Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 12.01.36 PMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

American citizens already have a hard enough time affording a home. Squeezed out by financial oligarchs buying tens of thousands of properties for rental income, and faced with real wages that haven’t budged since the mid-1970s, the demographic of U.S. citizens that historically dominated the new home market has been forced to live in their parents’ basements. Just to kick em’ when they’re down, Americans now face the impossible task of competing with laundered Chinese money.   Continue reading “Chinese Purchases of U.S. Real Estate Jump 72% as The Bank of China Facilitates Money Laundering”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith, March 19, 2013

Years ago while writing for Neithercorp Press I penned an article entitled “One Day Soon, We’ll All Be Homegrown Terrorists”.  In that piece I described a not so far off future in which martial law, economic collapse, and the destruction of civil liberties stood imminent.  I related my views on the propaganda rhetoric of the SPLC, and how they were using false association to tie liberty groups to any deviant organization they could think of, including racists and domestic terrorists, in order to condition the American public to react to our message with immediate contempt.     Continue reading “The Real Reasons Why The Liberty Movement Is Preparing To Fight”

Noisy Room – by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

The EPA is totally out of control and has become a fascist threat to all Americans. Under the radar, the EPA has whispered evil somethings into being by floating a new rule that extends their power even more and gives them the wherewithal to garnish bank accounts of those they deem to have violated their regulations. They are claiming the authority to bypass the courts and unilaterally garnish paychecks.  Continue reading “A Raging, Out Of Control EPA – Sanctioned Theft From Americans”

free-photo-spider-336-mDaily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

For many, spiders are the stuff of nightmares: creepy, crawly, sinister creatures that sneak into homes and lurk about in the night. The fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, and it is one of the top ten phobias experienced around the world.

In reality, most spiders do not pose a threat to humans. While the majority of the 20,000 species found in the United States ARE venomous, most spiders only bite in self-defense and cannot penetrate human skin. Even then, most spiders aren’t capable of injecting enough venom to warrant medical intervention and of those that can, fatal cases are rare.   Continue reading “Identifying and Treating Spider Bites”

New York Daily News – by Greg B. Smith

Big Brother – With a Badge

In the early morning hours of last Sept. 25, a stocky young man bolted the Bora Bora Lounge in Highbridge, the Bronx, with a gun in his hand and squeezed off seven shots.

His target fell dead on the street as the shooter fled into the darkness, leaving little behind for police save a nearly useless description: “Unknown male Hispanic in 20s.”

Continue reading “Behind the Smoking Guns: Inside NYPD’s 21st Century Arsenal”

TVliesWaking Times – by Sigmund Fraud

The mainstream media is aging and collapsing under the weight of its own hubris and arrogance. Now entirely formulaic in presentation and predictable in substance, the ‘major’ outlets of news, which are monopolized under only a small handful of corporations, serve the purpose of misleading the public on important issues and manufacturing consent for government and the oligarchs.

The public is still largely numb to this reality, and in a wicked catch-22 for modern man, many people are still addicted to the very media that serves as the primary weapon of social control against them. The tide is turning, however, and to help break the spell we bring you this comprehensive list of 14 tactics used against the public by the mainstream media to coerce consensus, divide, conquer, ridicule and stifle truthful or meaningful conversation about the state of our world.    Continue reading “14 Tactics Used by the Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent for the Oligarchy”

bill-gates-common-coreTruthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes

Americans on all sides have rejected Common Core and expressed resentment for the role of the Gates Foundation in forcing it upon the already declining education system.

Opposition to Common Core has gained such momentum on all sides of the debate, and for various reasons, that major outlets are now telling Bill Gates to butt out of education, and instead go home with his billions.    Continue reading “Teacher outrage stalls Bill Gates’ Common Core push”

DNA pleaseEAG News – by Vivian Hughbanks

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – A bill to reauthorize federal funding for newborn DNA collection passed the U.S. House of Representatives by voice vote—meaning without a vote record—on June 26.

Currently, the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 mandates collecting blood samples from every newborn by heel prick. Labs then screen the samples for diseases. While many states allow for discarding the samples at that point, this bill would collect each newborn’s DNA in federal databases for subsequent medical research and, in one state, tracking its owners’ education progress.    Continue reading “Rhode Island may use DNA to track students; Federal bill passes House”

Lew Rockwell – by William L. Anderson

Economist William Easterly has made famous the term “Tyranny of Experts” in his recent book in which he looks as how western “experts” have destroyed economies abroad and have destroyed economic opportunities for poor people throughout the Third World. Indeed, the “experts” have created havoc abroad (in the name of saving the poor, of course), but the relationship between so-called experts and tyrannical government hardly stops at our borders.

It is safer to say that in the case of experts, tyranny begins at home. Be they bureaucrats at the Environmental Protection Agency or military planners, we know that rule by bureaucrats carrying out the vision of a politician are not going to like it when people’s actions are limited by the Law of Scarcity and various laws of science. Thus, the “expert” bureaucrat resorts to tyranny.   Continue reading “Regulation and the Misrule of Experts”

Washington’s Blog

Governments from around the world admit they carry out false flag terror:

  • A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson

Continue reading “Governments from Around the World – Including Western, Islamic, Asian and African Nations – ADMIT They Carry Out False Flag Terror”

IRS Investigation_Koskinen_AP_660internal.jpgFox News

The U.S. government is making roughly $100 billion in improper payments every year thanks to a combination of fraud, clerical errors and insufficient IRS enforcement, according to testimony at a congressional hearing on Wednesday.

“The amounts here are absolutely staggering,” Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., said.

The problem of erroneous payments – largely from Medicare and other health care programs – is not a new one. But Mica said at the hearing of a House oversight subcommittee that federal agencies reported over $100 billion in improper payments during each of the last five years.   Continue reading “‘Staggering’: Government making $100B in improper payments every year”

Trucks drive past piles of shipping containers at the Qingdao port in Qingdao, Shandong province June 8, 2014. REUTERS/China Stringer NetworkReuters – by Aileen Wang and Koh Gui Qing

BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s trade performance improved in June but still missed market forecasts, reinforcing expectations that Beijing will have to unveil more stimulus measures to stabilize the economy and meet its 2014 growth target.

Exports rose 7.2 percent in June from a year earlier, the best pace in five months, but well below a median forecast in a Reuters poll for a rise of 10.6 percent.   Continue reading “China June trade data misses forecasts, doubts over economy linger”

Police Lights (KSN News)KSN

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — A well-known American Indian artist said police in New Mexico pulled a rifle on him after his dog pooped in his SUV and a woman mistook his cleanup efforts for a burglary.

Pueblo painter Mateo Romero told The Associated Press that a Santa Fe officer pointed a weapon at him during the bizarre misunderstanding Monday that landed him in handcuffs and in the back of a patrol car.    Continue reading “Police pull rifle on man cleaning up dog poop”

Isn’t it strange that they refuse to fight Israel and want to fight Muslims instead? Almost makes you wonder if Israel is controlling them or if they were Mossad in disguise. Also makes you wonder if Al-Qaeda is CIA and ISIS is the Mossad.

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The Islamic State (IS)–formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)–says it is not interested in fighting Israel at this time. Rather, its focus remains fixed on dealing with “Muslims who have become infidels.”    Continue reading “ISIS Targeting Muslim ‘Infidels,’ Not Interested in Fighting Israel Now”

Business Insider – by Julie Bort

Microsoft is warning customers that the end is soon coming for Windows 7 in much the same way it came for Windows XP earlier this year. Microsoft will end free mainstream support for Windows 7 on January 13, 2015.

That means no more security patches if hackers find holes, no more updated features or performance improvements.

This covers all versions of Windows 7, Mary Jo Foley points out.    Continue reading “In Six Months, Microsoft Will Pull The Plug On Windows 7 Support”

Benton Mackenzie, left, talks with his parents, Dorothy and Charles Mackenzie, all of whom are facing drug charges. (Source: Louis Brems, Quad-City Times)Police State USA

LONG GROVE, IA — A man with terminal cancer of the blood vessels is being put on trial for growing marijuana plants that he used to ease his suffering. If he survives long enough to be convicted, he could face 3 years in prison, which he believes will be a certain death sentence.

Deadly Cancer

Benton Mackenzie, 48, languishes in pain in his parents basement, diagnosed with a rare disease called angiosarcoma, which leaves him covered in tumors that appear as painful skin lesions.    Continue reading “Terminally-ill man charged with felonies for treating himself with marijuana”