University of Michigan Scientist: Night Vision Contact Lenses Coming Soon

PIC: LColson (PD)Disinfo – by Matt Staggs

They’re not here yet, but Dr. Zhong says that advances in nanotechnology and night vision tech using the material graphene may open the door to ultra-thin night vision contacts. Oh, and if you want to know more about graphene, you might enjoy reading this.  

Via HuffPo:

“We can make the entire design super-thin,” Dr. Zhaohui Zhong, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the university, said in a written statement. “It can be stacked on a contact lens or integrated with a cell phone.”

The key to the new technology is a lightweight and super-strong form of carbon known as graphene. Ordinarily, graphene absorbs only about 2.3 percent of light that hits it — not enough to generate a usable infrared signal. But by combining two layers of graphene with an insulator, the researchers were able to boost the signal dramatically. Sensors made of sandwiched graphene can detect the full infrared spectrum, in addition to visible and ultraviolet light.

Zhong and his team have yet to integrate their technology into contact lenses, but he says the technological pathway to such devices is clear.

Read the rest of the story at HuffPo.

4 thoughts on “University of Michigan Scientist: Night Vision Contact Lenses Coming Soon

  1. How about the x-ray specs? When are they coming?

    I think that being “afraid of the dark”, is the only reason the human race is still here. When I walk outside at night I’m surrounded by carnivorous predators, and I’m the only one who can’t see. Big disadvantage, and a good reason to stay near the fire.

  2. If these advances are so certain, and are so close.
    Why not just make a simple pair of night vision glasses ?
    Just like an average pair of sun glasses……………
    Contacts would be such a nuisance.

    1. I agree
      I have worn Contacts and I think they suck!

      as you say, if the technology exists why not do something simple with it at first, it also affords a larger selling market, some people don’t wear corrective eye wear, and some that do, hate contacts.

      Also , on the “contacts suck” feeling of mine

      ever get a sand particle in behind a contact lense? could you imagine that at night? when your worried about getting .45 hole drilled in ya? thanks

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