The United States Of America At NightThe Truth – by Michael Snyder

Most people have absolutely no idea that the Earth barely missed being fried by a massive EMP burst from the sun in 2012, in 2013 and just last month.  If any of those storms would have directly hit us, the result would have been catastrophic.  Electrical transformers would have burst into flames, power grids would have gone down and much of our technology would have been fried.  In essence, life as we know it would have ceased to exist – at least for a time.  These kinds of solar storms have hit the Earth many times before, and experts tell us that it is inevitable that it will happen again.  The most famous one happened in 1859, and was known as the Carrington Event.  But other than the telegraph, humanity had very little dependence on technology at the time.    Continue reading “After Several Near Misses, Experts Warn The Next Carrington Event Will Plunge Us Back Into The Dark Ages”

Vitamins Close-upAlliance for Natural Health, March 11, 2014

You can’t live without this vitamin. But the FDA wants to reserve the natural form for monopoly drug companies, leaving only the synthetic form for supplements. 

The FDA has just released a new 109-proposed ruleon the revision of nutrition and supplement labels. (You can read more about the implications of the new labeling rules in our other article this week.)   Continue reading “FDA’s Sneak Attempt to Ban Another B Vitamin”

The Libertarian Republic – by Austin Peterson

A user from the popular image sharing site imgur has uploaded a series of photos showing food lines in Venezuela. The lines are undoubtedly the result of new price controls that President Nicolas Maduro has instituted as an effort to tame inflation.

The “Fair Price Law” is causing devastating shortages due to the fact that by putting caps on prices eliminates the the first law of economics, supply and demand. The law sets a maximum profit margin of 30% and requires firms to obtain “fair price” certificates to access dollars through the government’s currency system.   Continue reading “The Fruits of Socialism – Venezuelan Food Lines”

Margaret’s Natural Health

Nucleotides are a somewhat new product. They are the building blocks for DNA and RNA – the nucleic acids that are found in every cell of the body.

Nucleotides can promote an instantaneous boost in both immunity and energy. They are credited with helping our bodies repair themselves, creating new tissue, maintaining a strong immune system and conducting many other important functions. They are found in high concentrations in breast milk and are now routinely added to infant formula – but adults need them too.   Continue reading “Nucleotides – Great when you need them!”

PIC: LColson (PD)Disinfo – by Matt Staggs

They’re not here yet, but Dr. Zhong says that advances in nanotechnology and night vision tech using the material graphene may open the door to ultra-thin night vision contacts. Oh, and if you want to know more about graphene, you might enjoy reading this.   Continue reading “University of Michigan Scientist: Night Vision Contact Lenses Coming Soon”

Yahoo News – by SAM EIFLING

HONOLULU (AP) — Honolulu police officers have urged lawmakers to keep an exemption in state law that allows undercover officers to have sex with prostitutes during investigations, touching off a heated debate.

Authorities say they need the legal protection to catch lawbreakers in the act. Critics, including human trafficking experts and other police, say it’s unnecessary and could further victimize sex workers, many of whom have been forced into the trade.   Continue reading “Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes”


A parking ticket, traffic citation or involvement in a minor fender-bender are enough to get a person’s name and other personal information logged into a massive, obscure federal database run by the U.S. military.

The Law Enforcement Information Exchange, or LinX, has already amassed 506.3 million law enforcement records ranging from criminal histories and arrest reports to field information cards filled out by cops on the beat even when no crime has occurred.   Continue reading “U.S. Navy database tracks civilians’ parking tickets, car accidents & more”


The FBI must explain why it withheld records from a graduate student about an alleged assassination plot against the leaders of Occupy Houston, a federal judge ruled.

Ryan Noah Shapiro is a doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology whose research includes “the policing of dissent, especially in the name of national security” and “exploring FBI and other intelligence agency efforts to subvert the Freedom of Information Act,” according to his profile on MIT’s website.   Continue reading “FBI must explain it’s assassination plot against Occupy movement leaders”

Indications are the Firearms Technology Branch misunderstood the sequence in the manufacturing process for EP Armory precursor polymer receivers.Examiner – by David Codrea

The United States District Court, Southern District of California on Wednesday granted a joint motion filed earlier in the day by attorneys for Ares Armor and the Department of Justice. The order vacated as moot a preliminary injunction hearing scheduled for Thursday, vacated the Temporary Restraining Order issued on March 11 (and the modification issued on March 14), and affirmed Ares Armor’s rights to file an amended complaint and to seek further injunctive relief.   Continue reading “Ares Armor and ATF hearing taken off calendar as more questions emerge”

Congressman Darrell Issa has subpoenaed documents relating to a botched ATF storefront sting operation in six states.Examiner – by Dave Workman

Two seemingly unrelated cases involving the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will keep that agency in the headlines, with California’s Ares Armor‘s legal action against the ATF placed on hold yesterday, while Congressman Darrell Issa, chair of the House Oversight Committee, late yesterday issued a subpoena to the ATF over yet another scandal, this involving storefront sting operations.

A hearing on Ares Armor’s motion for a preliminary injunction against ATF, originally scheduled for this afternoon, is now off the calendar, vacated as moot by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, in the wake of last weekend’s search by ATF of business sites owned by Lycurgan, Inc., doing business as Ares Armor. National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea details that part of the story here.   Continue reading “Issa subpoenas ATF over storefront stings; Ares Armor case on hold”

jail drugs 263x164 Son Fights for Dad Serving Life in Prison for Marijuana ChargesNatural Society – by Elizabeth Renter

In the fight for marijuana legalization or even for criminal justice reform, you’ll often hear of people serving jail time for non-violent drug offenses. When these sentences are more severe than those being served by people found guilty of crimes against other people, crimes where there are tangible victims, it’s evidence of a broken system and the failed War on Drugs. In Missouri, one man is living the worst-case scenario, serving a life sentence for a marijuana offense.   Continue reading “Son Fights for Dad Serving Life in Prison for Marijuana Charges”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

The country of New Zealand has dropped the latest bombshell on the US dollar as shared in this video by announcing that they will begin trading directly with China in another blow to the status of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. With China and Russia previously dropping financial bombshells on the US, the coming end of the dollar as reserve currency will leave unprepared Americans destitute.

An increasing number of financial experts are saying the United States dollar is no longer a reliable and dependable currency – and that its downfall is inevitable. There are even some experts who think the dollar is so unstable that the Chinese Yuan will soon become the world’s reserve currency, or currency of choice.   Continue reading “New Zealand Joins China, Drops Bombshell On US Dollar In New Direct Trade Agreement”

Stop the Drug War – by Phillip Smith

Oregonians going to the polls this November could have the chance to vote twice to legalize marijuana, or maybe even three times. Two separate legalization initiative campaigns are underway there, and both have a good shot at actually making it onto the ballot. And one of those campaigns also includes a constitutional amendment that could also make the ballot.

Oregon very nearly joined Colorado and Washington in legalizing it in 2012, when the underfunded Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA) got more than 47% of the vote. Prospects have only gotten brighter since then. A recent poll showed solid majorities for a specific tax and regulate question (58%) and for a generic legalization question (64%).   Continue reading “Will Oregon Have Three Marijuana Initiatives This Year?”

North American Power GridThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

What would you do if the Internet or the power grid went down for over a year?  Our key infrastructure, including the Internet and the power grid, is far more vulnerable than most people would dare to imagine.  These days, most people simply take for granted that the lights will always be on and that the Internet will always function properly.  But what if all that changed someday in the blink of an eye?  According to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s latest report, all it would take to plunge the entire nation into darkness for more than a year would be to knock out a transformer manufacturer and just 9 of our 55,000 electrical substations on a really hot summer day.  The reality of the matter is that our power grid is in desperate need of updating, and there is very little or no physical security at most of these substations.  If terrorists, or saboteurs, or special operations forces wanted to take down our power grid, it would not be very difficult.  And as you will read about later in this article, the Internet is extremely vulnerable as well.   Continue reading “Government Agency: If 9 Substations Are Destroyed, The Power Grid Could Be Down For 18 Months”

oil-warsGlobal Research – by Glen Ford

The U.S., now number one in oil and gas, is preparing to destroy Russia’s economy. “Washington will move to crush, or at least seriously disrupt, Russia under its ‘sanctions as war by other means’ machine, by targeting its energy exports, while simultaneously boosting the foreign markets for U.S. natural gas.”   Continue reading “U.S. Prepares to Gas Russia Into Submission”