Chicken1-300x199Prepper Fortress – by WOLF GRULKEY

In the event of a collapse, water, shelter, food and fuel are the most basic of necessities.  As most of us who have put some thought into this have at least these bare minimums.  A good water supply and a way of filtering a not so good water supply.  A location that provides shelter from the elements and safety.  A durable food supply that hopefully will last long enough to get through whatever tribulation that comes and a fuel supply for vehicles, machines and cooking.

I have the best of all worlds with a nearly unlimited supply of firewood, a 500 gallon tank of propane and a water well that produces natural gas.  However I have not always had the best of all worlds.   Continue reading “Fuel from chicken”

federal agents at bundy ranchGateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Armed federal agents at the Cliven Bundy ranch in Nevada, April 2014. (Natural News)

In 2008, Barack Obama announced his plan to build a massive “civilian national security force” here in America. It would be just as well funded as the US military.   Continue reading “Obama Promised a ‘Civilian National Security Force’ – Today There Are Over 120,000 Armed Federal Agents”

III Percent Patriots – by Kerodin

There is a tactical reality Patriots must consider going forward.

It has been mentioned (without support, as far as I have seen) that BLM had paid mercenaries on the ground in Nevada. This guy sure doesn’t look like the sort of fellow I’ve seen in BLM uniform or who would be attracted to BLM as a career choice. Perhaps he really is simply one of their SWAT guys.

But this is a consideration we must explore until we have some answers.   Continue reading “Mercenaries in sheeps clothing available for immediate deployment?”

Red Flag News

(Daily Mail) — If expanding the guest list to include Michelle Obama at graduation for high school students in the Kansas capital city means fewer seats for friends and family, some students and their parents would prefer the first lady not attend.

A furor over what the Topeka school district considers an honor has erupted after plans were announced for Obama to address a combined graduation ceremony for five area high schools next month an 8,000-seat arena. For some, it was the prospect of a tight limit on the number of seats allotted to each graduate.

Continue reading “1,200 Students Petition to Block Michele O Speech… ‘She Doesn’t Know Our Kids’…”

High Times – by Mike Adams

Some individuals come equipped with a specific gene that makes them more susceptible to the effects of marijuana — an inheritable characteristic that a new study says could provide an explanation as to why certain people are biologically programmed to be happier than others.

In the study, which was published in the latest edition of the journal, PLOS ONE, researchers explain that CB1 receptors are tightly bonded to the feeling of happiness. Continue reading “Study: Happy People Get More Stoned”

imageNatural News – by Long Island Attorney Paul A. Lauto, Esq.

Notwithstanding the best efforts of the Biotech Industry to stop GMO labeling at the state level, the GMO label movement in support of the peoples’ right to know what is in our food is rapidly growing across the country.  Monsanto and company have to date, successfully expended millions of dollars to fight against GMO labeling on a state by state basis.  However, even a blind man can see that the “tide has changed” and GMO labeling is virtually inevitable.   Continue reading “Federal Law Proposed To Override States From Passing GMO Label Laws”

The Lyrid meteor shower peak dates for 2014. (Photo courtesy NASA.)East Cobb Patch – by Todd Richissin

Winter was long and tough enough with so much cold and snow, but for star-gazers it was even longer with the absence of much significant activity in the sky.

Now, though, comes the Lyrid meteor shower 2014 peak dates, April 21 and 22, with a sneak preview already underway.   Continue reading “Lyrid Meteor Shower 2014 Peak Dates: Look! Up In The Sky!”

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - APRIL 1:  Traffic on Highway 101 slows down in a heavy rainstorm near the Golden Gate Bridge on April 1, 2014, in San Francisco, California. San Francisco continues to be a major global tourist destination and has experienced a real estate and high-tech boom in recent years. (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)Accuweather

A potent area of low pressure moving into the West will dictate the weather from Washington to Texas heading into the new week.

The biggest impacts will be felt on Tuesday and Wednesday as the system delivers rain, snow, howling winds and severe thunderstorms to different portions of the West.

Folks in the Northwest and the Rockies will want to keep their umbrellas handy both days as the slow-moving system spreads rain across the regions with some showers even dipping down into central California.   Continue reading “Wind, Rain, Storms to Impact West This Week”

FOX LOGOHuffington Post – by FRAZIER MOORE

NEW YORK (AP) — A veteran Fox executive who used her company email account to plan aid for loved ones of the missing Malaysian airplane’s passengers has been fired.

Darlene Tipton, who was vice president of standards and practices for the Fox Cable Networks Group, said Saturday she had wanted to arrange swift financial aid to families and other loved ones, sparing them lengthy court fights. She said she began by emailing Sarah Bajc, an American whose boyfriend, Philip Wood, was a passenger on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and who has made frequent TV appearances since the plane’s March 8 disappearance.   Continue reading “Fox Executive Darlene Tipton Fired Over Flight 370 Charity Email”

Wild Horses Tension G_Cala.jpgFox News

The Bureau of Land Management rounded up a horse herd that had roamed for decades on federal land in northwest Wyoming and handed the horses over to Wyoming officials.

They, in turn, sold the herd to the highest bidder, a Canadian slaughterhouse.

Wild horse advocates are incensed, saying they should have had a chance to intercede in the March roundup and auction. But the BLM says that the horses were abandoned, not wild, and that it publicized the sale beforehand.   Continue reading “Feds draw criticism for selling Wyoming horses for slaughter”

ASTEROIDThe Huffington Post – by Benjamin Hart

Bad news, earthlings. A former NASA scientist says it’s mere happenstance that anArmageddon-style asteroid hasn’t hit a densely populated area in the last few years.

On Tuesday, the B612 Foundation, which is devoted to preventing the next deep impact, will present data from a nuclear-weapons test warning satellite showing that far more asteroids have hit earth in the past few years than previously thought, the organization announced on its website.    Continue reading “Far More Asteroids Have Hit The Earth Than We Thought, Astronauts Say”