PrisonTake Part – by Matthew Fleischer

The Department of Justice finally addresses an epidemic of sexual abuse.

Jan Lastocy only had a few months of hard time left on her sentence before she was home free. An inmate at Camp Branch women’s work camp in Coldwater, Michigan, Lastocy was serving an 18-month to 10-year prison sentence for attempted embezzlement. Prior to her sentencing, she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She and her husband of 18 years were hoping her time in prison would give her the break she needed for her meds to kick in and pull her life back together. Continue reading “The Good News About Prison Rape”

guzmanDNA Info – by Geoff Ziezulewicz

CHICAGO — Move over Al Capone.

Chicago’s got a new Public Enemy No. 1

For the first time since 1930, the Chicago Crime Commission on Thursday named a new baddest of the bad — notorious Sinaloa drug cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera. Continue reading “Public Enemy No. 1: ‘El Chapo’ Guzman Knocks off Al Capone”

gunsGateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Missouri Democrats introduced an anti-gun bill which would turn law-abiding firearm owners into criminals. They will have 90 days to turn in their guns if the legislation is passed.

Dana Loesch Radio reported on the new legislation being pushed by Missouri Democrats:

Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution. Continue reading “Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms – Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons”

MurderingAmericanCitizensNatural News – by Mike Adams

Maybe it’s because I don’t watch cable television, but I must have missed some big announcement somewhere that says, “It’s now legal in America to kill anyone you name as an enemy.” That’s what Obama does with his secret kill lists, and it’s exactly what the LAPD recently demonstrated in carrying out its premeditated arson and murder against a homicide suspect. Continue reading “Kill anyone you want; law has been abandoned in America (satire)”

sc courthouse shootingYahoo News – by Associated Press

CHESTERFIELD, S.C. (AP) — A man involved in a paternity dispute opened fire Wednesday in front of a South Carolina courthouse, wounding a woman and her stepfather, then led police on a 12-mile chase before he was caught, a sheriff said.

Suspect Curtis Gorny and 21-year-old Olivia Weaver were at the Chesterfield County courthouse for a paternity test and at about 12:30 p.m., Weaver was shot in the face and torso, said Sheriff Sam Parker. The child was not with her mother. Her stepfather, Johnnie Nolan, was also wounded. The conditions of the victims were not known but Weaver was taken to the hospital. Continue reading “2 wounded in shooting outside SC courthouse”

press conferenceEx-LAPD Officer and ACCUSED murderer, Christopher Dorner, was burned to death in a cabin at Big Bear Lake, California on Tuesday afternoon, or not.  If there was ever a doubt as to the fact that legitimate reporting in the United States has been replaced by a state propaganda machine, that doubt should be thoroughly dispersed with this incident.  Anyone who turns on the so called news in this country, expecting anything other than fictional entertainment is too stupid to be breathing America’s free for now air.

We have presented on this site concrete, solid evidence in the form of audio from the police scanners on the scene at Big Bear which proves absolutely that the order was given to “burn that mother f#@ker down” after which, the mother f#@ker burned down.  This is prima fascia evidence.  And all the authorities have to do to dispel that fact is to hold a press conference and have one of their lying ass officials stand up and say, “We did not burn that cabin down” and that is it, case closed. Continue reading “San Bernardino Sheriffs Issue Themselves License to Kill”

illegal lineBefore It’s News – by Frosty Wooldridge

In pre-civil war days, the famous author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain said “silent-assertion” stood as the “shabbiest of all lies.” In 1855, northern leaders and intellectuals refused to speak against slavery.   They found the practice immoral and distasteful, but few stood up to denounce it.   Twain created the new term to deal with the phenomenon of citizen silence. Continue reading “The United States A Sacrifice Zone For Mass Immigration”

micheleRT News

Former Sgt. Kimberly Munley, who helped stop the deadly shooting at Fort Hood in 2009, claims that the US government has neglected the surviving victims of the attack, leaving them without proper medical care in the aftermath of the shooting.

When 39-year-old US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire at the Texas military base Fort Hood, he left 13 people dead and 32 wounded. Most of the wounded were service members, some of which were preparing to go to Afghanistan. But the gunshot wounds served as a setback for many, inflicting crippling disabilities that in some cases require years of treatment. Continue reading “Fort Hood hero says Obama betrayed victims of massacre”


It is the most humble of vessels for New York City foodstuffs, ubiquitous at Chinese takeout joints and halal street carts. In pre-Starbucks days, coffee came packaged in its puffy embrace.

The citywide ban on plastic-foam food packaging will include takeout boxes, cups and trays.

But the plastic-foam container may soon be going the way of trans fats, 32-ounce Pepsis, and cigarettes in Central Park. Continue reading “To Go: Plastic-Foam Containers, if the Mayor Gets His Way”

Evan-Nappen-LogoAmmoLand – by Attorney Evan F. Nappen, PGNH Counsel

Eatontown, NJ –-(  Recently, VP Joe Biden said, at a news conference in Philadelphia, that “any reports that suggest that [Obama] was trying to take weapons away from gun owners was [sic] a “bunch of malarkey.” He further stated that “it was important for the media to dissuade the American public from the idea that the Obama administration was prepared to do something unconstitutional on guns.”

This was very comforting to hear. They just want to calm gun owners’ fears. Biden wouldn’t be trying to lull gun owners into submission, would he?  I am glad to know the White House is not out to disarm us. So, I want to help clarify the Vice President’s message. Continue reading “Gun Nuts Relax, Obama Does Not Want to Take Your Guns”

kesslerFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

My friends, there is hope. Law enforcement officers at the local level are making their stand and they want you to be a part of that. While I’ve written on various sheriffs that have made their own stance to protect their citizens from anyone attempting to confiscate guns, I recently ran across Police Chief Mark Kessler of the Gilberton Borough Police Department in Pennsylvania. He wants citizens to join with his police department in building a “reserve force” that will aid his police force should the need arise to resist Federal authorities when it comes to the Second Amendment. Continue reading “Police Chief Wants Citizens As ‘Reserve Force’ To Defend Against Feds”

MulticamRifle1AR 15 – by fivepointoh

Okay guys I’ve taken lots of requests on making a how to on rattle canning the ol’ rifle and some even wanted me to do it. Problem is by the time some could get the rifle to me it wouldn’t be cost effective. (Going through an FFL and all). Therefore I’m posting this DIY step by step in order to try and help some that may want to take this project upon themselves. Continue reading “How to Multi-camo your Rifle – On the Cheap”

ambushMountain Guerrilla

During the Vietnam War, among many other responsibilities in the SEA AOR, SF fulfilled a core mission, providing leadership cadre for indigenous ranger-type units referred to as “Mike” Forces. The project under which this was conducted was Project Delta, or B-52 (any errors in my recounting of that two sentence history are the result of OPSEC. They have nothing to do with my ongoing battle with CRS syndrome…”Can’t Remember Shit”).

One of the lasting legacies of Project Delta was the production of the now-famous Recon Tips of the Trade. This ongoing article series will be my feeble attempt at updating them, with modifications for irregular force partisans in a non-SEA AOR….–J.M. Continue reading “Tricks of the Trade, A Contemporary Look”


A Queens teen with a checkered past said Tuesday he was unnecessarily roughed up by cops during an arrest last month.

Robert Jackson, 19, was collared on Jan. 8 outside of the Flushing YMCA for spewing profanities at an officer and ignoring requests to show his hands, according to court documents. Continue reading “Queens teen claims NYPD brutality during January arrest — vicious beating caught on tape”