ObamaCNS News – by Susan Jones

President Obama told reporters in Dallas, Texas Wednesday night that he skipped a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border because he already knows what’s going on there — and because he’s “not interested in photo ops.”

“This isn’t theater. This is a problem. I’m not interested in photo ops. I’m interested in solving a problem,” said the man whose most recent photo-op took place in a Denver bar less than 24 hours earlier.   Continue reading “Obama: ‘This Isn’t Theater…I’m Not Interested in Photo Ops’”

Mideast Israel PalestiniansMint Press News – by Jon Queally

Israel’s assault on the people of Gaza “dramatically escalated” overnight as hundreds of missiles bombed the civilian population living in the walled-off territory.

According to the Ma’an new agency’s latest reporting, the airstrikes “killed 30 Palestinians overnight Wednesday and Thursday, including a family of eight, bringing the total death toll [this week] to 81.”   Continue reading “Gaza Death Toll Soars As Israel Intensifies Bombing Campaign”

Roundup Herbicide 125 Times More Toxic Than Regulators SayGreen Med Info – by Sayer Ji

A highly concerning new study published in the journal Biomedical Research International reveals that despite the still relatively benign reputation of agrochemicals such as Roundup herbicide, many chemical formulations upon which the modern agricultural system depend are far more toxic than present regulatory tests performed on them reveal. Roundup herbicide, for instance, was found to be 125 times more toxic than its active ingredient glyphosate studied in isolation.

Titled, “Major pesticides are more toxic to human cells than their declared active principles,” the study evaluated to what extent the active principle (AP) and the so-called ‘inert ingredients,’ i.e. adjuvants, in globally popular formulations account for the toxicity of 9 major pesticides: 3 herbicides, 3 insecticides, and 3 fungicides.   Continue reading “New Study finds Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide 125 Times More Toxic Than Regulators Say”

Freedom’s Lighthouse – by Brian

What a total embarrassment for CNN. But, then, they have no shame.

This CNN Anchor (I think she’s Kate Bolduan) absolutely goes to the mat for Barack Obama in her interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry. She might as well be Valerie Jarrett. Not an ounce of objectivity. Not one word that even makes sense when it comes to the Border Crisis. It’s like she thinks Perry is from Mars because he says you must secure the border or the problem cannot be solved!   Continue reading “CNN Anchor goes to the Mat for Obama in Interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry – Video 7/10/14”


WASHINGTON – An attorney for the family of Miriam Carey, 34, the Connecticut woman shot and killed by Secret Service and Capitol Police after she apparently made a wrong turn into a White House checkpoint and then tried to flee, says the idea that the officers will not face criminal charges is not surprising.

Nor does it change the family’s legal position in their wrongful death claim, Eric Sanders, who is based in New York, told WND on Thursday.   Continue reading “No charges for D.C. cops in mom’s killing”

founders homosexual viewsDC Clothesline – by Tim Brown

I have made no bones about the fact that the ultimate authority on the issue of homosexuality is the Bible and it is crystal clear in condemning it. If others want to cite polls and commentaries and “experts” to attempt to bolster their claim in favor of homosexuality, they are welcome to do so. However, what I find a bit disingenuous are those that will talk about rights within the context of the Constitution, which was written by men, not God as though the men who wrote it and backed it would have sided with practicing homosexuals today on the issue of marriage. I can tell you that the issue of marriage would have never been addressed as it is today, simply because the view of homosexuality was addressed first, thus making the point of same-sex “marriage” a ridiculous notion.   Continue reading “What The Founding Fathers Believed About Homosexuality”

Charleston Voice

This document can be used to seize all the gold, stocks, bonds and anything valuable out of safety deposit boxes to fund the government if congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling or for some other financial crisis in the name …

Charleston Voice: The Canadian GovernmentOffers “Bail-In 

Mar 30, 2013

The Canadian Government Offers “Bail-In” Regime, Prepares For The Confiscation Of Bank Deposits To Bail Out Banks. Posted by Charleston Voice. Submitted by Reggie Middleton on 03/30/2013. Continuing my series of …   Continue reading “New Laws That Allow The Government to Seize Savings Deposits During a Crisis”

surveillance graffitiThe Guardian

What do a Republican candidate, a military veteran, a civil rights activist and a professor have in common? They are all American Muslims – and all have been subject to pervasive surveillance by the NSA and FBI.

A report published by The Intercept on Wednesday reveals that the two agencies used secretive procedures designed to catch terrorists and spies to monitor the email accounts of prominent American Muslim leaders. Among the documents supplied by Edward Snowden, a spreadsheet titled “FISA recap” contains 7,485 email addresses apparently monitored between 2002 and 2008. (The report also clearly documents how biased training by the FBI leads to biased surveillance, and that calling Muslims “ragheads” is everyday lingo at federal law enforcement agencies.)   Continue reading “Don’t be shocked that the US spied on American Muslims. Get angry that it justifies spying on whomever it wants”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

A study released by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows the murder and violent crime rate has fallen significantly while concealed carry in this country surged 130 percent.

According to the CPRC, concealed carry permit holders in the U.S. rose from 4.6 million in 2007 to 11.1 million during the time period of 2007 to 2013.   Continue reading “Study: Murder, Violent Crime Fall as Concealed Carry Rises 130 Percent”

F35 DebateMint Press News – by Hayes Brown

Just days before its international debut at an airshow in the United Kingdom, the entire fleet of the Pentagon’s next generation fighter plane — known as the F-35 II Lightning, or the Joint Strike Fighter — has been grounded, highlighting just what a boondoggle the project has been. With the vast amounts spent so far on the aircraft, the United States could have worked wonders, including providing every homeless person in the U.S. a $600,000 home.   Continue reading “Americans Have Spent Enough Money On A Broken Plane To Buy Every Homeless Person A Mansion”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Second amendment activists are expressing concern that authorities in New York state have begun moving towards mass gun confiscation after a man had all his firearms seized by police over a 15-year-old misdemeanor charge.

In a post on the nyfirearms.com forum entitled, “NY State Police Just Came to My Home and Took Everything,” a Nassau County man describes how he received a visit from State Police who wanted to inspect the serial number of a semi-automatic rifle he had just purchased.   Continue reading “Gun Confiscation Begins in New York?”


PORTOLA VALLEY, Calif. (AP) – More than 80 tanks amassed by a Stanford University-trained engineer are set to go up for sale in the San Francisco Bay Area in what is being billed as one of the largest auctions of military vehicles ever.

The auction on Friday and Saturday in Portola Valley will also include gun parts and miscellaneous military equipment, including a nearly 42 ton surface-to-surface missile, according to Auctions America, the company handling the auction.   Continue reading “Military tanks to be auctioned in California”

An alleged member of the Mara Salvatrucha gang covers his face after being detained during a police raid in San Salvador, El Salvador, on Jan. 31,...Investor’s Business Daily

Immigration: Border Patrol sources say some of the thousands of “children” flowing across the Texas frontier are Mara Salvatrucha’s gangster enforcers. It figures: No one benefits more from Obama’s open-door policies.

At the Murrieta town hall meeting last week, hundreds of illegals in Mexican soccer jerseys protesting the town’s refusal to take busloads of illegal immigrants had an odd man among them, wearing a suit with a sign around his neck saying he was an illegal.   Continue reading “Child Border Surge Includes Mara Salvatrucha Gang Elements”

Washington’s Blog

Spying On – and Blackmailing – Politicians, Generals, Judges, Lawyers and Citizens

The newly-published revelations from Edward Snowden show that the NSA and FBI spied on anAmerican citizen running for political office:

The NSA also surveilled a U.S. citizen while he ran for political office:https://t.co/UzFya8ltmjpic.twitter.com/3jZdsYxQRG

Continue reading “High-Level NSA Official: the NSA Has Become “J. Edgar Hoover On Super Steroids””

The CDC and HHS Are Planning for Mass Casualties in the United StatesThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

I am presently vacationing at Ground Zero, the location of the greatest pandemic threat in American history and it is all related to unscreened immigrants.

I am reading and watching the local news and gathering information in a manner that most across the country are not seeing because of the national censorship in the MSM. This week alone, I have referenced related immigration stories from San Diego’s Channel 5, 10 and 15. When contrasted to the national media, the crickets are chirping.   Continue reading “The CDC and HHS Are Planning for Mass Casualties in the United States”

AdvancedArmamentWashington Post – by Eugene Volokh

So argued a U.S. Patent & Trademark Officer examiner, in refusing to register the mark. Fortunately — though more than four years after the application was filed, and nearly two  years after the initial hearing on appeal — the decision was reversed. (This happened late last fall, but I just ran across the case in a recent Westlaw query, and hadn’t seen any reference to it before.)

Federal trademark law provides that people can’t register trademarks that contain “immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter” or that “may disparage … persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute.” The examining attorney concluded that the mark was indeed “scandalous” and “disparag[ing].” To quote the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board,   Continue reading “Can’t register trademark with Statue of Liberty holding silenced gun because that would be ‘shocking, offensive and disparaging’?”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

The Los Angeles Police Department has obtained tons of data over the past several years and that amount of data increases exponentially every year. In addition to its criminal databases, it also collects thousands of license plate time-and-location data points every day and has deployed other forms of surveillance (like Stingray devices), gathering even more data surreptitiously.

Of course, the LAPD feels it can be trusted with all of this data. It claims to have controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to information related to non-criminal Los Angeles citizens. Working with Palantir, the LAPD has instant access to a vast amount of gathered data — a database so impressive it spent a bit of time bragging about it to a CNN reporter. (via Lowering the Bar)   Continue reading “LAPD Exposes Login To Data Harvesting Software During Interview With CNN”

obama-shoots-pool-while-border-crisis-ragesNow the End Begins

The southern border states of America are in tremendous chaos as hordes of hundreds of thousands of disease-carrying illegal aliens have been streaming in by the trainload. Any other president that I could think of – Republican or Democrat – would be attending all-night-strategy sessions to come up with a way to solve the problem, and that right quick.

But not this president, not Barack Obama. Instead of attending to this most pressing emergency, what does he do? He jets off to the pot capital of America, Denver, and shoots pool with the mayor, and pounds back some brew. Border crisis? What border crisis?   Continue reading “Amid Horrific Border Meltdown, Obama Jets to Denver to Drink Beer and Shoot Pool”

The American people have no official advocate...Examiner – by Dave Gibson

On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.

The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage, will provide for more border checkpoints along Mexico’s border with Guatemala, and offer more protection and even emergency medical care to those making their way north. The illegal aliens will receive a so-called Regional Visitor’s Card, according to El Universal.   Continue reading “Mexico made deal to send more illegal aliens to the U.S.”