House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that she opposes a cut in congressional pay because it would diminish the dignity of lawmakers’ jobs.
It has been ten years since Susan Mokdad was MURDER by her captors at Coleman Prison on Valentine’s Day 2003 shortly before she was to be released. Susan and her father, Emilio Ippolito, founded Pro Se Litigant of Tampa Bay back in 1989, a group of about thirty concerned people, who had been shafted by government bureaucrats. The group became Pro Se Litigant of Florida in 1991, growing to over three hundred members. In 1993, they started Pro Se Litigant of America, which grew in membership to over 10,000 members throughout the Country, having member in every state of the Union.
In 1994, Susan and Emilio founded the Common Law Courts. The bureaucRats hated this movement even greater than they hated the Pro Se Litigants. Several black robed devils met in March of 1995, to discuss how to trash court motions filed by members of the Pro Se Litigants. That meeting resulted in a handbook of judges, which instructs judges on how to trash Pro Se Litigant filings. Continue reading “In memory of the great patriot, Susan Mokdad and the movement she helped create”
There’s been a lotta talk about load weights lately (pic stolen from CA @ WRSA by the way). Years back there was a soldier loads study done in Afghanistan by the folks at the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL). For the unaware the CALL guys try and capture tips and info that will benefit the military as a whole. I dug a copy I had out and pulled the weight list they came up with and cleaned a lot of the stuff that you wouldn’t normally carry (anyone out there got a CLU or MWTS?). Anyway I’m putting this up for posterity and maybe you’ll find it useful. Continue reading “A Little Weight List”
No surprise here. One of the many reasons why I left Commiefornia as soon as I was able.
The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department is known in gun-rights circles for being stingy with concealed-weapons permits. Sheriff Lee Baca has total discretion over who is allowed to get a permit, and he hasn’t given out many.
As of May 2012, only 341 people had been granted them, according to sheriff’s records. Compare that with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, which had 1,754 permit holders in 2011, despite a population of just 2 million people to L.A.’s 10 million. The Kern County Sheriff granted even more, with 3,564 permit holders in a population of 800,000 people. Continue reading “Sheriff Lee Baca and the Gun-Gift Connection”
Online rumors about a big government munitions purchase are true, sort of.
The Homeland Security Department wants to buy more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in the next four or five years. It says it needs them — roughly the equivalent of five bullets for every person in the United States — for law enforcement agents in training and on duty. Continue reading “Why is the Department of Homeland Security buying so many bullets?”
Stevensville, MT – -( ProGrade Ammunition, creators of premium quality, hand-loaded pistol and rifle ammunition for shooters who demand only the best, is proud to announce the launch of its new website, .
The new site boasts a user-friendly layout that will help shooters easily navigate through the company’s more than 250 variations of ammunition compatible for every type of shooter from law enforcement officials and hunters, to competitive and cowboy action shooters. With this volume of options, a selection task like this might otherwise make a shooter’s head spin. Continue reading “ProGrade Ammunition Launches New Website”
Retired California Judge David Yaffe, with a legacy of corruption in Los Angeles, including involvement in the Richard Fine case, played a key role in Dorner case, according to Human Rights Alert in a statement Thursday.
Dr. Joseph Zernik, head of Human Rights Alert, has issued a statement Thursday outlining how the judge who has been the subject of complaints regarding corruption exposed by attorney Richard Fine is the same judge who played a key role in the Dorner case, California Judge David Yaffe. Continue reading “Dorner’s Demise Links to ‘Corrupt’ Judge David Yaffe”
President Barack Obama is, arguably, the best gun salesman ever. Over 65 million guns have been purchased since the President took office in 2009. FBI background check statistics indicate that, over the last twelve months, Americans purchased a new gun every 1.5 seconds, a figure which suggests there is much more to the recent panic buying than people just stocking up to go hunting or sports shooting.
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced S. 54 on January 22, 2013. The bill, titled Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013, is a cleverly disguised gun grab. How so? According to Gun Owners of America (GOA) the bill “could end gifts and raffles of firearms, and possibly ‘necessitate’ gun licensure across the country.”
President Obama’s gun-control push was revealed as a “charade” during Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, according to the leader of the National Rifle Association.
LOS ANGELES—Los Angeles residents are reportedly on edge today following reports that hundreds of armed and extremely dangerous Los Angeles Police Department officers are resuming regular patrolling duties after the conclusion of Tuesday’s manhunt for rogue ex-cop Christopher Dorner. Continue reading “Los Angeles On High Alert As LAPD Back On Regular Duty (Satire)”
Sen. Rand Paul will hold up the confirmation of John Brennan until the would-be CIA director sheds light on the extent of the administration’s controversial policies on drone use.
Now, Olympic Arms has drawn another line in the sand, calling out the Fraternal Order of Police when they were solicited to advertise in a FOP publication.