Activist Post

The U.S Dollar is quickly losing its status as the world reserve currency. Five of the top ten economies in the world, plus a few others, no longer use the dollar as an intermediary currency for trade. This trend poses a huge risk to the dollar and the United States along with it.

ZeroHedge points out today that Australia, the world’s 12th-ranked economy, has now joined a growing list of nations that have agreed to bypass the dollar in bilateral trade with China. China, ranked 2nd behind the U.S., also has similar agreements with Japan (3rd), Brazil (6th), India (9th), and Russia (10th).   Continue reading “5 of 10 Top Economies in the World Drop the Dollar”

TL in Exile – by T. L. Davis

A lawless government breeds a lawless public.

I don’t know when the apple turns, it has for me already. I feel bound by no laws the federal government has passed through its sham of a legislature. I regard them as laws passed in commission of a fraud. To whatever extent I obey a federal law it is within my understanding of rightful liberty.   Continue reading “A Once Great Nation”

TL in Exile – by T. L. Davis

It is dying time.

For the better part of a month I have been deliberating on this fact; coming to grips with the implications of it. The powers who exercise control will ultimately come to kill us. The longer we object to their domination, the more surely they will devise a way to eliminate those who recognize them as the enemy.

The wave of gun legislation moving through the legislatures of the states is not without complicity with the federal government. What the federal government cannot expect the whole House or Senate to agree to, they have encouraged individually through the states with some success. The result is simply citizen disarmament through any means, which is an act of war against the rights of the people. Those who see their rights being violated and have the nerve to resist have become the enemy of the politician.   Continue reading “Dying Time”

Defiant Cyrpus_Cala.jpgFox News

Customers of an Italian bank have seen deposits fall by “a few billion euros” after a scandal in February, the bank announced Saturday.

According to Reuters, Monte dei Paschi bank reported a yearly loss of 3.2 billion euros ($4.1 billion) – a  higher-than-expected net loss for 2012 – after loss-making derivatives trades at the lender amounting to 730 million euros.  Bad loans also contributed to the loss.   Continue reading “Cyprus money woes, Italian bank’s $4.1B loss bring new fears about Europe finances”

Auxiliary Units HistoryBritish Resistance Archive

On 2 July 1940 Winston Churchill and the War Cabinet stated that:-

“The regular defences require supplementing with guerrilla type troops, who will allow themselves to be overrun and who thereafter will be responsible for hitting the enemy in the comparatively soft spots behind zones of concentrated attack”   Continue reading “The History of the Auxiliary Units & British Resistance Movement”

A photo shared on Facebook of police involved in a hostage training scenario at buildings that are scheduled to be demolished at Ida Yarbourgh Apartments in Albany March 21, 2013. Albany police said they're reviewing training procedures after complaints about the proximity of tear gas and the release of fake ammunition to apartments that are still occupied.Times Union – by Lauren Stanforth

Albany – Police Chief Steven Krokoff says his department was “insensitive” when it conducted a training exercise that involved police firing blank ammunition and using flash grenades near occupied apartments at the Ida J. Yarbrough Homes.

The chief said the department will review how it conducts “neighborhood-based training” after Thursday’s operation drew criticism from residents who said they were frightened by a chaotic scene that seemed real to them.   Continue reading “Police training exercise draws criticism”

Hoquiam standoffInformation Liberation – by Chris

Burning people’s homes down has apparently become the new standard operating procedure for ending standoffs.

Of course, just like with Dorner the police won’t admit they burned it down, they just threw a multitude of flammables into the house, then in an unrelated incident it happened to catch fire.    Continue reading “Cops Burn Down Another House During Standoff”

American Militia

A recent discovery by a private citizen after being railroaded in a Kangaroo Superior Court on a fraudulent and completely bogus foreclosure has revealed a dire situation in the State of Georgia. Further investigations are revealing that this situation is likely the case in all 50 states.

While researching Georgia law in preparation for filing an appeal on an unlawful court decision, John Reynolds, a private citizen of Georgia stumbled across the plain language in the Georgia codes, Title 45 Public Officers and Employees, Chapter 3 – Article 1, regarding the oaths of office required by law of “all persons who are employed by and are on the payroll of the state and are the recipients of wages, per diem or salary of the state or its departments and agencies…” (§ 45-3-11).   Continue reading “Obama Just the Wrap Up?”

Global Research – by Arabi Souri

Bashar al-Assad has recently been demonized by the mainstream and so-called alternative media who claim that he is a brutal dictator. Actually Bashar is a reformer who has done much to further the causes of democracy and freedom. It is the opposition and their foreign supporters who represent the most repressive elements of the former ruling party in Syria. To fully understand this its is helpful to look at the historical context of the current crisis. The so-called “spontaneous popular uprising” started in Daraa on March 15th, 2011. The court house, police stations, governor’s house, and other public buildings were looted and torched by the “peaceful protestors” in the first week of the crisis. The people in Homs then began to protest in solidarity with Daraa, but this was uncharacteristic of peaceful Homs and many Syrians knew that it was a fake revolution.   Continue reading “Syria: Democracy vs. Foreign Invasion. Who is Bashar Al Assad?”