader Jean (who commanded troops in N2K), and there was no particular training for Soldiers to teach them how to target Taliban up a hill. Continue reading “Shooting Uphill”
President Barack Obama claims his proposed 94-cent-a-pack cigarette tax will significantly reduce consumption, just like it did when he passed his 62-cent-a-pack tax in 2009. But that “significant reduction” is all smoke and mirrors, being used to distract you from the real reasons for this new tax increase: It gives Congress approximately $78 billion worth of breathing room in their budget and further enslaves middle- and low-income Americans who are already suffering under the weight of the new higher payroll taxes. Continue reading “Obama Blowing Smoke Up Our Butts With Proposed New Cigarette Tax”
The head of a national gun rights group is supporting the Manchin-Toomey background check bill, an email sent today to a group of Second Amendment activists, scholars and journalists revealed. Alan Gottlieb, Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation also staked an authorship claim in the email, which he confirmed to Gun Rights Examiner is a for-the-record statement that can be shared and published. Continue reading “Gun group ‘had hand in writing’ Manchin-Toomey background check amendment”
Where is PETA? Where is the Sierra Club? Where is the EPA? There is a new endangered species on the planet and heads of state, like President Obama, are joining in the persecution of this group.
Excerpted from WHEC: There are growing concerns from some parents with children in elementary and middle school. They’re asking has the state gone too far when it comes to standardized testing.
Excerpted from The Los Angeles Times: One of the senators behind the compromise proposal to expand background checks on gun purchases will mount a Senate floor sales pitch Monday, part of a lobbying effort to ensure passage for the key piece of a larger guns bill when it comes to a vote this week.
When the Senate convenes Monday afternoon, Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W. Va.) plans to take to the floor to go through his proposal piece-by-piece to dispel what he considers misrepresentations from critics of tighter gun laws. He’ll then challenge colleagues who have any questions to come to join him in the chamber for an open debate, and stay there for as long as it takes to satisfy concerns. Continue reading “Manchin To Launch Senate Floor Sales Pitch For Second Amendment Infringement Bill”
Many people have been predicting that Ben Swann would not last long on Fox 19 with all of the truth that he was putting out over the airwaves. Now it looks like the time has come for him to join us in the alternative media once again, and from the looks of things it was actually his decision to leave. The following post was made to Benswann.com:
A new platform. A new beginning. Here, together, we will shatter the left vs. right paradigm and the news will never look the same.Sign up for the newsletter and receive weekly updates straight to your inbox. Do so knowing you will never have to worry about spam or your email being sold. #LibertyIsRising Continue reading “Ben Swann Announces Break from Mainstream Media and New Alternative Platform”
According to this breaking story out of Connecticut, the newly passed Connecticut gun law will soon be struck down due to a ‘technicality’ that occurred due to the rush too pass this bill. According to attorney Peter Sachs, the governor of Connecticut just signed “a blank piece of paper.”
A Branford attorney has uncovered a legal and legislative technicality that he says has rendered the state’s new gun law null and void. In an exclusive interview set to air Sunday on “Face the State with Dennis House” on WFSB-TV, Peter Sachs says state lawmakers made a key mistake in their rush to get a bill passed, that he claims will leave them no legal choice but to begin the whole process over again. Continue reading “Lawyer: New Connecticut Gun Law Not Legal”
Did you know that the greatest period of economic growth in American history was during a time when there was absolutely no federal income tax? Between the end of the Civil War and 1913, there was an explosion of economic activity in the United States unlike anything ever seen before or since.
Unfortunately, a federal income tax was instituted in 1913, and this year it turned 100 years old. But there was no fanfare, was there? There was no celebration because the federal income tax is universally hated. Sadly, most Americans just assume that there is no other option to an income tax. Most Americans just assume that it has always been with us and that it will always be with us. Continue reading “100 Years Old And Still Killing Us: America Was Much Better Off Before The Income Tax”
Walking up to a department store’s fabric counter, the pretty girl said, “I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?” “Only one kiss per yard,” replied the male clerk with a smirk. “That’s fine,” said the girl. “I’ll take ten yards.” With expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out the cloth, wrapped it up, then teasingly held it out. Continue reading “One Kiss Per Yard”
As students gather for mandatory education programs, they are learning not only about reading and writing, but also about the value of community and the necessity of Socialism for the survival of mankind. Continue reading “ComIn Core Being Implemented in All USSA Schools”