Two people were charged after police making a drug bust in Paterson found bloodstained walls and starving dogs.North Jersey – by Joe Malinconico and Abbott Koloff

Their target was drugs. What police also found was an unexpected horror of animal cruelty that included dead fighting dogs stuffed into garbage bags, starving puppies crammed into crates, and blood-splashed walls.

Paterson police arrested two people on Friday afternoon, saying they found evidence of a large dog-fighting ring being run out of a city home where pit bulls, most less than a year old, were being trained to fight. They said they rescued 21 pit bulls, 18 of them puppies and three maimed adults, and found the bodies of four dead canines along with what they originally expected: a large cache of drugs.    Continue reading “Large dog-fighting ring found during Paterson drug bust, authorities say”

The Mojave Desert covers large portions of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. Credit: viscountsin / FlickrInfowars – Kristin Moulton, Salt Lake Tribune

It’s time for Western states to take control of federal lands within their borders, lawmakers and county commissioners from Western states said at Utah’s Capitol on Friday.

More than 50 political leaders from nine states convened for the first time to talk about their joint goal: wresting control of oil-, timber -and mineral-rich lands away from the feds.   Continue reading “Western lawmakers talk federal land takeover”

Tony; New York Daily News – by LARRY MCSHANE 

Rubin (Hurricane) Carter, the middleweight contender-turned-murder suspect-turned-cause célèbre when his triple homicide conviction was exposed as a sham, died Sunday. He was 76.

Carter — wrongly jailed for nearly two decades — lost a battle with prostate cancer that dropped the former fighter’s weight to a mere 90 pounds.   Continue reading “Boxer Rubin (Hurricane) Carter dies at 76”

A cow stands in her pen at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology in CastelarDaily Mail – by ELLIE ZOLFAGHARIFARD

On Friday, the Obama administration stated that it would make a multi-pronged attack on cow flatulence, in an attempt to cut methane emissions.

As a result, windy cows have come under renewed scrutiny by scientists, who plan to capture their harmful emissions and convert them into ‘green’ energy.    Continue reading “Now THAT’S wind power! Cows wear BACKPACKS to capture their ‘emissions’ and become miniature power stations”

1Revolution News

At least 4 Chengguan, the most hated police-inspectors in China, were beaten to death by angry people in Cangnan County of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province (located in the industrial southeast), after they killed a man with a hammer. The police-inspectors hit the man with a hammer until he started to vomit blood, because he was trying to take pictures of their violence towards a woman, a street vendor. The man was rushed to hospital, but died on the way.

Thousands of angry people took to the streets, surrounded the police-inspectors in their van, attacked them with stones, bats, and beat them to death. People were shouting that the police-inspectors be killed on the spot for what they did: “Kill them! Kill them!”   Continue reading “China: “Violent Government Thugs” Beaten To Death By Angry Crowds After They Killed A Man Documenting Their Brutality”

Image: Cattle Grave (Bundy Ranch Facebook).Infowars – by Michael Thalen

New photos released by the Bundy family Sunday provided more evidence to the claim that the Bureau of Land Management was illegally killing and burying confiscated cattle.

Posted to the official Bundy Ranch Facebook page, the gruesome image shows several dead cattle being removed from a makeshift grave discovered just this weekend.   Continue reading “Report: Bundy Family Unearths BLM Mass Cattle Grave”

79168166Coffee with Hermit – by Hermit Jim

If you have ever wished that you could take a pill and become a little smarter, then this might be just the thing for you!

According to this article I found over at KnowledgeNuts, there is research that supposedly proves that cannibalism could just be the key to gaining more knowledge. Imagine being able to eat your way to smartness! Might be just the thing for those having trouble in college, ya know?  
Continue reading “A Different Way To Become Smarter…!”

apple whole food fruit 263x164 Stumped About How to Eat? Yale Scientist Compares All Diets and Finds REAL Food BestNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

What should you do to get back in shape this Spring? Try a paleo-diet, go vegan? How about the Mediterranean diet, or even experiment with a low-carb diet? It turns out, according to a study recently published in Annual Reviews by a highly credentialed medical expert, Dr. David Katz, that the best food – is REAL food.

Forget about infomercials, questionable advice from your trainer at the gym, or the latest diet craze. All you need to do is put away the processed, non-food, junk you’ve been eating and you can expect to loose weight, feel better, and actually be – here’s a novel idea – healthier.   Continue reading “Stumped About How to Eat? Yale Scientist Compares All Diets and Finds REAL Food Best”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In the beginning it was banker suicides. Then about two weeks ago, suicides were replaced by outright murders after the execution-style killing of the CEO of a bank in otherwise sleepy (and tax evasive) Lichtenstein by a disgruntled client. Then on Friday news hit of another execution-type murder in just as sleepy, if not so tax evasive, Belgium, where in the city of Vise, a 37-year-old Director at BNP Paribas Fortis was murdered alongside his wife and a 9 year old nephew in a premeditated and orchestrated drive-by shooting.   Continue reading “BNP Banker His Wife and Nephew Murdered in Belgium”

This was on a local news site this morning. Check out the full on propaganda rewriting the truth. Now the Militia were the ones that had snipers, not the BLM.

KATC 3 News – by Liz Fields

The BLM defused the standoff, citing safety concerns for its employees and the protesters, some of whom were on horseback and others who were set up in sniper positions on the Interstate 15 overpass pointing military-style rifles at federal agents. Among the citizen army were dozens of women and children under the overpass who could have been caught in the line of any possible gunfire.   Continue reading “Civilian Militia Remains at Bundy Ranch After Standoff Ends”