keislerNortheast Intelligence Network- by Scott Keisler

If you are reading this article it is likely that you would consider yourself ‘awake’ and you may even consider yourself a ‘truther’.  You get your news from the alternative media and you pride yourself on being aware of what is going on in the world.  You know about the ongoing New World Order scheme and you aren’t embarrassed to say so.

That said, there’s a growing amount of information floating around out there concerning the New World Order – some of it accurate, much of it not so accurate.  I have noticed that much of the self-professing ‘truth movement’ is at the very least misguided, and unfortunately in many cases truthers are actually quite deceived.  I have often thought about why this is the case and in so doing I have noticed that there are several reasons why so much of the information I read regarding the New World Order is frankly so unreliable.   Continue reading “Choose Your Researchers Wisely”

IN06_DEEP_FREEZE_M_1710975fThe Daily Sheeple – by Chris Carrington

The polar vortex that is bringing bone numbing cold to much of the US is a weather phenomenon that is usually found at the poles and regions such as northern Canada that are close to the poles.

A polar vortex is a large scale cyclone that sits between the troposphere and the stratosphere, circulating the cold air around the polar regions. Very rarely do they ‘slip’ and move either north in the case of a South Pole vortex or south in the case of a North Pole vortex, and this is what has happened over the last few days.   Continue reading “What Exactly IS a Polar Vortex? 100,000,000 Americans Are Finding Out”

school-lunch-300x225The Daily Sheeple

Remember the horrible starvation diet version of school lunches that Michelle Obama tried to mandate to help fix the obesity crisis among kids?

Well, the USDA, who is in charge of the federal lunch program, has finally waved the white flag of surrender and given up trying to enforce them.   Continue reading “Starving Students Rejoice as USDA Mercifully Ups the “Rations” Allowed by Michelle Obama’s Stingy School Lunch Guidelines”

Texas Nationalist Movement

Oh what a difference an election year makes!

‘Fed up with the federal government’s failure to stop the massive flow of illegal aliens, human trafficking and drug smuggling, Texas officials took matters into their own hands, bringing all of it to a screeching halt along the Rio Grande section of the U.S./Mexican border.   Continue reading “Texas Acts to Secure Its Own Border”

Forbes – by Brian Soloman

On Monday afternoon, the Senate confirmed Janet Yellen, 67, as new chairperson of the Federal Reserve — the first woman to take over the top spot in the 100-year history of the U.S. central bank, or any major central bank.

Second to Ben Bernanke since 2010, Yellen was Barack Obama’s pick for the Fed Chair. “Too many Americans still can’t find a job and worry how they’ll pay their bills and provide for their families,” she said at her White House nomination. “The Federal Reserve can help if it does its job effectively.”   Continue reading “She’s Confirmed: Janet Yellen Is First Woman Federal Reserve Chair”

Buzz Feed – by Jon Passantino

Chicago’s strictest-in-the-nation law banning gun sales within the city is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Monday, saying the ban went “too far.”

The judge delayed the effect of the ruling to give the city time to file a response to the decision, Bloomberg reported.   Continue reading “Chicago’s Ban On Gun Sales Ruled Unconstitutional By Federal Judge”

FLASH_BANG_GRENADEdemonstrationShenandoah – by John Galt

Another internet kerfuffle has been created by the recent information of a US Government request for bids to deliver 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide at the end of January so I decided to see what other interesting items the Federal Biz Opps website has been soliciting and sure enough, the one that caught my attention is a request for 100,000 flash bang grenades by the US Navy.   Continue reading “So Why does the US Navy Need 100,000 Flash Bang Grenades?”

Activist Post – by Catherine J. Frompovich

Recently someone brought to my attention an article that appeared in The New York Times titled “Why Everyone Seems to Have Cancer” by George Johnson, author of the book The Cancer Chronicles.

Reading that New York Times article, this writer found many areas and issues that she could challenge or debate, but probably none is more prominent than the role of radioactive particulates in the atmosphere since the Manhattan Project, when the atomic bomb was ‘invented’ and whose radiation levels deliberately had been under-reported, as is happening now with Fukushima. Very few seem to give any credence to radiation being the cause of cancer. However, radiation in any form IS a cause of cancer.    Continue reading “Why Will Everyone in North America Get Cancer?”

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq’s prime minister urged residents and tribes of Fallujah to “expel” al-Qaida militants from the Sunni-dominated city to avoid an all-out battle — remarks that may signal an imminent military move to retake the former insurgent stronghold.

Nouri al-Maliki’s message came as dozens of families fled Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, in fear of a major showdown. Iraqi government troops have surrounded the city, which was overrun by al-Qaida fighters last week.   Continue reading “Iraq PM urges people of Fallujah to expel al-Qaida”

chloe glassonThe Organic Prepper

Before you line your kids up to have this year’s flu vaccine sprayed up their noses or injected into their arms, consider the fact that in Europe, children developed incurable debilitating narcolepsy after receiving injections from a drug developed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). But it’s okay – they have created a miracle treatment that costs the child’s family only a bit over $20,000 per year…forever.

More than 800 children across Europe have been diagnosed with this lifelong neurological disorder and the evidence is overwhelming in the implication of the vaccine.  (source)   Continue reading “Big Pharma Gives Another Child Narcolepsy via the Swine Flu Vax, Then Cures It with a New Miracle Drug That Costs Over $20K per Year”

Colleen LaRose aka Jihad

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A troubled Pennsylvania woman who called herself “Jihad Jane” online and plotted to kill a Swedish artist was sentenced Monday to 10 years in prison after telling a judge she had been consumed by thoughts of a Muslim holy war.

Colleen LaRose, 50, faced a potential life term. But Chief U.S. District Judge Petrese B. Tucker gave her credit for her guilty plea and her help in the indictment of two others. Prosecutors asked for decades in prison, fearing she remains highly vulnerable to manipulation. But LaRose told the judge, “I don’t want to be into jihad no more.”   Continue reading “‘Jihad Jane’ gets 10 years in plot to kill artist”

I was part of that generation that as children participated in the nuclear attack drills, hiding under the desk, all through the cold war.  Our population was bombarded with information that articulated beyond a doubt that radiation presents a detrimental threat to the human life organism.

Once the $5.5 trillion had been milked from the American population to procure a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying the planet, the emphasis shifted as the interest of the international nuclear industry commanded they must.    Continue reading “Fukushima: Who Profits from a Cover-up?”

Al Qaeda rebels have taken Fallujah and John McCain, the US Czar for the industrial war complex is saying, “I told you so.”  These globalist mafia truly do believe we American nationals to be devoid of the ability for critical thinking.  McCain is saying that the US pullout from Iraq was a mistake and now the terrorists Al Qaeda are taking over.

And then in other Zionist controlled reports, we have the war mongers talking about Al Qaeda destabilizing the Middle East.  They bring a map up on the screen, highlighting Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.    Continue reading “Who is the Number One Terror Organization on Planet Earth?”

The movement for the people’s Bill of Rights in the United States is literally exploding in direct coalition with the communist insurgency’s attempt at asserting absolute power over our people and our property.  The potential has always been there but it has taken real pain to motivate our people into acting for their best interests.

With this explosion and the millions of new people prepping and forming into militias, we are witnessing understandable friction within the ranks of those who consider this blooming tragedy to be a personal possession, a resource that they have grasped onto, some for the procurement of material wealth and others to feed nothing more than their own vanity.   Continue reading “American Nationals – Our Enemies Have Many Faces”