Before it’s News

July 2014 – SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Rattlesnakes are moving closer to homes in Northern California, and one expert thinks the state’s drought is to blame, CBS Sacramento reports. Len Ramirez says this is one of the busiest years his rattlesnake removal business has seen in nearly three decades. And the year is only halfway done. “We’ve made four calls today, and tonight I don’t know how many I’m going to make, but it’s going to be a long evening,” he said Friday. A room where he keeps the rattlesnakes he catches before releasing them into the wild is evidence of how busy he’s been. “We’ve removed 72 rattlesnakes this week,” he said. Drought conditions have kept the calls coming in from people spooked by snakes that are way too close for comfort. “For a lot of homeowners just moving in from the Bay Area, a first-time encounter with a rattlesnake is very scary,” Ramirez said.    Continue reading “Rattlesnakes are slithering closer to homes in Northern California”

Before it’s News

July 2014 – CHINA – A city in China has reportedly been sealed off after one resident died from bubonic plague, but this way of trying to contain the disease is puzzling to infectious disease experts, who say the response seems extreme given the information released about the case. According to news reports, Chinese officials have blocked off parts of Yumen, a city in northwest China, preventing about 30,000 of the city’s people from leaving. A man in the city became ill after he handled a dead marmot (a large wild rodent), and died last week from bubonic plague. No other cases of the plague have been reported, according to the Guardian.     Continue reading “Chinese officials seal off ‘plague’ city, puzzling US experts” – by JONATHAN PAYE-LAYLEH

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) – One of Liberia’s most high-profile doctors has died of Ebola, a government official said Sunday, highlighting the risks facing health workers trying to combat the deadly disease.

Dr. Samuel Brisbane is the first Liberian doctor to die in an outbreak the World Health Organization says has killed 129 people in the West African nation. A Ugandan doctor working in the country died earlier this month.

The WHO says the outbreak, the largest ever recorded, has also killed 319 people in Guinea and 224 in Sierra Leone.    Continue reading “Official: Ebola kills senior doctor in Liberia”

Lord Grey, Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, British Ambassador to the USA, seen here at Waterloo Station after arriving home from the USAMail Online -by BELINDA ROBINSON

A secret letter which documents a private meeting between King George V urging his Foreign Secretary Edward Grey to go to war with Germany two days before the outbreak of the First World War has been unearthed.

The incredible note, sent during one of the most difficult times in British history has been made public for the first time, by Adrian Graves, Sir Edward’s great-great-nephew and grandson of Sir Cecil Graves.    Continue reading “‘Find a reason to go to war with Germany’: Shocking letter documents how King George V urged his foreign secretary to justify conflict two days before outbreak of First World War”

Vacation Bible SchoolBefore it’s News

Have you ever attended Vacation Bible School? Around here, we call it VBS and it is the time of the year, usually during summer vacation from school, that children gather at a local, or not so much, school to learn about the Bible and the principles it teaches. In the case of the VBS put on by our church, it is some children’s only opportunity to attend an event that is both educational and uplifting. Not to mention, a lot of fun.

During the week, representatives of the local police and fire departments, as well as the local paramedics. It depends on the theme of the VBS. For instance, the theme at our local VBS this year was God’s Garage. The children have a lot of fun and learn something about the Bible in the process. That’s how it is supposed to work.   Continue reading “National Guard Banned From Vacation Bible School, Gay Pride Is Allowed”


PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon Order IDF to Resume Operations Against Hamas =

(Communicated by Prime Minister’s Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, this =

morning (Sunday, 27 July 2014), have ordered the IDF to resume operations =

against the Hamas terrorists who violated the humanitarian truce which the =

UN requested for the residents of Gaza. Yet again Hamas is cynically =   Continue reading “PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon Order IDF to Resume Operations Against Hamas”

RussiaNatural News – by Lance Johnson

The scary-looking clown named Ronald McDonald and his minions are going to court.

Russia, which has already denounced genetically modified food earlier this year, is now taking McDonald’s to court. A Moscow court recently announced that the fast food chain has violated Russia’s nutrition and safety codes for many of its burger and ice cream products.

The case is set to be heard at Tverskoi District Court. Russian health officials are already threatening to place a temporary ban on McDonald’s ice cream, milkshakes, cheeseburgers, and Filet-O-Fish and chicken sandwiches. A hearing is scheduled for August 13.   
  Continue reading “Russia taking McDonald’s to court, threatens countrywide shutdown”

542488-cancer-1367301515-909-640x480Before it’s News

We trust them. We get sick, or have some unexplained pain, maybe even get a bit scared and we go to them to “get well”. And maybe that tactic works when you are young and very strong… before the contamination takes full effect. But the more we consume the garbage considered food, or the chemically laden water from our home’s kitchen sink tap, or breathe the tainted aerosolized air (chem-trails), or contaminants from work… but after we grow older and live this life of what is surely a purposefully designed system of sickness and “sickcare”, it all makes our bodies conducive to all sorts of illness, especially cancers.   Continue reading “Medical Quotations About Cancer and Official Treatments”

Freedom Outpost

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams

The above quote was made by John Adams on October 11, 1798 while addressing the Massachusetts Militia. This statement holds a great deal of significance because it not only alludes to the fact that our nation was founded upon Judeo-Christian Principles, it clearly indicates that failure to live up to them, would signify the end of the Constitution.   Continue reading “Freedom Demands Personal Responsibility – Communism Seeks to Destroy it”

Jewish Law - Examining Halacha, Jewish Issues and Secular LawJewish Law – by Rabbi Joseph Stern


Do not charge interest (Ribis) while lending money or food.
Do not cause your fellow Jew to charge interest (i.e. do not pay interest in return for a loan – a prohibition against the debtor paying interest). 
Do not act as an accomplice to the charging of interest (an injunction against even consigning or certifying any usurious financial transaction). Continue reading “Ribis: A Halachic Anthology”

image from http://today.ucf.eduRT

A 6 year-old boy from Florida born with right arm deficiency has received a prosthetic replacement. Now climbing a tree and catching a ball will be easier for him. Students from Florida University made it on a 3D printer for just $350 in just 8 weeks.

Help for little Alex Pring, missing his right arm from just above the elbow, came from students at the University of Central Florida. An engineering doctoral student, Albert Manero, heard about the boy’s needs and decided to recruit a team of students to create a solution for the boy.   Continue reading “​‘I can now climb trees’: 6yo kid gets prosthetic arm from 3D printer”


More than 40 Ukrainian soldiers have abandoned their military posts and crossed into Russian territory, stating that they refuse to fight against their own people, a Russian Federal Security Service spokesperson said.

Follow RT’s live updates on Kiev’s bloody eastern Ukraine campaign

At least 41 Ukrainian soldiers have made it to Russian territory after asking self-defense forces for help, the spokesperson from the Federal Security Service’s Rostov region border patrol unit, Vasily Malaev, told Itar-Tass.   Continue reading “‘Refusing to kill their own’: Over 40 Ukrainian soldiers flee to Russia”

Esaw Garner, Al

NEW YORK (AP) — The widow of a New York City man who died this month in a videotaped confrontation with New York City police demanded justice on Saturday, saying the victim wasn’t asking for trouble.

Eric Garner “was not a violent man — not in any way, shape or form,” said his widow, Esaw Garner, in what were described as her first public remarks about the death. “He was a quiet man, but he’s making a lot of noise now.”

She described getting a text from her 43-year-old husband a half hour before he died July 17 that read: “I’m good.” The widow and other members of Garner’s family spoke at the Harlem headquarters of the Rev. Al Sharpton. On Friday, Sharpton and the family met with federal prosecutors to ask them to bring a civil rights case against the New York Police Department officers who stopped Garner on Staten Island on suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes.   Continue reading “Widow: Man who died in NYPD custody wasn’t violent”

Bob McDonnell, Maureen

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, his reputation already tarnished and his political future destroyed by a gifts-for-favors scandal, faces the possibility of an even greater loss when his trial on federal corruption charges begins Monday.

The onetime rising Republican star and his wife, Maureen, could be sentenced to decades in prison if convicted of the charges in a 14-count indictment issued by a grand jury 10 days after McDonnell left office in January. They are accused of accepting more than $165,000 in gifts and loans from Jonnie Williams, the founder of a dietary supplements company, in exchange for helping to promote his products.   Continue reading “Gifts-for-favors trial set for ex-governor, wife”

Marines Embassy Evac ExcersiseBusiness Insider – by David M Brooks

The U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya, was evacuated on Saturday in response to intense insurgent fighting, according to the State Department.

A Marine quick reaction force led the evacuation with assistance from two USMC MV-22 Ospreys, three Air Force F-16 fighter jets, and an undisclosed number of surveillance drones, according to the Military Times.

In situations like these, the Marine Corps is trusted to quickly respond to hostile situations, and countless hours of training have made it more than capable. In response to crises, Marines are expected to be able to execute these types of missions within six hours.   Continue reading “Here’s How US Marines Evacuate An Embassy In A Hostile Country”

GMONatural News – by Mike Adams

Why are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) a serious threat to humanity and the environment? The reasons span the realms of science, social justice, economics and the environment, and once you understand this, you’ll readily understand why so many environmentalists, humanitarians, responsible scientists and social justice advocates are strongly opposed to GMOs.

Here are the top 10 ways GMOs threaten us all:  

Continue reading “The Agricultural Holocaust explained: the 10 worst ways GMOs threaten humanity and our natural world”

AOL – by Kristen Wyatt

DENVER (AP) – Pot may be legal in some states – but the neighbors don’t have to like it.

Marijuana and hemp have joined wacky paint colors and unsightly fences as common neighborhood disputes facing homeowners’ associations. Though a few HOAs have willingly changed their rules to accommodate for legal marijuana use or home-growing, many more are banning home pot smoking.   Continue reading “Pot may be legal, but homeowner agreements can ban”

Freedom Outpost

Ohio Sheriff Richard Jones had a unique idea to help with the cost of illegal aliens, who had committed crimes, currently taking up space in his jail. He sent a letter to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto charging him for the cost of each illegal alien housed in his jail. In response to Jones’ letter, the federal government sent him a letter stating he had violated “a treaty of like, 1790.”

In an appearance on BlazeTV’s “Dana,” the Butler County Sheriff told Dana Loesch the details.

“I sent him a bill for the prisoners that are in my jail. They came here illegally. I’ve not gotten any money from them, but I billed them so much. And, I’ll tell you what I got in return, my life was threatened.”
Continue reading “Ohio Sheriff Bills Mexico for Illegals in His Jail – FBI Warns Him Mexican Drugs Cartels Will Kill Him”