Model 1911Reason – by Steven Greenhut

SACRAMENTO — Gun registration had always seemed like the “line in the sand” — a proposal that would so offend the nation’s gun-rights advocates that they would bring out their full political muscle to stop it. Yet a California law mandating government record-keeping for all new long-gun purchases goes into effect on Jan. 1 and few people even seem to know about it.

This year, gun owners were relieved that Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the toughest gun-control measures that came to his desk, including one that would have banned sales of almost all semi-automatic rifles. But back in 2011, after much debate, the governor signed the registration law, AB 809, with a 2014 start date. It’s far broader than any of the bills the governor dealt with in the last session.   Continue reading “California Gun Law Paves the Way for Confiscation”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Where the people stand was once the depths of Folsom Lake in California. Now dried out, the remnants of an old town are now visible.

Meanwhile in other parts of the country we have record temperatures, here are some of the headlines from SMASHES RECORDS…, CHILL MAP…, COLDEST AIR IN 20 YEARS…, South Pole warmer than O’Hare…, Arctic birds seen in Florida…, Canada Startled by ‘Frost Quakes’…, Oil output threatened from Texas to N. Dakota…, Power Demand Soars…, Texas grid pushed to edge…, Indianapolis Mayor Bans Driving…, JETBLUE Halts Flights To, From Boston, NY, NJ…, AMERICAN AIRLINES Cancels Flights Over Frozen Fuel Supply, Cold Employees.   Continue reading “Record Driest Year in California, Parts of Oregon”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: What a sad state of affairs, this is an absolute abomination. Do not be fooled into picturing Satan as a red colored beast with horns and a pitch fork. God’s Word describes Satan as perfect in beautyEzekiel 28:12-19.

(ABC) – A satanic group unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012.

The New York-based Satanic Temple formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist’s rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that’s often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him.   Continue reading “Satanists Unveil Statue Design for Oklahoma State Capital”

Utah gunmaker turns down $15 million from PakistanThe Daily Caller – by Christopher Bedford

A gunmaker based in Utah turned down $15 million last week, refusing to sell high-precision sniper rifles to Pakistan for fear that U.S. troops could end up in their firearms’ sites.

“We don’t know that those guns would’ve went somewhere bad, but with the unrest we just ended up not feeling right about it,” Desert Tech sales manager Mike Davis told KTVX-TV.   Continue reading “Utah gunmaker turns down $15 million from Pakistan”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Workers at a tire plant in Northern France have taken two managers hostage until Goodyear (the firm that owns the plant and has been trying to shutter it for years) meets the mabor unions demands. WSJ reports, as Goodyear winds down operations with the plant almost idle, French labor law requires the company to keep all workers employed, which means many of them don’t work more than a couple of hours a day while still getting full salary. The situation is why Titan International’s Maurice Taylor blasted that he “would be stupid” to operate the plant on that basis.   Continue reading “Angry French Union Workers Take Two Bosses Hostage”

TSA guns 1.jpgFox News – by Perry Chiaramonte

The TSA confiscated 20 percent more guns at airports in 2013, with the Atlanta airport having the most seizures at 110, according to a new report.

An average of five guns per day was seized in airports across the nation last year according to the report by the Medill National Security Journalism Initiative. Some 1,828 were confiscated in all, making it the third straight year of an increase in confiscations. Last year also marked the largest increase to date, with a 20 percent jump.   Continue reading “TSA confiscated 20 percent more guns in 2013, findings show”

Photo credit: Tom GillFlavorwire- by Tom Hawking 

As you’ve undoubtedly read unless you’ve been under a rock (or in Florida) for the last few days, this week it’s going to be insanely cold across the US. Here in NYC it’ll be well below freezing tomorrow, but still a whole lot warmer than it’ll be in places like Minnesota and North Dakota, where it’s apparently going to be something like -50ºF. It’s a serious business, but if nothing else, winter landscapes provide stark and occasionally otherworldly beauty. As such, it seems like a good time to present these crazy photos of frozen lighthouses on Lake Michigan (which, incidentally, is steaming this morning.) They’re the work of photographers Thomas Zakowski and Tom Gill, and come courtesy of BoredPanda.   Continue reading “Spectacular Photos of Frozen Lighthouses on Lake Michigan”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Some may have forgotten, or not be aware, that the Federal Reserve system has its own police force. Well, it does: “The U.S. Federal Reserve Police is the law enforcement arm of the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States…. Officers are certified to carry a variety of weapons systems (depending on assignment) including semi-automatic pistols, assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, less-lethal weapons, pepper spray, batons and other standard police equipment. Officers also wear bullet resistant vests/body armor. On October 12, 2010 President Barack Obama signed into law S.B. 1132 the “Law Enforcement Officers’ Safety Act Improvements Act”, which states that law enforcement officers of the Federal Reserve are “qualified law enforcement officers” and thus are authorized to carry a firearm off-duty.”   Continue reading “The Federal Reserve Is Hiring: Lots Of Cops”

Prevent Disease – by DAVE MIHALOVIC

“Dress warm or you’ll catch a cold” said every parent that ever existed. While it’s partially true that the body’s optimal temperature is a significant player in a well-functioning immune system, that’s only part of the equation. The other two reasons we get sick are far more relevant as to why millions are more vulnerable to cold viruses in colder climates.

There are three major mechanisms that allow cold viruses to infiltrate our immune systems in the winter:    Continue reading “The 3 Reasons Viruses Are Most Successful In The Winter and 6 Ways To Protect Yourself”

Russian Mi-28NE helicoptersAlalam

Iraq has received 13 Mil Mi-28NE helicopters under a $4.2 billion defense contract with Russia.

The helicopters, dubbed “Night Hunter” for their night operation capabilities, were delivered to Umm Qasr Port on Sunday, Itar-Tass reported.

The Iraqi army received 15 similar aircraft last year, which they plan to use in the fight against militants.   Continue reading “Russia delivers 13 Night Hunter helicopters to Iraq”

dd395-MSG  (s)B’Man’s Revolt

There are a number of studies that show what is killing Americans. The CDC publishes a list every year, but it is a bit misleading. It lists maladies that effect people, but doesn’t get into what actually causes these deaths. Number One and Number Two are heart disease and cancer (both are likely do to lifestyle and contamination we see in this nasty environment). As a matter of fact, most of the top on the list may be largely affected by lifestyle, tainted foods, and lack of exercise).   Continue reading “What’s Killing You?”

Breitbart – by JON DAVID KAHN

TUSCANY – Police say a 32-year-old Tunisian man serving time under house arrest for drug related charges, made a break for it last Tuesday, but he wasn’t looking for freedom. He was looking to escape his wife. Walid Chaabani reportedly fled from his home in Livorno, directly and intentionally, into the arms of the Carabinieri which is the national military police of Italy. Once in police custody, Chaabani requested to serve the rest of sentence behind bars.    Continue reading “Drug Dealer Under House Arrest Begs For Jail To Escape Nagging Wife”

ABC News – by ELAINE KURTENBACH Associated Press

Sushi restaurateur Kiyoshi Kimura paid 7.36 million yen (about $70,000) for a 507-pound (230-kilogram) bluefin tuna in the year’s celebratory first auction at Tokyo’s Tsukiji market on Sunday, just 5 percent of what he paid a year earlier despite signs that the species is in serious decline.

Kimura’s record winning bid last year of 154.4 million yen for a 222-kilogram (489-pound) fish drew complaints that prices had soared way out of line, even for an auction that has always drawn high bids. Kimura also set the previous record of 56.4 million yen at the 2012 auction.   Continue reading “Price Of Bluefin Tuna Nosedives At Tokyo Auction”

The Japan News – by The Yomiuri Shimbun

The Chinese government is considering reorganizing the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force (PAP) and placing it under the direct control of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party as part of the country’s military realignment plan, according to senior Chinese military officials.

At present, the PAP is commanded by both the commission, which controls the military, and the Public Security Ministry, which is in charge of police affairs.   Continue reading “China to place armed police under control of military”

Washington’s Blog

JP Morgan: Ponzi Schemer

Bernie Madoff has said all along that JP Morgan knew about – and knowingly profited from – his Ponzi schemes.

So JP Morgan has agreed to pay the government $2 billion to avoid investigation and prosecution.

While this may sound like a lot of money, it is spare sofa change for a big bank like JP Morgan.   Continue reading “JP Morgan Pays $2 Billion to Avoid Prosecution for Its Involvement In Madoff Ponzi Scheme”