Cancer Tutor – by Webster Kehr

This article will describe a way to make colloidal silver at home. After the first batch of colloidal silver is made, the second and future batches should make one gallon of high quality 6 PPM to 8 PPM (Parts Per Million) colloidal silver in one and a half hours.

The fist batch will take about three hours, since it will not have the benefit of “seeding” the gallon with previously “cooked” colloidal silver (this “seeding” is necessary to create better electrical current in the distilled water). Once the first batch is made, future batches can be “seeded,” so it will take less time to make these batches.   Continue reading “How to Make Colloidal Silver at Home”

AltMarket – by Graham Summers

This article was written by Graham Summers and originally published

History is often written to benefit certain groups over others.

Indeed, you will often find the blame for some of the worst events in history placed on the wrong individuals or factors. Most Americans today continue to argue over liberal vs. conservative beliefs, unaware that the vast majority of economy ills plaguing the country originate in neither party but in the Federal Reserve, which has debased the US Dollar by over 95% in the 20th century alone.   Continue reading “Signs Of Weimar Appearing In The U.S.?”

Before It’s News – by Deborah Dupre

What many human rights defenders call a chemtrail environmental and humanitarian crisis has spurred their planning a massive global protest on Jan. 25 to raise awareness and ultimately halt the covert carpet-bombing of the planet.

Chemtrail International Day of Protest in 2013 brought people onto streets around the world last year, but organizers say this year’s event will be even better attended.   Continue reading “Military Chemtrail Environmental Crisis Spurs Massive Global Protest”

F-35 fighter jet (AFP Photo / HO)RT News

The US Defense Department has warned of reoccurring technical problems with Lockheed Martin’s F-35 stealth fighter, the Pentagon’s costliest weapons program that has already come under heavy criticism.

The Pentagon’s chief weapons tester, Michael Gilmore, provided an in-depth look at the F-35’s technical features, emphasizing what he calls the “unacceptable” characteristics of the aircraft’s software, according to a draft obtained by Reuters.    Continue reading “Bombs away: Pentagon’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter can’t escape software problems”

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The New Madrid fault zone in the nation’s midsection is active and could spawn future large earthquakes, scientists reported Thursday.

It’s “not dead yet,” said U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Susan Hough, who was part of the study published online by the journal Science. Researchers have long debated just how much of a hazard New Madrid (MAD’-rihd) poses. The zone stretches 150 miles, crossing parts of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee.   Continue reading “Study: New Madrid fault zone alive and active”


WASHINGTON (AP) — Mike Huckabee’s comments about contraception proved quick fodder for Democrats and a headache for Republicans trying to market themselves as a better choice for female voters who have proved elusive to the GOP.

The former Arkansas governor and potential presidential contender told fellow Republicans on Thursday that Democrats were trying to win over female voters by promising them birth control and telling them they cannot manage “their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”   Continue reading “Huckabee’s comments on birth control gift for Dems”

GRAZ, Austria (AP) — The marble tombstone looks like others dotting the main cemetery of Graz, Austria’s second city — but only at first glance. Carved into it are a swastika and the inscription: “He died in the struggle for a Great Germany.”

Footsteps away, another gravestone is marked with the SS lightning bolts proudly worn by the elite Nazi troops who executed most of the crimes of the Holocaust. Austrian law bans such symbols, and those displaying them face criminal charges and potential prison terms. Yet the emblems reflecting this country’s darkest chapter in history endure here, and officials appear either unable or unwilling to do away with them — despite complaints from locals.   Continue reading “Swastika on Austrian tombstone defies official ban”

scientists-develop-worlds-first-implantable-battery-that-is-charged-by-the-human-body-mark-of-the-beastNow the End Begins

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17

Students of bible prophecy have long speculated when the technology would get to the point where the Mark of the Beast implant, as described in Revelation 13, could be internally charged by the human body.   Continue reading “Scientists Create Human-Powered Battery For RFID Implantable Chips”

WizBang – by Warner Todd Huston

Illinois is mulling a new medical marijuana law that would force pot users to sign away their right to bear arms.

Those who focus on the right to bear arms love to say, “what part of ‘shall not be infringed’ don’t you understand,” as a catch phrase to show that the founders did not want government to be able to sweep in and take away our rights to self defense. That phrase can be asked of Illinois legislators who are proposing that to get a medical marijuana permit citizens would have to relinquish their right to bear arms.   Continue reading “Illinois Wants Potheads to Give Up Their Second Amendment Rights”

Stop the Drug War – by Phillip Smith

Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that the Obama administration would soon announce regulations that would allow banks to business with legal marijuana businesses. Financial institutions have been scared away from such businesses by the threat of legal action for dealing in the profits of a commodity still illegal under federal law.

“You don’t want just huge amounts of cash in these places. They want to be able to use the banking system,” Holder said during an appearance at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. “There’s a public safety component to this. Huge amounts of cash—substantial amounts of cash just kind of lying around with no place for it to be appropriately deposited is something that would worry me, just from a law enforcement perspective,” he explained.   Continue reading “Holder Says Marijuana Banking Rules Coming Soon”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

from the we’ll-let-you-know-what-your-rights-are-once-we’ve-finished-violating-th dept

Cops vs. cameras: the apparently never ending battle continues. A student photojournalist at Purdue found himself on the receiving end of a little extra “attention” while attempting to cover Tuesday’s on-campus shooting.    Continue reading “Purdue Cops Throw Student Journalist To Ground, Seize His Camera And Detain Him For Three Hours”

dr-dekkers_280_en.jpgKnowledge Ecology International – by James Love

Today health advocates were shocked by the direct and appalling statements attributed to Bayer CEO Marijn Dekkers. Published in Businessweek on January 21, 2014 and written by Bloomberg reporter Ketaki Gokhale, a news story about disputes over drug patents (link here) ended with an account of the India compulsory license on the cancer drug Nexavar, and practically exploded. Dekker is quoted as saying Bayer did not intend the cancer drug to be sold to cancer patients in India, adding “We developed it for western patients who can afford it.” From the Bloomberg/Businessweek story:   Continue reading “Bayer CEO Marijn Dekkers explains: Nexavar cancer drug is for “western patients who can afford it.””


NY – Senator John DeFrancisco says he has been quietly pushing Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Syracuse University in past months to put the nation’s first college focused on emergency management and homeland security on the SU campus. 

Cuomo mentioned the creation of a new state-run College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity in his State of the State speech today in Albany. The governor didn’t say where the college could go, but DeFrancisco said afterward he’s met with Cuomo’s staff and SU officials about the possibility of creating a joint SUNY/SU campus in Syracuse.   Continue reading “Police state Amerika plans to open a DHS college”


The second-ranking U.S. military commander in Afghanistan said on January 23 that Afghan forces overmatched the insurgency during the last fighting season, adding that the Taliban is on the “edge of strategic defeat.” (Ask yourself,  if they’re on the edge of defeat why do we need DHS? Fear mongering is at an all-time high, Wake up America!)

However, speaking live from Afghanistan, U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, commander of the U.S./NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Joint Command (IJC), told Pentagon reporters that there is more to be done.    Continue reading “War on terror is a lie: U.S. commander tells world Taliban on ‘edge of defeat’”

CCTV footage shows Kevin Spratt being tasered 13 times in the East Perth watch house.ABC News Au

A lawyer for two police officers says the court cannot rule out the possibility that a man was screaming with joy when he was being repeatedly tasered at the Perth Watch House more than five years ago.

Aaron Strahan and Troy Tomlin are on trial accused of assaulting Kevin Spratt by repeatedly tasering him in August 2008.

Sergeant Strahan, who was a Senior Constable at the time, had arrested Mr Spratt in Bayswater.   Continue reading “Australia: Lawyer argues Kevin Spratt may have been screaming in “joy” while being tasered by police”