Common Dreams – by Andrea Germanos

An out-of-control natural gas fracking well in Monroe County, Ohio forced more than two dozen families from their homes and may pose the threat of an explosion.

The blowout at the Triad Hunter-operated well on the Utica Shale happened at approximately 2:00 p.m. EST on December 13, 2014, according to a statement released Sunday by the operator’s parent company, Magnum Hunter Resources Corporation.   Continue reading “Out of Control Fracking Well Forces Evacuations”

Although I still have not seen the movie itself, I thought the clip was interesting enough to post. This clip from the movie, “Interstellar” tries to insult the conspiracy theorists that the moon landing was not staged and that we should be ashamed of ourselves for thinking otherwise.

Published on Oct 31, 2014 by Movie Trailers

Interstellar Official Movie Clip #1 ‘Useless Machines’ (2014) starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain and directed by Christopher Nolan.

A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage.

Release: 7 November 2014
Director: Christopher Nolan
Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Casey Affleck, Michael Cane, Mackenzie Foy, John Lithgow
Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi
Country: USA
Production Co: Legendary Pictures, Lynda Obst Productions, Paramount Pictures, Syncopy, Warner Bros.
Distributor: Paramount Pictures (USA), Warner Bros. (UK)
Official Website:

Dan Morgan 76

I’ve been asked by several readers which compass I use and why I chose it. My primary compass is the Suunto MC-2, my alternate compass is a Suunto A-10 and the compass in my survival kit is a little Brunton Globe. While in the Army we were trained to use the standard military lensatic compass but, during the deployments during GWOT, some SF teams were issued a version of the Suunto MC-2 with special tritium illuminated parts that most of us found to be superior to the lensatic.   Continue reading “Choosing a compass”

Steve Carell’s North Korea Movie 'Pyongyang' Canceled in Wake of Sony HackYahoo News – by Jeff Sneider, The Wrap

The shockwaves from the Sony hack have finally reached Hollywood’s development community, as New Regency has pulled the plug on its Steve Carell movie Pyongyang, which Gore Verbinski had been prepping for a March start date, an individual familiar with the project has told TheWrap.

Based on the graphic novel by Guy Delisle, Pyongyang is a paranoid thriller about a Westerner’s experiences working in North Korea for a year.   Continue reading “Steve Carell’s North Korea Movie ‘Pyongyang’ Canceled in Wake of Sony Hack”

RugerSyntheticScoutFeaturedFree North Carolina

There I was, lying on the ground, snugged up into the sling and looking through the 2.5 power scope as the target came into view at exactly 200 yards. As I pressed gently on the trigger the rifle bucked and I heard the bullet impact the target as I ran the bolt to chamber another round, fired again, then yet again. In less than 10 seconds three bullets had smacked into the steel target, printing a 2½ inch group. Okay, I guess this little rifle shoots.   Continue reading “The New Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle Composite Models”

Counter Punch – by Robert Fantina

It seems that Israeli Prime Murderer Benjamin Netanyahu is all in a dither because much of Europe seems on the verge of recognizing Palestine. At a meeting in early December with French President Francois Hollande, Mr. Netanyahu asked him to put a stop to a proposal being initiated by France’s Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, which calls for a two-year timetable for the establishment of a Palestinian state within the agreed-upon 1967 borders.

Mr. Netanyahu said this: “Such a move is contrary to a peace agreement, it will thwart all future negotiations and bring about an escalation.”   Continue reading “Is Time Running Out for Israel? Netanyahu in a Panic”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

As I write this, the news is saturated with stories of a hostage situation possibly involving Islamic militants in Sydney, Australia. Like many, I am concerned about the shockwave such an event will create through our sociopolitical structures. However, while most of the world will be distracted by the outcome of this crisis (for good or bad) for at least the week, I find I must concern myself with a far more important and dangerous situation.   Continue reading “IMF Now Ready To Slam The Door On The U.S. And The Dollar”

The Anti-Media – by SM Gibson

On December 31, 2003, Khaled El-Masri was seized by Macedonian border officials after being mistaken as a member of al-Qaeda. El-Masri was held in Macedonian custody for 23 days before being “rendered” (an extrajudicial transfer of a prisoner) into the hands of the CIA.

After receivership of Khaled, the CIA put him through a process that the Agency refers to as “capture shock”. El-Masri, a German citizen, was subjected to being stripped, hooded, shackled, severely beaten and sodomized with a suppository. The man was then drugged and taken to a secret detainee facility located in Afghanistan called the “Salt Pit”.   Continue reading “Oops, CIA Abducts & Tortures Wrong Guy”

Stars and Stripes – by DAVID DISHNEAU

The U.S. military is testing a new cruise-missile defense system by launching a blimp-like airship near Baltimore.

Wednesday’s event at Aberdeen Proving Ground gives the region its first look at JLENS, short for Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System.   Continue reading “Military airships getting a Baltimore-area test”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

On Tuesday, the Senate confirmed Sarah Saldana, who has said she would implement President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty and believes that illegal immigrants who qualify for it have a “right” to citizenship, to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency tasked with enforcing the country’s immigration laws.

She was confirmed by a 55-39 vote.   Continue reading “Senate Confirms New ICE Chief Who Believes Some Illegals Have a ‘Right’ to Citizenship”

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

MCALLEN, Texas — Almost 200 Americans have been kidnapped in Mexico this past year; 79 of those kidnappings took place just south of the Texas border in the Mexican State of Tamaulipas, according to an FBI interview with Breitbart Texas.

While the Mexican government continues to praise their security campaign in Tamaulipas, shootouts, kidnappings, extortions and highway robberies continue to plague the border state.   Continue reading “FBI: 199 Americans Kidnapped in Mexico in 2014”

The Hill – by Elise Viebeck

People without insurance are running out of time to avoid the hefty ObamaCare penalties that the IRS will be handing down in 2016.

Consumers face a Feb. 15, 2015, deadline to buy insurance, after which those without coverage could be hit with fines of $325 per adult or 2 percent of family income, whichever is higher.   Continue reading “ObamaCare fines loom for uninsured”

Breitbart – by DJ Beir

AUSTIN, Texas — The United States has seized more than a million dollars from a Swiss bank branch in Texas, alleged to belong to a Mexican official involved in a bribery scheme. The U.S. Attorney’s Office says that the funds were the result of bribes paid by government contractors to Homero De La Garza Tamez, currently the Secretary of Social Development for the Mexican State of Tamaulipas.

In a statement Friday, U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson said that during Tamez’s time as the director of the state Institute for Housing and Urban Development, he systematically rigged bidding for government contracts.   Continue reading “US Seizes $1.1 Million in Texas from Mexican Official in Corruption Probe”